Rise of the Empire Total War

Chapter 362: Siege of Tarosos

"Go forward! Warriors blessed by God! Use your swords and sacred flames to purify the evil and filth in the city of Tarothos!"

"Offensive! Offensive! Offensive!"

The war finally broke out, and the Tarosus people chose to resist after all. Under the organization of the parliament, all male citizens, free citizens and even slaves of the city were mobilized. They might bring their own equipment. Or receiving weapons issued by the government, one after another was deployed on the walls and streets.

Not only that, in order to show their determination, the lawmakers also put on armors that they had never touched before, picked up long dusty weapons and shields, and stood on the front line with their physical strength to inspire nearby soldiers.


The eighteen siege artillery along with the army roared deafeningly at the solid city wall under the operation of the artillery. Following the roar of the sky, one after another black shadows traveled through time and space, instantly appearing in mid-air hundreds of meters away. After hitting the city wall of Tarosos city heavily, under the bombardment of shells, the surface of the city wall was smashed into deep craters and shook violently, as if faintly groaning in pain.

"Go forward! As long as you fight the enemy bravely, the soul after death can ascend to heaven and enjoy the supreme glory!"


At the same time as the artillery roared, the tall siege towers were slowly pushed forward, against the arrows fired by the defenders, gradually approaching the city wall one meter by one meter. At the same time, the small ballistas on the siege tower began to move towards the city wall. The defenders on the city wall counterattacked, one after another giant crossbow bolts thick with adult arms were shot out with great force, and accurately shot into the crowd, piercing through the enemy who just stood in a straight line, just like The **** candied haws are mediocre.

The terrifying crossbow arrows fell from the sky, making the freedmen and slaves who acted as archers on the wall shocked, but they did not dare to retreat, because the heavily armed and heavily armed infantry were staring at the back. They, these heavy infantry are just like supervising teams, as long as someone dared to retreat without authorization, they would be penetrated by several spears.

"Shoot! Shoot!"

Seeing the comrades around him being shot one by one, the archers had to turn their fear into strength, roar desperately, and send arrows into the air, attacking the siege towers that were taller than the city wall, but they attacked the city. The surface of the tower is covered by a layer of iron sheet. Arrows hitting it will only be bounced mercilessly, and cannot cause damage to the soldiers inside. Not only that, because the iron sheet can isolate the fire, even if the defending army launches a burning rocket, it cannot be The siege tower is lit.

Just as the defenders concentrated their fire on the siege tower, behind the siege tower, the group of archers holding military bows entered the shooting range, stood on the spot, took their bows to draw the arrows, and made shooting postures. , But they didn't shoot right away. Instead, they waited for the soldiers with torches to light a small gadget on the top of the arrow, and then made a aiming posture to shoot at the city wall.

Don’t underestimate these archers who belong to the civilian archer battalion. Since they were equipped with the gunpowder arrows developed by the Firearms Research Institute, their attack power has risen sharply. They shot arrows during the Catonita battle not long ago. As a result, a large number of coalition soldiers lost their combat effectiveness, and were eventually killed or reduced to humble prisoners.

And here, the gunpowder arrow that made the coalition soldiers turn to the battlefield again when the gunpowder arrow was fired, the peculiar whistling sound of the gunpowder arrow reverberated over the battlefield, all the soldiers of the defending army changed their faces, although they did not participate in the battle. It was a tragic battle, but they knew the terrible part of this weapon from the mouths of the soldiers who had fled back, and they were naturally afraid of this weapon in their hearts.

And now, as soon as the voice described by the survivors appeared, the defending soldiers hurriedly looked for cover on the spot. After most of them hid in the wall, gunpowder arrows arrived as scheduled and fell from the sky to remove those soldiers who had no time to hide. The soldiers who had not waited for the shooting to hide were fortunate. The arrows exploded suddenly, killing and wounding the surrounding soldiers who had escaped. Those soldiers who were lucky enough not to be shot were directly exploded to flesh and blood. Blurred, the scene was terrible.

All this made the soldiers' military spirits shake. They looked at the tragic death of their comrades, their faces were ashamed, and their hearts were sad. No one wanted to be the next corpse. The same was true for the heavy infantry who served as the supervising team. They looked at the ground. The horrible condition of the corpse, he looked at the armor on his body again, and compared it in his heart, but it was a desperate discovery. If the arrow was shot on his body, even the armor would not be able to protect him.

At this moment, the tall siege towers finally approached the city wall, and the crossbow machine operator standing at the top of the siege tower gave up continuing to operate this weapon, and instead opened a tightly sealed wooden box. I picked up the clay pots that were separated by straws. After lighting the match ropes on them, they had to throw them down. The people in the mine have lost their combat effectiveness!


There was a slight sound of the fire rope being ignited, and the clay pot was thrown straight down. A few seconds later, just as the clay pot was about to fall to the ground, the fire rope burned to the end and heard a huge explosion. The pot burst into pieces instantly. , The aftermath of the gunpowder explosion sent the sharp objects and clay pot fragments around, like a goddess scattered flowers, ruthlessly killing and wounding the defending soldiers below.

Listening to the continuous explosions outside, the soldiers in the siege tower couldn't help being nervous. They seemed to be able to think of the tragedy on the city wall from these sounds. In addition to replenishing their brains, they were also preparing for their own war. They either took out the cross hung around their necks and prayed devoutly, praying for the protection of God, or wiped away the cold sweat from their palms. Fortunately, There will be no fatal mistakes in the next battle.

"God bless me, please let me survive the next battle and kill the heretics. If I can return to my hometown alive, I will definitely donate to the church, Amen."

After a soldier prayed, he put the cross in his palm back into the armor, then took a deep breath, clenched his spear, and fixed his eyes on the suspension bridge in front of him. He was ready. As long as the suspension bridge fell, he would Rush out immediately.

"The suspension bridge is about to fall, for God, for the Virgin Mary, bravely kill the enemy!"

The company commander’s voice sounded just at this moment. As soon as his voice fell, the suspension bridge in front of him crashed down. After the suspension bridge hit the wall, the heavy armored sergeant in the front row rushed up with a roar, but they rushed up. After a few steps, someone was shot over by an oncoming javelin and fell on the way to the charge. The other soldiers didn't care about the fallen person, still roaring and rushing up the city wall.

A **** battle began...

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