Rise Of The Fallen

Chapter 26 - 25

"Katarea Leviathan... What is she doing here?" Said Sirzechs aloud.

The participants of the conference were looking at the bespectacled woman who, to (almost) everyone's surprise, turned out to be Katarea Leviathan. She didn't use "Leviathan" as a title, it was her real surname, she was a true descendant of the original Leviathan. Katarea was looking at them with smug expressions, eying every single one of them.

"Muahahaha! All big shots in one place, how fortunate! But I don't recognize you..." She said when her eyes landed on Razjeel but she brushed it off and continued to speak.

He just glanced at her briefly and turned towards Azazel. "Is she a descendant of Leviathan? She doesn't look similar at all, even her demeanor is different. Perhaps she is adopted?" He said with full seriousness.

Azazel's mouth twitched, trying not to smile and laugh. "She's not adopted. She is a part of the Old Satan Faction, one of the leading figures. They are something like our Rebels-"

"I know, I know. You told me about it earlier, but still-"

"You dare to ignore me, you lowlifes?! You should know your place!" Seeing that she was ignored frustration built up inside her, but that quickly turned into anger. She was making her speech after her entrance, but in her perspective two Fallens were completely ignoring her, talking in not so quiet voices making them the center of attention instead of her.

"Be quiet kid, ȧduŀts are talking." That was all that Razjeel said with a small frown painted on his face.

"K-Kid?! How dare you call me like that!" She yelled in response. Despite her rage, she created a Magic Circle and shots a beam of Devil Energy right at Razjeel and Azazel who along with Raynare were standing in the back of the chamber.

Seeing the incoming attack Raynare wanted to step in front of the two men, shielding them by her Magic Circle. But as she was about to walk past Razjeel, he put a hand on her shoulder.

"No, it's too much for you right now. Azazel." He shook his head and gestured toward Azazel.

He sighed tired of the situation and walked towards the beam. He extended his right arm and summoned dark yellow/gold Magic Circle, effortlessly nullifying Katarea's attack.

Raynare was observing everything from the side, feeling useless in front of the two people she was looking up to. Not that she was going to admit that she admire a certain green-eyed man.

'Something is off... That attack, there was something familiar...' Thought Razjeel now focused on Katarea.

"Miss Serafall, Gremory, set up a barrier unless you want the area to be destroyed. The two others should go and check other areas in case this is a diversion." He looked at Ajuka and Falbium. "Rest should take care of the small fries"

"I'm Satan Lucifer-" Said Sirzechs but he was interrupted right away.

"You are not. There was only one Lucifer, so don't slander his name." Responded Razjeel with indifference in his eyes, making redhead frown in dissatisfaction, but he followed Serafall short after.

Ajuka and Falbium looked at each other and nodded before teleporting via Magic Circles. Though he didn't have a right to commands them, what he said could be true so they need to check it anyways.

"Azazel, you take care of her. " He pointed at Katarea. "Don't think you'll slack off again." Azazel clicked his tongue hearing that.

"And you." Razjeel turned towards dispirited Raynare, who was preparing to attack Katarea's minions. "You'll ȧssist Azazel. Don't engage in direct combat until necessary, it's not an opponent for you yet." He patted her back. "It's a good opportunity to see how it is fighting against someone stronger. So consider this as a part of your training."

A flash of excitement ran through her violet eyes, along with a small smile. "Yes sir!" She saluted and went towards Azazel.

Seeing that everyone had an ȧssigned task, Razjeel turned towards the only person who was left beside him. "Now, let's talk in private."

Michael gulped and nodded, following Razjeel who left through the hole in the wall.


Michael took a glance at his surrounding, searching for any signs of a possible ambush, but he quickly brushed off that idea. If Razjeel would want him dead he wouldn't have to do something so bothersome like ambushing him. He took a deep breath to shake off his nervousness and started speaking.

"Then, what is it? If you have any demands from Heaven, I can arrange something if it's not-"

"Stop. I don't want anything from you. I just want to talk about the current situation and events in the last 7000 years." Explained Razjeel. He was curious about many things that involved Heaven but he didn't care about Heaven itself. Not anymore.

"I-I see..." Archangel stealthy breathed out in relief. "Then ask. I will try to answer all of your questions."

Razjeel rolled his eyes seeing how nervous Michael was, to be honest, it was getting on his nerves because they couldn't have a proper conversation because of that.

"*sigh* First, tell me about what happened when I was not around. Do not miss anything." Advised him Razjeel after he took a seat on one of the rubble, perhaps a piece of wall missing from the hole they walked through.

Michael didn't say anything in few moments, perhaps he had to gather his thoughts. In the end, Razjeel wasn't asking for yesterday's news, but the history of a not-so-peaceful world.

Time started passing by as Michael narrated events that happened in the last seven millennials. Sometimes he had to stop as a fight between Katarea, Azazel and Raynare interrupted him in the middle of his sentence. Not that they were in any danger, Razjeel set up a barrier the moment they walked into the room, so they didn't have to worry about the fight outside or someone eavesdropping on them. It was a noise from their battle that was bothering them.

After Razjeel finished listening to Michael's story, he concluded that it was mostly the same as what Azazel told him months earlier. Of course, some things were different because the perspective changed, but overall there was nothing new.

Receiving a glare from Razjeel, a droplet of sweat slides on his cheek. He understood that 'bastard' was referring to their father. "Yes, he is dead. At the end of the previous war between our three factions, Father decide to step in. I don't know why, but I believe it was because he was sad that his children were dying pointlessly..." His face turned sad at the mere memory of that.

