Rise Of The Fallen

Chapter 11 - 10

After few minutes, when everyone calm down, they were again sitting in their places at the table. Azazel used Magic Circle to repair the room to its former state. Tamiel who was wiping his nose from blood using handkerchief, looked at Razjeel with little hesitation in eyes.

Tamiel: You really are 'that' Razjeel?... You wouldn't mind showing us your wings?

He spoke with more polite tone. Razjeel didn't saw any reason to refuse, he shrugged and unfurled his wings. Tamiels and Baraqiels eyes widened in shock. Beautiful, single pair of big, jet-black wings came into theirs views. Tamiel didn't realize that he started saying his thoughts aloud from shock.

Tamiel: It's just like it's written... "Green fire that would devour everything it touches, unstoppable force of destruction that even Divinity can't stand and unique black wings, that although power he held, would never multiply because no number of wings could reflect his might as he was created perfect by 'perfection' itself... "

'Tsk, perfect my-ass' thought Razjeel who heard that.

Tamiel then stood up and bowed towards him, his head almost touched the table.

Tamiel: I'm ashamed of what I've done. Please, punish me however you want, I won't complain in the slightest.

Razjeel was taken aback. 'What the hell is with theirs attitudes?? It's beyond simple respect'. He waved his hand and gestured Tamiel to sit. Razjeel turned to look at Azazel.

Razjeel: What's wrong with them? Why they're like that?

Azazel laughed hearing his question, whole thing was really funny for him.

Azazel: Hahaha! You see, after you fell, some Angles started thinking about it. 'Why he opposed Lord? Shouldn't he be the one with most trust in him? What was the purpose?' something like that. Some of us started doubting God and his decisions, that he didn't explain anything to us made it worse, we started losing faith in him. Few thousand years later you was almost erased from all chronicles and records.

Razjeel: Well, I'm not surprised. I guess I hurt his pride, heh.

Azazel smirked in response.

Azazel: Hurt? You almost killed it. He personally erased you from records, forbidden to talk about you and even disbanded 'Swords' you founded.

Razjeel: Huh? Even Swords? I didn't thought he would do that... In the end, they were the strongest force Heaven could put in the battle. And what happened with rest seven members of Swords?

Azazel: Wow wow, slow down. Everything in the order. First, you may not know it, but your person have great prestige among Fallens. After many years those who remembered you or saw on their own eyes died. You are the last one from 1st generation of Angels, there is no one from 2nd and from 3rd, from 4th there is me, Michael, Gabriel, Uriel and Jaldabaot. Tamiel, Shehamzai, Baraqiel and Penemue are from the 5th.

Azazel: So, you basically became a Legend, a Myth. There were only oral stories left about how single Angel fought against Heaven and his own creator because of a woman he loved. By the way, your story became quite famous among entire supernatural world and even till now its example of true tragic love, making all ladies in supernatural world dreaming to have someone that will love them with such a passion to solely fight against a whole faction. You are like Romeo of supernatural world, hahaha!

Razjeel: Who?

Azazel: The character from Shakespeare's - *sigh* never mind. So, summarizing, you are like hero- no, you are like God to us. Heaven had God, Devils had Satans and we, Fallens, have you. Your name didn't lost its value to those who knew about you, and trust me, every Fallen at least heard about you. I wouldn't be surprised if no one opposes if I would hand you a Governor seat. Well, maybe few would.

Razjeel: I'm surprised. I thought I would be despised as traitor or something.

Azazel: Oh, you are. In Heaven at least.

Razjeel: Somehow, it doesn't bother me, haha.

In that moment Tamiel hesitantly raised his hand like a student wanting to ask a question to his teacher.

Tamiel: Um, if I may ask, what are those 'Swords' you are talking about. If I may know, that is. I'm one of the youngest of 5th generation so I don't know much of those stuffs.

Baraqiel was the one who answered him.

Baraqiel: If I may- Razjeel nodded a little confused that he asked about his permission- The Swords, they were the strongest among strongest of Angels. They were eight of them, the most powerful Angels that lived in that time. Lord Razjeel personally founded that team as an ultimate weapon of Heaven. They completed every tasks deemed as impossible, such as Purge of Lands of Shadows or Expeditions and Guard of Lost Realms, and that's only few examples because there is too many of them, some are so incredible that even I doubt it's true, with all respect. The first members were personally picked by Lord Razjeel and all of them had incomparable skills in wielding a swords and extraordinary battle-power. Primarily there were eight members of Swords, including the founder, but when Dark Spirits from Lands of Shadows tried to force theirs way to our realm, only the Swords standed against them.

Tamiel: What? Why only eight people fought against the army?! That's ridiculous! What were others Angels doing in that time?!

The youngest Fallen in the meeting room couldn't understand that. Why would anyone send only 8 people against a whole army? In addition those 8 were the most precious ȧssets that Heaven had, then why risks to lose them and not to send army of Angels to obtain better results?

Baraqiel shrugged his shoulders and shook his head.

