A few minutes later, Daneel heard a knock on the door.

By then, he was already done getting ready for the trip. The truth was that he didn't have too much to carry: all that he needed to take were a few sets of clothes, a weapon that he would pick up from the enforcers' building nearby, and crystals, crystals, a ton of crystals that he would bring with him on the excuse that he would use them to exchange for something that would help the town if he found a chance.

With them at his disposal, he knew that there was very little danger that he could get into if he kept his head down, and his eyes on the prize. He was also very interested in finding out the situation in the other islands around them, but at the moment, that was not a priority, and only something he wished to do if he had the time and the opportunity.

Opening the door, Daneel wasn't surprised to see the one waiting on the other side. Reese walked into the library and closed the heavy doors behind him, shrouding them in silence. He held Daneel's eyes for a few minutes, weighing and judging things in his mind, and finally, when he spoke, it was in a tone of concern.

"Are you sure you need to do this? Why not take someone along with you, like that guy with the sword from the Courtyard? He seems reliable. And I see that you even like him."

Daneel raised one eyebrow. Did his friend understand him so much that he could already guess his feelings?

With a shrug, Reese said "You didn't bother when anyone else spoke. Your eyes and ears were only ready for him, and me."

With a nod, Daneel walked to the large chair in the middle that could almost be called a throne and sat down. Reese walked forward, too, and took a seat on the bed before bending forward and steepling his hands.

Daneel looked at him for a few moments before answering.

"Yes. The journey is safer for someone traveling alone. Even two is a crowd when passing through hostile areas. I trust myself enough to take care of anything that comes at me… but if there's someone else with me, I think that it would be more of a hassle than a help. Yes, he does seem trustworthy…and that's why you'll be relying on him while I'm gone. The situation in the town is not as good as it should have been…but I have no choice. I will definitely be back. And that damn superior can't be allowed to return as he pleases, with a larger army this time. If he gets even ten of those guards…he could overwhelm us all. Before that happens, I must get to him."

Reese nodded, as if he had already been expecting the answer. Getting up, he walked to Daneel and embraced him.

The hug ended with a slap on his back, and when Reese stepped back, he had a smile on his face.

Daneel thought about it for a moment, then shook his head.

"No. It is best if I go quietly, before anyone can figure out that I'm gone. It might be a bit far-fetched…but we don't know whether that guy has any informers in the town. Or if he has any means to keep an eye on us. Maybe act for a few days as if I am recuperating from the fight. This entire thing stinks too much, Reese. I fear that there is something at the bottom of it that we may not be able to handle…but I'll find a way. Just trust me."

Daneel found himself opening up more than usual to the man. The words were out of him before he could think, and he blinked then, as this was something he hadn't often done even back on Angaria, when he had been surrounded by his family.

With an understanding look, Reese nodded and caught his shoulder.

"My father always said that fear for the future is also a weapon, to be held close so that all others can lie unused. When can I expect you to return?"

"28 days. Look to the east, then…and I shall arrive."

With one eyebrow raised, he said, "Good. That arrogant brat will definitely make trouble for us if he doesn't see you. I shall tell the others, then, when it is time. I expect that you want to leave right now?"

Daneel nodded, and surprisingly, Reese walked to a spot in the corner of the room and tapped on it hesitantly, as if he was searching for something. 

The sound rang hollow, and both of Daneel's eyebrows rose. Getting on his knees, Reese picked up the tile and a few others around it, and soon, an opening in the ground was present, gaping with darkness that seemed so potent that it could swallow anyone who entered it.

"Burrow told me about it. We should really stop calling him Lord. Anyway, he says it leads outside the town. It was meant to act as an escape route for the master and his family…but we all know why that failed for them. Well, you can't really hope to escape anything if you throw yourself at it, can you?"

Daneel chuckled. Walking forward, he stood in front of it and saw that there was a ladder that led down.

On his back was a small rucksack filled with clothes. He told Reese what he wanted, and without a question, the man left to gather the last few items that Daneel would need.

While waiting for him, Daneel took one last look about the house, and at the town, even though he wasn't seeing it with his eyes. He was looking at it all with his heart, and it throbbed in response, once again in sync with the Will, which seemed to be almost sad that he was leaving.

"Take care of them when I'm gone. I'll be back soon." He whispered, not knowing whether the Will would or could listen, but when that displeasure ceased, he wasn't really surprised.

Reese soon returned with a leather bag containing at least a hundred processed crystals, and a dagger. Daneel's purpose was to hide his weapons and only draw them when they were needed, so anything flashy like swords and spears could not be taken along.

Taking out the dagger from its velvet sheath, Daneel weighed it in his hands to check the balance. It was good, and it even had a ruby inlaid in its hilt.

"Made for the master, himself, before he died his untimely death. All of his other weapons are tainted with the blood of the innocents that he killed. Only this one is pure…so use it well."

With a thoughtful nod, Daneel sheathed it and hung it from his belt. The leather sack he tied around his waist securely, and after distributing the crystals, it didn't even bulge too much outside his coat.

The coat, itself, was a bit ostentatious, fringed with crimson and gold thread, but there was no other option in the room. He felt sad, for a moment, as he would be leaving the only place he had known on the Mainland so far...but he was able to put aside the feeling quickly, knowing that he would return soon while hopefully bringing with him everything they would require to make his brother's dream come true.

He met Reese's eyes for a moment, and without saying a word, he began getting down the ladder. Before closing the tiles, though, the healer shouted, and his words echoed in the dim passageway over and over again, until they seemed to be reverberating in Daneel's mind, too.

"Long live Graiton!"

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