Sitting on a high-backed chair, Daneel sipped on something without alcohol, for once, while waiting for the elf to tell them that the woman outside had left even though the system had already given him the message that she had scurried away as soon as he was done talking.

"It's clear."

When Mors said this with a nod, Daneel nodded, in return, and stood up. A broad smile was on his lips; he was in his element, at the moment, and it definitely felt great to be scamming those who had had it coming for them once again.

Beside him, Alex looked even more casual. One leg of his was thrown over the arm of his chair, and in his hands was hard whiskey, treated and cured personally by one of the leaders of this place and offered hesitantly, as if they were unsure about whether it might be called piss.

Daneel had noticed a remarkable change that had come over the thief since their departure from Marillein. It was more than certain, now, that he had some sort of past with that place that he had fought with every second they had been there, and even though Daneel had no idea what it was at the moment, something told him that he would find out, sooner or later, as they weren't done with the City of Kindness.

At the moment, though, it was nice to see someone as interested in scamming as him. Two days ago, when Daneel had laid out his plan, the thief had loved it so much that he had even gone to sleep smiling.

"Will this really work? Ah… I hate this thing!"

Ripping of the star behind his head and throwing it across the room, Mors seemed startled by his own outburst, for a moment, before visibly putting in effort to calm himself down. Without that shroud signifying what he was, he took a deep breath and did seem more relaxed, and at that moment, Daneel got the impression that he was someone who didn't really like their real identity.

Seeing him, he was reminded of that moment that had shocked him, too. The system had recorded it thoroughly, and if he wished, he could ask it to play the scene...but it didn't need to, as it was branded into his memory. Being the only one with elementary vision other than that mage, he had seen the exact reason behind that poor man looking as if he had been shattered, mind and body.

The elf hadn't been faking his displeasure. The pride of the Forn was real, it seemed, and even though he was someone trying to forget his heritage, it ran deep in his bones. Daneel had given him the words, but everything else had come from the elf, himself.

When he had heard Alex talk about the pact, he had thought that it might only be a slight boost to their abilities that the elves had obtained…but he saw now that he was extremely wrong about this. Back on Angaria, his own path had been thoroughly tied with the support given by the Will, and right now, he found himself comparing that amplification with what he had seen, and the conclusion he reached was that although it wasn't as powerful, it was close.

Despite all this, he didn't feel wary of his friend at all. The reason behind this, of course, was his own confidence in himself; no matter how powerful the Forn as well, with the system at hand and his own experience and abilities in tow, he knew that no one could stand up to him in the long run. With a grin and another sip of the tea, he gave the elf the answer he was waiting for, and although Alex knew it already, he nodded along as if listening to a favorite song.

"Of course it will. It's all about greed. You say you know a lot about humans…but you still have a lot to learn, my friend. For example, you underestimate the power of hope being delivered at a time when all that surrounds one is hopelessness. From the way we acted… I can bet that they became convinced that all that awaits them in the future is a dark fate. Now, when they hear that they have a chance…they will jump for it. Besides, it aligns with their own goals in life, too. This is the place they have lived in for decades; no matter how heartless one is, there is a high chance that they will form a connection, a bond with their home after so much time has passed. Given an opportunity to stay here, grow richer, and perhaps even enter the good graces of such a powerful family…unless they are dumber than the dumbest people I've met, they will grasp it with both hands. Like I said…their greed will be their downfall."

The elf looked at Daneel thoughtfully for a few moments, then took another sip and became lost in his own thoughts. A few seconds later, a light knock sounded from the door, and Alex opened it, adopting once again the expression of a Lord who stood above everything and everyone in the world.

A maid was at the door, holding a tray on which an envelope had been placed. With a slight frown, he picked it up…and after putting his hands inside his robes, he took out two vajrams and threw them in her direction, not even bothering to see whether she caught the shining diamonds before closing the door on her face. A gasp of shock could be heard a moment later from outside, followed by hurried footsteps, as if the woman wanted to run away before they realized that they had given the wrong crystals, if that was the case.

Daneel raised one eyebrow and felt a flash of irritation as the hoarder inside him raised his head. With a happy smile, Alex said, "We'll steal them back anyway, right? Besides, I've heard the grand families tip even more. She can start a business and grow with just the value of those two…so I'm also conforming with the legend that a single interaction with a Grand Lord of the Mainland is destined to change one's life."

Daneel nodded grudgingly, knowing that the man was right. On the islands, just the value of a single processed crystal was enough for a family of three to live on for three months, at least. Alex had just tipped away two hundred times that amount…but if truth be told, the legend he had just mentioned was quite prevalent,.

When he opened the envelope, a large, fist-sized, bronze key fell to the floor. Picking it up while reading the words written on it, Alex blinked, then burst out laughing.

Looking up a few seconds later and noticing that he was irritating his two companions by keeping the message to himself, he bowed his head for a moment apologetically and said, "Hehe… I told you it was a great plan. Events are even running ahead of us! Instead of waiting for us to give the suggestion…they offered us the key, themselves! Ha, they truly wish to show that they can be trusted! This is a master key, apparently, to open any door in the town! Sent with their regards, along with their pleasure as they are truly graced by our presence… and an invitation to do what we wish with the entire place! Well, little do the fuckers know that we are going to take them up on their offer in a way they'll never imagine!"

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