Rise of the Legendary Emperor

Chapter 219: The Strongest Metal in the Universe

"I don't know"

Vivian answered Don and he seemed like he expected this answer.

"Think about it, with you here, he's truly happy for the first time in his life, don't be the person who took that happiness away from him"

As he said, he turned and left the room leaving Vivian to reflect on everything he just said.

After leaving Vivian's room, Don made his way to the meeting hall where he and Knight planned to show the items they got inside the dungeon.

Arrora and the tigress already showed the items and decided what to do with the items while he and Knight postponed the meeting because of the extreme tiresome work they were doing to weaken the parasite like black energy inside them.

During this week, Don barely met Arrora as she was busy roaming around the kingdom and training her unit. When he entered the meeting hall, he saw Arwen, Stodemar, Dhursir, Benedict, Ken, and Reghys were waiting for him with Knight.

"Your majesty"

"Me king"


They greeted him as he motioned them to take their seat.

"Me king, General knight show us what ye got, we can nae wait any longer"

"Before we get to that, how's the project I gave you going?"

"We have the materials we need your majesty, but the design is very complex and need to be built very carefully, if my calculation is correct, we will finish by the end of this week"

Benedict said as Ken and Stodemar nodded their heads.

"Alright, let me go first"

Knight said as he retrieved the items from his space rings.

"Wow, a whole set o' Azrite armor"

The two dwarves couldn't control their excitement seeing the delicately made Azrite armor. A week before, they got the chance to see the shield made of Azrite and now they had the chance to study a whole set of armor.

Reghys and Benedict were not very interested in the armor but they took the tablet and studied it while Ken was gawking at both the armor and the tablet.

"Hmm, interesting, a flying artifact"

"It seems, in its complete form, it can be magically infused with the host's body"

Reghys and Benedict already started to brainstorm and exchange ideas about how to build an artifact like the one on the tablet.

"Reghys, Benedict, you can take the tablet with you and you two"

Don looked at the dwarves who were excitedly fiddling with the armor.

"Study the armor and its design then put it in the treasury room"

"Your majesty, aren't you going to wear it?"

Ken asked.

"For a time being, no"

"Do you want us to build this artifact?"

The dragon woman questioned Don as he thought about it for a moment before answering.

"That depends on you, I have no use for that item yet "


And then Don flicked his wrist as the items he got appeared on the table.

The moment the items appeared, they put the other items aside and turned their gaze to the new ones on the table.

Among all the items, what drew their attention more was the armor shrouded and protected by bolts of lightning.

The armor didn't seem like made of metal but some kind of thick fabric and they could vaguely see the runes and engraving on the armor.

"Why is"

"No, don't"

But Knight was too late as Stodemar was already attacked by the lightning and his hair stood straight up while a puff of smoke came out of his nostrils.

Looking at his state, Arwen couldn't hold his laughter and even Reghys chuckled.

"The armor is protected by some kind of powerful spell, and before you ask, no, I can't remove the spell "

Reghys had never seen such a powerful spell and she was smart enough to know that she couldn't remove the spell.

"Stodemar put this in the treasury with the Azrite armor"

"Me king but"

"Use your space ring"

Arwen quickly used this opportunity to embarrass the dwarf 

"I know that elf"

Stodemar put the armor in his space ring with a flick and looked at the chuck of metal laying on the table.

While the dwarves were checking at the metal chunk, Arwen took the bow made of wood and the destroyer arrow as Reghys gently grabbed the egg and started to inspect the egg.

"Ken, after finishing the project, I need you and Benedict to concentrate on these two"

Don slides the ancient ship tablet and the siege weapon tablet towards Ken and Benedict.

After reading the tablets, Ken became very excited but Benedict frowned

"Your majesty, the dwarves can build or forge the hull, mask and most of the parts need to build the frame, but this ship requires thousands of runes, inner parts, items that I have no idea where to find"

"Yes, that's why need you to focus on building what you can at the moment, when we find the required items, we will assemble the ship and see what it can do"

The ship demanded an immense amount of energy to work as it mentioned on the tablet and when it comes to energy, Benedict was the best choice of Don.

