Rise of the Legendary Emperor

Chapter 104: Round table meeting in Divine Continent

"But I'm just a yellow rank 2 runemaster, King Don"

In this world, every profession had its own way of determining the practitioners' level in various kingdoms, in other words, the way of determining someone's level in one kingdom might differ from another kingdom, unlike the cultivation levels.

Among the rank 4 kingdoms, most of them used ranks or levels to determine someone's achievement in their profession. For example, in Korrinth the higher level of rune mastery was rank 7 or level 7.

Each level was divided into three sublevels being yellow level, purple level, and red level. Yellow was the lower sublevel, purple was mid while the red was the peak.

Again the standards used in one kingdom would or might differ in another kingdom just like the currency.

"You reached this level without any resources or guiding Nikalas, you're born to be a runemaster" 

Even though Nikalas's rank was an amateur just like he said and Don would not say no to a higher level runemaster, Don knew the higher level someone reaches, the more arrogant and valuable they become. Besides the higher level, runemaster were no stones on the road as Don could collect as he goes, they were rare and hard to earn their loyalty.

Don was sure that he could spend resources on Nikalas and nurture him to be a genius runemaster in the future.

"Soon I will send the three of you to Everlight meanwhile stay out of trouble"


Nikalas had no idea what trouble would come to him since he and Riya were practically nonexistent to the royal family and no one would come to trouble him out of pity.

"Yes, soon there will be trouble"

"If nothing else I take my leave now, I have so much to do in Everlight"

Reghys said and she didn't wait for Don's answer as she leaped into the sky and disappeared into the clouds leaving Riya open-mouthed.

Seeing Reghys leaving, Don nodded at Prince Nikalas and left the room while Arrora stayed with Nikalas and Riya.

"Who was she, Adria?"

Riya asked as felt a little relaxed after Don and Reghys left the room.

"You will know everyone when you go to Everlight Riya" as she said Arrora walked towards the windows and put her hand on Riya's shoulder to reassure the girl.

"Does Darlene know about King Don helping us?"

Hearing Nikalas's question Arrora turned back and snickered

"Why would she?"

"Because she's going to marry him?"

However, Arrora didn't answer Nikalas's question as Nikalas had a feeling that this is not something he should poke his nose into, however since Don was helping him he thought that he needs to warn Don

"Well you should know that my uncle is not a merciful man and not to be messed with, Adria"

Surprisingly Arrora chuckled and said

"Neither is Don, your royal highness"

Riya was shocked to see Arrora calling her king by the name but she had a feeling that this is the way she always calls him and not the fake 'his majesty' Riya was hearing from her.

"I thought you said, he's the sweetest person you know" 

"Yes he is when he's not killing"


Meanwhile, at the divine continent, there were a group of people sitting around a round table

"So why did that old bastard Keegan call us?" 

An old woman wearing pearl white kimono said in an irritated tone.

"Yeah, we are in the middle of preparing the disciple to enter the dark realm"

Another woman in a red dress replied to the old woman. If the old woman in white considered as an angel the woman in red would be considered as a devil since she had an ominous aura radiating from her and the long black blades attached to her nails didn't look very friendly.

"Preparing, Martha? You mean teaching your disciples all kind of evil spells and curses"

A middle-aged man snickered at the woman in a red dress as the woman let out a seductive giggle

"I thought the name Death Valley Sect explained that fact, Abrian"

"Welcome everyone" as Abrian and Martha were talking, a red-haired man entered the room. The man wore a robe with a sword embroidered on his chest and had a long red beard.

"Oh there he is, the man in the Sun realm, the one and only Nathanial Reid" Martha said and everyone in the room could see her jealousy through her voice.

"Thank you, Martha" Nathaniel nodded and sat on his seat.

"What do you want Nathanial?" 

"Same old Abrian, no chit chat" 

"Do you know what this is?"

Before Abrian and Martha could start bickering, Nathanial took out a small broken piece of metal and threw it on the table.

Everyone looked at the piece of metal for a few moments and they had no idea what this piece of metal is, not even a clue.

"Looks like a rusty broken piece of metal to me" Martha said as she could see nothing but a metal with some writings on it.

Unlike Martha, the old woman in a kimono reached out her hand towards the metal as the metal piece slid into her hand. The piece of metal in her hand looked nothing exceptional to the old woman except for a few writings and she could tell this is just a piece of something whole.

"The writings on it, I've never seen it before that means either this is something ancient and valuable or just a piece of crap"

The old woman said and threw the metal piece again to where it was just a moment ago.

After hearing the old woman and seeing the metal piece, none of them at the table had no interest in the metal piece.

"Well you are both right and wrong, Reeva" Nathaniel said and took the metal piece into his hand.

"Then enlighten us, Nathanial"

"As you've already known, I reached the sun realm before every one of you"

"Yeah yeah, congrats to you. Now cut to the chase will ya?"

Abrian said as Nathanial didn't mind and continued

"This is the reason for it, this piece of metal now had the purest and powerful energy this world has ever seen"

"Ok let me get this straight, you are saying that you used this metal piece to reach the sun realm"

Martha was unable to believe what Nathanial had just said but she couldn't find any signs of him lying either.


"Even if it's true why are you telling us?"

In the divine continent, everyone had their own secret and no one would reveal them especially a secret that could raise their cultivation level. And if what Nathanial was saying is true, this piece of metal could bring war among the powerful sects and families in the divine continent because reaching another realm in cultivation from the moon level was the hardest things in the world and any items that could help them in their cultivation after reaching the moon level was very rare and they would cause a huge commotion among the cultivators especially an item that could help break the bottleneck of reaching the sun realm.

"That's because I need your help"

The moment Nathanial said that he needs help, everyone's mind at the table went blank for a second.

"There's a word we never hear from Nathanial Reid, the headmaster of the greatest sect, the heavenly sword palace" Martha said as everyone nodded their heads because they knew very well about Nathanial. He was a proud stubborn man and with him being the headmaster of the powerful sect like the Heavenly Sword Palace flamed his arrogance and pride to the next level.

"Let's assume I will help you, what is in it for me? Reeva the old woman said as Nathanial looked at the metal piece and said

"This Reeva, you get to cultivate using the same energy as I did. And don't think about using it all by yourself, I'm the only one who can unlock the energy that buried within these metal pieces"

It made sense after what Nathanial had just said since he would get nothing if they decide to find and use the metal pieces all by themselves.

"I assume this piece had no energy left"

"Not even a drop Martha, but there are other pieces in this world hidden"

"Then why don't you just go and get it? unless you don't know about their locations"

"Sadly yes, Abrian"

Nathanial slowly nodded his head and said.

"So you want us to go on a treasure hunt without any clues?"

"No Reeva, I have this" as he said, Nathanial flicked his wrist and a torn piece of paper appeared in his hand

"This is the map of the locations which most likely to find another piece"

Nathaniel slid the torn paper to the center of the table as everyone scanned at the paper for a few moments before Martha started to frown

"Is it just me or anyone seeing only a few drawings and not any actual marked locations?"

Just when Martha raised her concerns,Nathanial's eyes started to become red in anger 

"Those evil FUCKERS took it" as he said, Nathanial punched the table and almost destroyed it


"That devil and his pet minion, the evil twins"

The moment the word 'evil twins' came out of Nathanial's mouth, the atmosphere in the room became tense and most of them sitting at the table looked enraged.

And even though Martha didn't see or have anything to do with the evil twins, she heard about them and their reputation which is almost as evil as her sect's reputation of being evil.

 "Are you talking about that Don and Knight?"

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