Baraqiel: Circumstances weren't and aren't known till today, but the one thing is clear, Swords serve only to God and couldn't take any action without his consent, so it isn't hard to guess who was responsible for that. It's truly strange because it's look like God sent them on their own death. Back to the topic, only two of members Survived and that would be Lord Razjeel here and 2nd 'Sword', Kamael. Later both of them left the unit but God nominated next generation of Swords but there were only seven of them instead of eight, as Lord Razjeel kept his sword. The fact is, that next generations couldn't be compared to the 1st and thus the first members are known as a 'Original Swords', the strongest Seraphs in history. The swords that they were using are: Durandal, Excalibur, Ascalon, Hauteclaire, Ame no Murakamo no Tsurugi, Colada, Caliburn used by Kamael and Lord Razjeel's sword, but unfortunately the name wasn't ever mentioned except that, that it was the strongest but most dangerous of swords. That's all I knew from books and records we have in Grigori.

Razjeel who was listening was surprised because what he said was really accurate, well, except few facts that from those 'True Holly Swords', Excalibur and Caliburn were given to God as a gifts from Celtic Pantheon as a thanks for sealing crack that lead to Lands of Shadows, Ame no Murakamo was given as a sign of respect and friendship from Shinto Gods Faction, and Razjeel's sword... wasn't exactly that 'Holy'...

Razjeel: Oh, if we are on that topic what happened to my sword?

Azazel: Sorry about that, but we don't know. After you were sealed your sword started emitting truly ominous aura as if it was in rage, but then it collapseed underground, literally. The ground cracked open and devoured your sword and closed afterwards. I never seen something like that, since then we couldn't track it back and it doesn't seem like any other Faction posses it.

Razjeel shrugged and waved his hands in lazy manner.

Razjeel: Hmm, that's okay. Even if someone found it I'm sure he throw it away... That sword can probably drive even Gods insane...

Azazel heard the last part that Razjeel mumbled but didn't ask about it. Razjeel never talked about his sword even when he asked in past so he didn't bother to try now.

Tamiel: Wow, they were really amazing. I heard that Black Spirits are very powerful, common Black Spirit is equal to High-class. It's shame and at the same time amazing that 8 people fought and won against the whole army of that things. I'm embarrassed that I learn about it only now, such a great deed done by such a great persons.

Razjeel smiled wryly, 'He's a buŧŧ-licker'.

Penemue: Hmph, you would knew if you would try to learn something instead of holding your nose in those financial stuffs all the time and trying to catch every gosspi around.

Tamiel smiled at Penemue remarks, but his corner of mouth twitched slightly.

Tamiel: You said so, but it sure feel nice to have a wardrobe full of expensive dresses and to know in which shops are the best discounts, isn't it?

Penemue snorted and turned her head to the side without responding. Azazel who since the beginning was watching everything amused, laughed again but then, he cleared his throat and talked to Razjeel.

Azazel: Okay, let's back to topic. Older brother, these are the four Fallens that have the biggest authority after me and are taking care of different things in Grigori. Baraqiel is commander of our army, Penemue is my secretary and also she take care of overall development of Faction. Shemhazai is vice governor and something a kind like minister for foreign affairs, he's basically taking care of political relationships and diplomacy. Tamiel is head of business department and he also have his hands in intel gathering.

All of them nodded respectfully when they were mentioned and had small smiles. Razjeel also nodded to them and then responded.

Razjeel: As you may know already from Azazel's dramatic introduction, my name is Razjeel, pŀėȧsurė to meet you.

They were surprised because they didn't expected him to be humble. They thought that he will be somewhat arrogant and that wouldn't be surprising because he had all the right to be.

Razjeel: Now that we're done with getting to know each other, let's talk about what we gathered here for.

All of them, even Azazel, made a serious faces because they knew that what they will discussing there would be important.

Razjeel: First let me ask you, what are you thinking about Grigori as it is right know? Don't fear to answer, I want to know your honest thoughts, it's important.

Taken aback at sudden question, former 5th generation Angels looked at each other but it was Shemhazai who answered him.

Shemhazai: I... To be honest.. I think few things could be better, our political situation isn't that good. We don't have any sure allies because they don't see as in good light.

Baraqiel: Neither is military. We have great numbers but most would probably kill-themselves rather than enemy.

Penemue: We are also lacking in development aspect, I think only Rebels are in worse condition than we.

Tamiel: Our income is also getting thinner and thinner as a time passes by. If we don't find new source of money or recover our mines from Rebels, we will have an honor to become first faction of beggars.

All of them said what they honestly think, Razjeel was satisfied with that. 'At least they aren't oblivious about what the situation is' he nodded thinking to himself.

Razjeel: Exactly. Frankly speaking, we are in deep shit. That's why it's time for changes. The first thing we have to start changing is Fallens themselves. A Faction where anyone do as they please have no right to functioning, at least not for long as it will collapse.

Azazel: So what are you proposing? If we try to obscure their freedom they would obviously against it and join the Rebels.

Rebels are Fallens that joined the opposition of Grigori. They are literally large group of Stray Fallens. But don't think of them as a normal bunch of bandits or something. They are well organized and theirs numbers are only 1/4 smaller than Grigori.

