Rise of the Empire Total War

Chapter 458: Battle of Pintus (2)

"Assemble! Assemble!"


In the stern whistle, one line after another line infantry ran out either from the trenches or from the barracks, and gathered in companies in the open space behind the position. After more than ten minutes, the soldiers of the three regiments After the assembly, each of them carried the musket in front of his left shoulder and endured the licking of the scorching sun. Watermark advertising testWatermark advertising test

Looking at these well-trained soldiers, the second brigade commander Gilad Priss nodded. He coughed a few times and turned to the soldiers who were watching him in front of him. He said, "Brothers, today is July 26th, please remember this day, because this will be a date that will be recorded in the annals of history.

Today, we are about to leave our strong positions and attack the Trikasi and Petrocks who have been facing us for nearly two months. Our friendly forces and other brothers of the Second Army will also join this military. Action, they will launch an offensive from another direction and cooperate with us to attack the intruder.

This will be a crucial military action. If we win, we can turn the tide of the battle and sweep away the haze of Lumi’s fiasco; if we lose, the city of Tus behind us will fall under the iron hoof of the enemy, our corpses. It will become the path that paved the enemy to victory and become their stepping stone!

I know which one you will choose. In fact, a true warrior always seeks victory. "

"We must win!" Gillard clenched his fists and said firmly: "For the eagle emblem on your military cap, for the glory and dignity of the kingdom, we must win!"

"Victory! Victory! Victory!"

The soldiers shouted together.


On the other side, the commander of the Second Army, Matthias Horn, also led his troops to attack the camp of the Trikasi coalition forces after the oath. They set up dozens of artillery pieces before the enemy discovered them, and used flaring shells against them. The enemy camp was bombarded indiscriminately. Amidst the thunderous roar, shells fell into the camp and exploded. The scattered shrapnel shrouded the surrounding coalition soldiers like a goddess scattered flowers. , The sharp shrapnel easily slashed the soldier's armor, even the shield could not resist the scattered shrapnel.

The sudden shelling caused the coalition positions to fall into panic and confusion. Countless soldiers screamed and rushed out of the barracks, rampaging like headless flies. Only some soldiers and officers were able to barely keep calm, grabbing their weapons and running to the wooden fence surrounding the camp. Behind, and at this moment, they saw one after another Winster soldiers forming a rectangular square trotting toward the camp, and from time to time black shadows flew over their heads. After the black shadows fell into the camp, there was another explosion. .

The advancing Winster infantry made the coalition soldiers in the camp even more panic. They wanted to retreat from the opposite direction, but they were horrified to find that even in the opposite direction, there were enemies with long-armed weapons. They looked around and looked everywhere. It is the Winster infantry holding high the banner of the yellow double-headed eagle on the black background!

As the distance from the camp became smaller and smaller, the advancing Winster soldiers also began to raise their muskets and fire at the enemy behind the wooden fence. In a flash, the gunshots continued to sky, and the dense barrage of lead bullets. Fly to the wooden fence, punching the surface of the wooden fence full of holes, as dense as a honeycomb, a large number of bullets also penetrated the thin fence, flew to the rear, and hit the running coalition soldiers and shot them to the ground. A painful wailing, because the distance is still far, and the bullet has penetrated a layer of wood, so the power of the bullet is much smaller. Even if it hits a human body, it cannot cause fatal injuries, but the pain can still make the enemy scream again and again And the bullets made of lead are highly toxic. Once absorbed by the human body, even if it is lucky to survive, it may not survive for many days.

The long coalition camps were all attacked by the Winsters. This was unexpected by the generals of the two countries. While they hurriedly put on armor, they ordered soldiers to fight back, but the army still in the Middle Ages was not as good as them. I wished to retaliate quickly, until Winster’s army was less than 30 meters away from the camp, some of the soldiers escaped from the chaos and used bows and javelins to counterattack the incoming enemy. Winster's army caused effective damage. On the contrary, continuous firearm shots could penetrate the cover of a wooden fence and hit soldiers shooting behind.

If Winster’s army has only this method, it’s really underestimating them. When they were only ten meters away from the wooden fence, the tall grenadiers lit their early grenades. , And then threw it towards the fence. A few seconds later, a deafening explosion sounded. Accompanied by the sky of black smoke and exploded mud, the wooden fence crashed down. Then, the grenadier once again carried forward the fine tradition of taking the lead in the charge, roaring He straightened his bayonet and slammed into the chaotic coalition camp.

At the same time, the Lumi coalition forces stationed in Nansen Village also heard the dim sound of artillery from a distance. Because the friendly forces did not inform them of the offensive mission in advance, several commanders immediately felt bad and ignored the overhead. The hot sun led the soldiers and horses to leave the station, rushing in the direction where the gunfire came. In order to be able to reach the battlefield faster~www.readwn.com~ The leader of Kurban personally led his barbarian cavalry to the forefront, and soon distanced himself from the infantry. As they progressed, the sound of the artillery was even greater. Clearly, the anxiety in the head of Kurban became stronger.

"Speed ​​up! Our friendly forces are under attack!"

He yelled loudly, while the whip was beating the hip horse, making the horse neighing and speeding up its running speed. However, as they rushed through a forest, they only heard a sharp gunshot, and then, sticking out from behind the forest. The densely packed barrels, before the barbarian cavalry reacted, fired volleys, countless bullets roared into the running cavalry, and all the barbarian knights caught off guard were shot off the horse. A large number of horses were shot several times, and after a screaming neigh The leader of Kurban, who rushed to the front, was undoubtedly the target of the musket. In a blink of an eye, the leader of the barbarian who had travelled all the way to the battlefield of Valdasia was beaten into a sieve, and he could not even scream. He died in anger.

After a violent salvo, the barbarian cavalry fell into chaos. Before giving them a chance to escape the chaos, countless black iron **** were recognized from the woods. The black iron **** rained into the cavalry group and hit the barbarians. The knights gave them a head-on blow. Before they could react, a few seconds later, there was a series of violent explosions in the crowd. The wanton slaughter of Winster infantry will actually be slaughtered by the Winsters today!

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