Hearing that Razjeel couldn't help but frown. 'You are so naive Michael... He never cared for any of us, for anyone...' Thought Razjeel, but decided no to said it aloud. He didn't want to argue with Michael.

Michael continued speaking. "...But then the Original Satans also appeared on the battlefield. I don't know how the battle processed as the fight between such figures was simply suffocating from the miles away even for me, but I could tell that Father wasn't in his top shape, he looked exhausted. *sigh* You know the result. Father did manged to kill the Satans but when he got back to the White Throne he immediately collapsed... I have never seen him in such a state before, he looked so... vulnerable, helpless?" Asked himself Archangel.

'Weak? Pathetic?' Added Razjeel in his mind.

"We immediately began the treatment but we were quite clueless. None ever predicted or prepared for the possibility of our Father dying." Micheal's expression turned sour with a mix of self-blame and regret. "But even if we did prepare beforehand, we would still do nothing... Father didn't die because of the wounds he took in the battle against the Satans, he died because the corrosion finally reached his heart... The same corrosion you inflicted on him during your fight in Tell Qaramel." He looked at Razjeel, this time his eyes didn't shake, his gaze was firm.

"Do you hate me?" Asked Razjeel without particular expression, just out of the curiosity.

Michael didn't respond immediately. He took a deep breath and sighed helplessly. "At the beginning, I tried, I really tried to hate you. But I couldn't. Though I love our Father with all my heart and soul, I didn't and still don't accept what he did back then... to the both of you..."

Razjeel didn't feel particularly touched by his confession, but still, it was good to know. "I see... But do you believe in all of this?"

"What do you mean?" Asked surprised Archangel.

"Although it saddens me, yes, I do. If he would be alive he would be back in Heaven. There isn't a single reason not to." Answered Michael with confidence.

"Michael, let's be honest. You know nothing about him, only things he wanted you to know and sides he wanted to show. I was by his side since the creation of the Heaven you know now. It was me who helped him realize his projects, his sick and twisted ideas covered behind the curtain of a bigger purpose, the greater good, and other bullshit." He said with venom in his voice. Just the mere memory of that time, when he was following him like pathetic sheep, like a fanatic serving under his deity.

Taken aback by his sudden outburst, Michael didn't know what to said. "T-that's... I... I believe that no one is without flaws, if Father really did something terrible, then he definitely had a reason to..." Archangel managed to stutter out.

"He didn't dirty his hands, he had me for this kind of job..." Murmured black-haired man. "Whatever, it's pointless talking about it with you. I just want you to be aware that every coin has two sides and every face has many expressions." Razjeel warned him, as he wanted to spare his younger brother a disappointing surprise in the future.

"...I'll remember that..." Responded Michael.

"There is another thing I'm interested in. Well, two to be precise. I'm talking about the System Azazel told me about and those weapons, Sacred Gears if I remember correctly. Tell me about those" Razjeel decided to change the topic.

"Ah, those. Well, about its creation I can't tell you much about the System as it's too complex for me. The simple basic structure of it is complicated to the point I can bȧrėly control the basic functions and keep it stable, but even now the System is full of errors and glitches." Explained Michael.

"What do you mean?" Inquired curious Razjeel.

"To put it short, I'm not authorized to manage the System. Father constructed it on his own and only he could effortlessly manage it from everywhere with only his will. When he died he left the System on its own, but without proper commands, it's not working as it should. I basically hacked into it, to forcefully took command but I'm not on the level of the Administrator, at least a Moderator. As I said, to keep the System even working I have to stay most of my time in the White Throne room and it's exhausting." He sighed helplessly at his fate.

"Anyway, the System's errors are deeply connected to the Sacred Gears. At first, the Sacred Gears were supposed to manifest only between humans under random circumstances, but that's it. Only humans should have possessed them but after Father died, the idea of Pieces was born among the Devils. Since Father was not among us anymore and I didn't have the authority to regulate that, reincarnated Devils kept their Sacred Gears with them as they are bound to one's soul. This wasn't the case just for the Devils, when the news spread the race began. Everyone wanted their hands on Sacred Gears users." Explained Archangel.

"I see... but what was the reason for giving them to humans? Wouldn't it be more convenient to distribute them only among Angels? That would give you an upper hand in many situations which would help in maintaining this fake peace stalemate." Razjeel voiced his thoughts.

"I once asked Father about this, and all he said is that to gave humans a possibility to fight for themselves when the times come." Michael recited God's words.

Upon hearing that, Razjeel stopped in his tracks and snapped his head at Michael. He walked up to him in big strides. "Are those his words? Did he really said it???" Razjeel asked him as if he was interrogating Michael.

Overwhelmed and startled Michael backed under the wall with a perplexed expression. "Yes, yes he did! Why???"

Razjeel clicked his tongue and started walking once again from side to side, lost in his thoughts. Michael was just standing there, observing his oldest brother without a word.

'I knew it! There is some truth in Michael's words, that piece of shit never done anything without a purpose! But what did he want to achieve giving out such a weapon? Or... did he planned this from the beginning to indirectly strengthen all of the factions? But for what reason?! Damn it...!' Razjeel mind was working on its limit but the more he thought about this the more questions he gets, but not a single answer. He decided to look up into it but later, maybe something would change his perspective on the problem thus bringing the solution.

"It looks like the fight is over." Noticed Razjeel looking in the direction where minutes ago sounds of fighting were coming, but now it was quiet. "Let's go. It's already been suspicious from the Devils perspective when we decided to talk in private. They may suspect us for planing something behind their back, hah." Snorted Razjeel trying to get rid of the heavy atmosphere.

Michael just nodded and followed after Razjeel.

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