Razjeel: But are you sure all of them will left? Are you sure that all of them enjoy killing, torturing and stealing? I saw that on my own eyes from your office. There are Fallens that try to live normal lives, have family to take care of, that are happy with what they got and hoping for better. So what if half of them left, screw this, what if even 9/10 of them left? It's better to have a handful of jewels than treasury full of stones, because those handful of jewels are what you tried to protect when you founded Grigori.

Everyone were at loss of words. They didn't thought that he would consider the 'righteous' minority of Fallens as much more valuable than majority. They felt touched because of his words, they were leaders so its natural that they want theirs people to live peaceful and properly, but they were afraid that if pushed too much, things could go completely wrong. But now, after hearing what he said they make up their minds.

Baraqiel: I'm with you, Lord Razjeel. It's necessary to cut off infected flesh to save whole body.

Shemhazai: I think it's need to be done.

Tamiel: Same here.

Penemue: I thought about the same thing for a long time so I naturally agree.

Four of them easily agreed, but Azazel was still thinking over the matter.

Razjeel: Good. Azazel, I want you to announce even today that every crime would be punished according to its weight. Rapes, murders and acts of terrorism along with betraying Faction would be punished with highest level of punishments. But there are going to be benefits as well. We would improve overall standards of living of all citizens, try to ensure safety of them all. Those who will join military will have higher salary and there will be no restriction to climbing up in ranks. From now, your talent, capabilities and achievements will decide of your place in ranks. New law will be equal to all, no exceptions and will apply to all that are inside our territory or are ours citizens. Be it God who commit a crime or simple beggar, both will be treated the same. Add that it's not mandatory, those who want can leave but will be no longer consider as a part of Grigori and lost all privileges and protection. They will be on their own.

All of them widened their eyes in surprise. They thought that they would start slowly, with small steps, not jumping straight ahead since the beginning.

Razjeel: Don't be shocked. Tough problems needs tough measures. If we start playing soft nothing will change.

Azazel: But what are we going to do if they really will join the Rebels and attack us? They didn't that till now only because we have greater numbers, but if lot of us deflect to their side, I don't think we could hold on without casualties both in military and civilians. Please, don't think that I'm trying to opposing anything you said, I just want make sure you thought of everything.

Azazel expressed his doubts and after him rest starting saying theirs worries.

Penemue: If we want to ensure safety of citizens we have to at least express it somehow. Empty words aren't convincing, great idea would be creating something like police or safety forces. But it would take some time and will costs.

Baraqiel: Same with army. Probably most of our forces will deflect to Rebels, leaving us with holes in defences and ranks structure. We have to be ready to lost at least 60% of currently forces. That will leave us with mainly Low-class and Mid-class soldiers as majority High-ranks will leave due to their pride and lost of privileges resulting from law changes.

Shemhazai: And I want to remind that we can't expect any external help, we would be on our own.

Razjeel smiled wryly and snorted.

Razjeel: If we talk about army don't worry about it. I'm firm believer of quality above quantity. How long do you think it will take them to fully attack us?

Baraqiel thought for few seconds and answered confidently.

Baraqiel: In worst case of scenario a month, in the best maybe three. That's dependent on our Intel and random factors and circumstances.

Razjeel nodded with approval.

Razjeel: Good. During that one month we will make our soldiers absolute force in upcoming war. I have few ideas in mind. First will be new training regiment. All soldiers are gonna train, starting in three days from now.

Baraqiel: B-But how is it going to help us? There is no way that they could make significant improvements in mere month. That's impossible and waste of time.

Hearing that he chuckled and replied with smile.

Razjeel: It's not how long you train, but HOW you train. You think that someone who is casually waving sword for hundred years, can beat someone who train proper techniques for 5 years? Of course not, all what he would learn is to not cut himself. But there are obviously some exceptions.

Baraqiel: But its still-

Razjeel: Tamiel, I want you to invest in creating special training area that could hold up to 50 000 people, make it in three days. Best place would be near our current location or nearest military base. Shemhazai, announce a month-long closing of borders after three days.

Tamiel almost choked on his saliva when he heard that. Training area for 50 000 people?! What the fuċk?! Few moments ago he literally said they don't have money and now he is supposed to spent hundreds of thousands gold coins? From where?!

Tamiel: M-my Lord. I'm afraid that we don't have enough money to accomplish that.

Razjeel: Hm? Then can't you make a contract where you obligate to paid required amount with some surcharge? Or even pay double price?

Tamiel: S-sir, its not that I can't. We don't have enough resources to sign such a contract. And I don't think we will have after a month.

Razjeel hearing that waved his hand in reassuring manner. He crossed his legs and rest his elbow on armrest and put his head on his fist.

Razjeel: Oh but we will have. You think that Rebels live only by air? They lives from robbery, they sure have enough money to share with us, haha. We won't be waiting for them to attack, we will strike first and I will personally lead our forces.

He grinned savagely and emitted domineering aura. All present felt like they were in presence of a king. They subconsciously lowered their heads in a sign of subbmission.

Razjeel: It's time for Fallens to rise.. It's time for war.

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