Rise of the Empire Total War

Chapter 364: assault


The city is no longer prosperous. There are groups of black crows hovering in the sky, as well as those vultures that eat food. They flap their wings and scream.

The streets were full of corpses, and a large number of innocent civilians' corpses fell to the ground. The blood flowing from the wounds on the corpses gathered together and eventually flowed into the sewage canals on both sides of the street, becoming a trickle of blood. Look, those fragmented limbs, those broken limbs that have been separated from the main body, and the viscous internal organs that emit a smell of fish are all distributed among the corpses, like a scene of hell.

This is a massacre, a bloody, cruel massacre—no, to be precise, this is a massacre that exterminates humanity.

Pouch. A slight voice sounded, and a piece of minced meat was pecked and swallowed into the crow's belly. Its dark eyes narrowed with satisfaction, as if it had eaten the world's delicacy. However, before it was able to savor it, it was sensitive to the surrounding movement. It opened its mouth, croaked, and flew up. After stopping in the air, it looked down dissatisfiedly, but I saw a few blood-stained humans running on this street in a panic.

The crow didn’t know why they ran like this, and it didn’t want to know. It just wanted these pesky humans to run away and then continue to eat, but before the few humans could run away, they chased behind them. A group of strangely dressed soldiers holding long pipes. While running, this group of soldiers screamed at the people in front to stop running, but it didn't help. Seeing this, the leading officer raised his hand to signal his subordinates to stop chasing. Stopped on the spot, raised the long pipe in his hand and aimed it at the civilians further and further away, pulled the trigger, and only heard a series of bangs, the crow flew into the distance screaming and was in front of the soldier. On the streets of, the running civilians were shot and fell in a pool of blood.

The crow fluttered its wings desperately and flew away. The loud noise just now scared the timid. Under the sky where it flies, killings can be seen everywhere in the city. From the dark eyes of the crow, You can see a group of panicked civilians being chased and fleeing into an alley. After running to the end, they are desperate to find that there is no way to escape ahead. They can only slowly turn around and look at the Winster soldiers who are getting closer and closer. They wanted to ask for mercy, but couldn't say it, because they remembered all the miserable situations that came along the way to the destination. They knew very well in their hearts that begging for mercy would be useless.

"Raise a gun!"

Looking at the desperate civilians, the commander of the Musketeer Company led by his face was expressionless. Following his order, the soldiers next to him raised their muskets and aimed them at the shrouded Tarosus. Common people, in their eyes, these pagans who believe in false gods are as humble as livestock.


Bang bang bang ——


"Run, run! Run past the intersection ahead and we will be safe!"

In one part of the city, a group of ripped soldiers armed with weapons and armor passed over a corpse and ran forward desperately. Behind them was a group of auxiliary troops of the Catonita city-state, perhaps thinking of the friendship of the old alliance. , They deliberately slowed down the pace of the pursuit, but even so, the Tarosus defeated soldiers pursued by them still could not escape. Just when they were about to run to the intersection of this block, they desperately saw a team of strange holdings. Soldiers with long pipes lined up at the intersection with indifferent expressions, and raised the long pipes in their hands to aim at the running soldiers.

Although the defeated soldiers didn't know what this kind of long pipe was, they knew the terribleness of this kind of weapon very well in their hearts. Many of their comrades died under this kind of weapon - and now, it was their turn immediately.

"Damn! Brothers, rush over, as long as we break through their defenses, we can escape!"

As soon as the words of motivation fell, the shouting veteran saw fires bursting out of the long pipes, followed by continuous popping beans, and then he felt a pain in his chest, and his whole body was full of strength. With the blood blooming on his chest flowing out of his body, he knelt down weakly, wanting to look back at his comrades, but he could never do it.


The massacre continued until ten days later before it gradually subsided. During the ten days full of blood, no one knew how many people were mercilessly killed, and no one knew how much wealth was plundered. During these ten days, most of the city’s buildings were razed to the ground and left in ruins. The houses and temples of the councillors near the center of the city were also looted, and the sacred sun **** in the eyes of the people of Tarothos was rude. The ground was toppled and turned into powder.

"The residents here have been slaughtered, and the former prosperous city-state turned into white ground... Crow vultures circled ~www.readwn.com~ Jackals and beasts were rampant, Tarosos has become the capital of the dead.-Pedro Lou Ge, the historian of Luxorvi’s city-state, the record of the city of Tarosos."

"Although they are known as the teachers of civilization, they did what barbarians did, brutally slaughter thousands of civilians, and razed the centuries-old city of Tarosos to the ground...-Basile Boli, A historian of the city-state of Catonita, a record of the atrocities of the Winster Expeditionary Army in the city of Tarosos."

"The army returned after victory, purifying the filth in the city of Tarosos with blood and fire, and sprinkling the glory of God on this land...The residents of the city refused to convert to the embrace of God, and Earl Charles had to order the city to be slaughtered...——Samuel Le Bertoni, the clerk of the Nord Theological Seminary, the record of the expeditionary force that captured the city of Tarothos."


They were surprised, they were angry, they were scared, they began to worry that what happened to their allies would happen again on their own, so they packed their bags and tried to escape the city before the Winster army hit here, but how did the city council fail? Knowing their thoughts, after only a few people managed to escape, the city gates were completely blocked, and all the soldiers that could be mobilized in the city were enlisted in the army. Although they have not yet decided whether to resist to the end, the whole city has entered the most tense moment.

Members of the parliament were still discussing whether to continue fighting or surrender to the brutal Winster army, but they did not know that they became a vassal city-state of Cyps (after the kingdom was destroyed, the coalition forces changed its government to a republic, Therefore, it became the Cipus city-state.) Sending envoys to surrender to the Winsters first, the people in power know very well that since the Winsters are fighting for revenge for Prince Phyllis, the Cips city-state must not May be alone.

So, after sending an envoy to surrender, Speaker Cyps committed suicide by taking poison at home.

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