"So Reghys, do you have any idea what's inside?"

Knight asked Reghys when she placed the egg back on the table.

"It's definitely not a dragon or any other beasts I know of"

"Okay, how long do you think it would take the egg to hatch?"

Reghys rubbed her chin and placed her hand on the egg

"At least three or four years"

"Well, can you keep them somewhere safe? I don't think a treasury hall is a suitable place for them"

She had the best experience in keeping eggs considering she was keeping her egg somewhere safe in Everlight.

"I know a place, I put them there"

"Me king, do ye want me ta paint tha shield in black?"

Putting the armor into his space ring, Stodemar asked.

"Yes, I will bring the shield to your workshop after this meeting"

"Ye don't have ta come, me king, we will take tha shield an' bring it back ta ye after we have done with it"

As he said, Stodemar tried to pull the shield towards him but surprisingly for everyone, the shield didn't even move an inch.

"be it stuck?"

Stodemar frowned and pulled the shield towards him using both of his hands but still, the shield didn't budge.

"Someone didn't eat this morning?"

Arwen laughed at Stodemar as the dwarf became angry at the shield and put more effort to pull the shield.

Looking at Stodemar getting laughed at, Dhursir tried to help him but even with another set of arms, they couldn't move the shield.

"You can't move it"

Knight shook his head with a chuckle but the dwarves didn't seem to listen to him as they continued to pull the shield.

"It can't be that hard, I don't see any spells or any kind of energy barriers"

Benedict put down the tablet and pushed the shield towards the dwarves.

"A shield made of Grodian"

Reghys couldn't believe her eyes when the memories of her ancestors came flooding her mind.


Everyone looked at her bewildered because no one ever heard of such metal.

"The strongest metal in the universe"

"I thought Iodrium is the strongest metal"

Benedict said but Reghys shook her head.

"Iodrium is the strongest metal in this world, but Grodium said to be the strongest metal ever created by the race called Guardians"

Unlike Azrite, there were no deposits of Iodrium that could be found in this world as only a few pounds of Iodrium in this world. Because of its insane strongness, no one, not even the greatest blacksmith was able to forge a weapon or armor using Iodrium.

"'en does that mean me king be tha strongest man in tha universe?"

"No, look at the shield, someone used it before me"

Don said to the dwarf as they took a closer look at the shield to find the scratches and marks on the shield.

Reghys stood up from her seat and reached out her hand towards the shield as her hand transformed into her original state. Yet, as Reghys expected, she couldn't move the shield, even using her strength of a dragon.

"Well, I dont need to worry about someone stealing it"

Don didn't see any point in spending resources for research about the shield's origin.

"Extinction Darts" 

Ken was not going to try to lift the shield like the dwarves as he took the three long silver needles on the table.

While Ken was fiddling with the needles, Arwen lifted the bow and the destroyer arrow to inspect them. When Arwen was holding the bow, he felt a connection with the bow as it was talking to him.

"I'm planning to organize a tournament in here if you win and I expect you to, you can take the bow"

Knight's voice broke the connection he just felt as Arwen wondered whether he could feel something from the arrow but he didnt feel anything.

"You can't use the arrow, Arwen, only I can use it"

"Just like I thought"

Arwen smiled at Don and placed the arrow back on the table with the bow.

"Don't worry, you can have this"

Knight chuckled and threw the ceramic plate at Arwen.

Catching the ceramic plate, Arwen stared at the plate and tried to figure out what might be the use of this plate.

"Haha very funny, Knight, it's just a plate, Arwen"

Arwen was unable to believe Reghys so were the others as they stared at Reghys.

"How can it be? Your majesty, where did you get this inside the dungeon?"

Ken questioned Don.

"I've got this in the arena, just like these"

"Well, someone played a joke on you, that's just a ceramic plate, nothing special about it"

Unexpectedly Reghys started to laugh like she made a great joke but looking at her reaction, Knight burst into laughter as their laughter reverberated the hall and lightened Don's mood.

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