Rise of the Legendary Emperor

Chapter 212: Girls Time II

"I'm glad that you survived and came back to us alive "

Amaryll heard everything that happened in the dungeon while chugging a couple of mugs of ale.

Catalie kept the magical barrier around them so no one could hear them talk. Arrora didn't say anything about Don's illness to Amaryll which would make Amaryll panic and the little girl cry.

"This is goooooood"

The tigress had finished at least ten mugs of various ale and the drinks made her nervousness completely disappear.

"It's not a surprise that brother bested the arena and brother Knight would have too if it not for his bad luck"

Catalie proudly said while playing with the cubs who were finished they milk and played with Catalie by trying to touch her but failing ultimately.

"So when are you going to tell him that you like him?"


Arrora almost sprayed the juice out from her mouth

"What nonsense are you talking, Amaryll?"

Arrora berated Amaryll but she laughed at her.

"You can fool the men but not us, Arrora, it's natural for a girl to develop feeling towards a man if she spent her most of her time with him"

"There's no such thing, I think you had too many drinks"

"Then why are you blushing?"

Amaryll pointed at Arrora's cheeks and laughed again with Catalie

"No, I'm not"

"You should move fast girl, or Amber would snatch him away from you, men like princesses, especially an innocent beauty like her"

"What do you mean?"

Arrora frowned

"Think about it, she would soon start working with him, and what if she attracted him more than you? He might marry her then even if you marry him, you'll always be second "

It was common among kings to take many wives and Amaryll didn't think that Don would stop with one wife because a powerful and handsome youth like him was like a magnet that attracts beauties.

"I'm only attracted to the elves or I would have made my move"

"She's right, Arrora, look at the girls that met him until now, Rosaline, Darlene, Princess Amber, and didn't you say just now that Amara tried to seduce him, although I haven't met them, I'm sure they all are beautiful"

Arrora's mouth turned dry hearing them and an unknown dread starting to fill her heart.

"No, Amber is not like that and the others are his enemies"

Amaryl and Catalie noticed that she was panicking as she spoke a little faster than usual.

The tigress was too busy with tasting the ales as she didn't involve herself with this conversation.

"Didn't you hear the saying, fight at first sight often end up love, at last, take Reghys for example, she said she and her husband fought for territory when they first met but they both loved each other and she ended up giving birth to his child"

Arrora couldn't think straight anymore because until now and she couldn't bear the thought of Don marrying someone else.

"But I rather stay beside him as a servant and help him than be his sweetheart and hinder him from reaching his goals, besides what if he likes someone else?"

Both of them knew Arrora was struggling to realize that she actually likes him and afraid of confessing her feelings. 

"You do realize that he will get married someday right? You can't always be just his companion, you need to step up girl, or it'll be too late for you"

Queen Sienna had already brought up the topic of Don's marriage in Sigalla and thinking about it now, her heartbeat accelerated.

"Joel said the kings, queens, and nobles would soon visit brother looking to marry their daughters to him, he also said his reputation as a peak level grandmaster is growing in the empire"

In this month's time, Don's reputation had grown and most of the kings and nobles in the upper-rank kingdoms now knew about him as a prodigy king.

If he was just a king of a rank four kingdom they wouldn't even consider him for their daughters but since he was a peak-level grandmaster at this young age, they would come running to him with their daughters.

"When he reaches the heavenly realm, even the prodigies might line up before him, and when that happens who knows what'll he would do, he's a man, after all, he can't resist a woman's touch forever"

Amaryll said and finished another mug as Arrora put her juice down with a downhearted face.

Looking at her worried face, the cubs nudged their little heads against her face and licked her hoping to brighten her mood.

"What do you think? Grey"

The tigress heard some words of their conversation and guessed what they were discussing.

"I'm not a good person to ask for love advice, I'm as dumb as them in that part"

The tigress pointed at the cubs and shook her head.

"But if you like him, why don't you just tell him?"

"I dont know"

Arrora didn't know what she was feeling right now whether her love for him or just a feeling of jealousy. Until now she would sometimes feel attracted and close to him but she had never thought about marrying him or a future with him as his wife.

However, she didn't want to confess her feelings until she could say for sure that what she feels now was indeed love, not jealousy.


At the same moment somewhere else, Knight was laying on the stage, and looking down at the men and women who were sitting on the ground and looking at him with admiration and respect.

"General Knight, why didn't you take Chase's ring after killing her?"

Elrond raised his arms and asked Knight.

"It was a greater risk to loot her ring, people like her might have something that could be traceable, if we were alone, we would have robbed her clean but now we need to think about you and the people living in our kingdoms"

They begged Knight to tell the events that happened in the dungeon when Knight stepped outside the dining hall, especially Elrond.

And after seeing Elrond's adamant face, Knight sighed and told them everything except what happened to Don before the arena. They eagerly listened to Knight's story and even Arwen, Ken, Joel, Stodemar joined the men to hear him.

"General Knight, you said his majesty fought using only the bow, how good was he?"

One of the best archers in the archer unit asked Knight.

"He was good, almost too good, even though he used the Arjuna bow, not anyone can use it as he did"

"General knight, ye said tha three cubs be great masters, does that mean tha cubs can beat tha hell o' out Elrond?"

The dwarves started to laugh looking and pointing at Elrond as Elrond let out an embarrassed smile considering he just reached the great master level and still familiarizing himself with the powers of a great master.

"Hmm, if he faces the three of them at once, he has a little chance of beating them but alone, it will be a different matter"

"And why are you laughing? Aren't, you brutes still in the master level?"

Knight scolded Hagu and his group of orcs as they quickly shut their mouths.

"Not only them, all of you, I know you've been slacking off without me but that's ends now, from tomorrow, get ready to train like hell" 

They had a bad feeling when they heard Knight as they couldn't even think of the training that he himself calls hell because until now, he would say their training was child stuff and they'd barely be able to stand when they finished training.

"And don't even think about spending your day in the steel chick during this winter, I want everyone at the training ground as usual, or I'd let the cubs teach you a lesson, you don't want to get your butts kicked by little cubs, do you?"

All of them rapidly shook their heads and even though the girls in the army looked forward to meeting and playing with the cubs, they didn't want Knight to bring them here to beat the hell out of them because they knew very well that Knight would do that.

While Knight intimidating them, they saw Reghys descending from above

"Show's over kiddos"


"Lady Reghys"

The soldiers quickly knelt on the ground when they saw Reghys as she landed beside Knight

"Knight, we need to talk, come with me"

Judging by her serious tone, Knight knew somethings up 

"Where to?"

"You'll know"

As she said, she took off towards the castle as Knight followed her behind.

"Go enjoy your last day of freedom"

Arwen said with a small smile and made his way towards the castle with Ken.

After flying for a few moments, unexpectedly for Knight, they came before Don's room.

Looking at Don's room, Knight frowned

"Why are we here? Reghys"

"You know the reason already, Knight"

Reghys calmly said and opened Don's room without even knocking.

When they opened the door, they were welcomed by the sight of Don who was drenched in sweat and sitting on his meditation posture.

He slowly opened his eyes to see Reghys and Knight and he couldn't even get himself to stand up because his muscles refused to move.

"Don, what happened? Are you alright?"

Knight helped him stand up and let Don lean on him as a silver ray appeared from Reghys's eyes and landed on both of them.

"You two are sick"

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