Rise of the Legendary Emperor

Chapter 23: The Fury of Rosaline

(Several hours ago before Destiny begins)

"Minister Bryan" Jacob the butler of Minister Bryan knocked on the bedroom door to wake up Bryan.

"Minister Bryan, Sir you'll be late for the meetings" as said Jacob started to knock on the door with the little force, Jacob knew about Minister Bryan's purchase from thousand arms house and guessed he overslept after an eventful night but time goes by without Minister Bryan's response he started to panic.

"Minister Bryan!! please sir open the door" Jacob couldn't help but shiver in panic and fear, his legs turned to jelly yet he found what he had to do.

Jacob had a bad feeling about this, he lived long enough to feel something was amiss here and he doesn't want to get killed because of this fat pig in his old age as he cursed Minister Bryan in his heart he ran towards Rosalin's room downstairs.

As closer he gets to Rosalin's room his heart slowly started to calm down because in his perspective a great master is like a mountain not only that, he knew Rosalin was specially appointed and sent to protect Minister Bryan by the capitol itself, a person trusted by capitol is not a small thing, as thinking about this he reached the front door of Rosalin's room.

The door was visibly decorated with magical runes as the door itself was painted in fire red striking fear into Jacob's heart.

"Miss Rosalin" Jacob gently knocked on the door despite his panic, there was no response from Rosalin's room either but before he could knock again the door slowly opened and Jacob saw the red-dressed Fire mage Rosalin.

"What's the matter?" Rosalin calmly asked.

"Its...Its Minister Bryan miss Rosaline he is not waking up" Jacob explained the situation like a mouse in front of a cat.

"He's probably still sleeping try again after a few minutes" Rosalin didn't panic like Jacob because she knew her defense magic was still in place without disturbed by anyone.

"I did miss Rosalin I knocked on his door several times, usually he will at least shout at me but today there was nothing, not even a sound coming from his room"

Rosalin could see Jacob breaking down in fear and panic, seeing Jacob in this state she realized at least she could try for the sake of giving this old man a closure.

"Follow me" Rosaline took her staff and walked towards Minister Bryan's room.

After a few breaths time, Rosaline had reached the front door of Minister Bryan's bedroom and she could feel that her defense magic is still in place.

"Minister Bryan" Rosaline called out but didn't get any response from the other side.

"Calling of fire spirits" Rosaline closed her eyes and cast a spell to scan the room without entering when she finished her spell she suddenly opened her eyes, if someone was before her they could see the anger and confusion in her eyes.

"Go out and call the other guards immediately nobody gets in or out without noticing me" her voice was so dominant and had anger hiding within thus it made Jacob shiver uncontrollably as he nodded and quickly ran downstairs to give Rosalin's order.

"Flare of hell" Rosalin pointed her hands towards the door just as a dark purple color flames came out through her fingers and burnt the door in a second.

Rosaline was stunned to see the scene in front of her, there were broken glasses and bottles all over the floor as well as bloodstains and broken tables but the thing shocked her most was what was in the middle of the room.

At this time, the guards, maids, and experts of the Bryan Residence all alerted bt Jacob and brought to the main hall as for the personal guards aka Rosalin's team headed for Bryan's room.

Minister Bryan's lifeless body tied to the chair before Rosalin, his upper clothes were ripped and used to tie him to the chair while a deep knife stab mark on his chest was visible to Rosaline, there was also a big bloodstain on his left thigh it seems he was stabbed there too.

Seeing everything in the room made Rosaline doubt her abilities, she remembers clearly that she cast the defense spell before she left and as of now there were not any disruptions in the spell, there were only two conclusions to be made with this, one the spell didn't work second the killer found a way to disable or evade the spell just when she investigating the crime scene her teammates entered the room.

"Oh my god" Aster the healer almost threw up when she saw the horrible scene as the other three were not reacted like Aster but they were too nauseated and a little bit afraid of the scene.

The team's Archer Chase stepped forward and knelt and investigated the bloodstains then looked around the room and began to study the dead body of Minister Bryan beside Rosaline.

"There was a little struggle between two people here" Chase pointed at the place where Minister Bryan let out Arrora and beaten her.

"There are some rosy red bloodstains besides Minister Bryan I bet it was the half-elf's" Chase moved towards the place where Arrora fall and broke the wine bottles,

"And then it seems she also broke Minister Bryan's statue, the statues have the same rosy red blood stained fingerprints on some broken pieces"

"You think the half-elf killed Minister Bryan and escaped?" aster asked Chase in doubt but the one answered her was Rosaline

"No look up" Rosaline signaled Aster to look at the broken roof

"The killer came this way"

"But how could he without triggering the defense magic," Aster asked the question that everyone asking themselves and looked at Rosaline for some answer.

"Chase the defense magic is still in place right?" Rosaline asked Chase to make sure whether her defense magic was effective or not.

"Yes the spell is still in place if anyone other than us or Minister Bryan or the half-elf came to this room the spell would be triggered"

"But clearly the spell didn't work right?" Aster asked in a low pitch voice as she didn't want to undermine or underestimate Rosalin's ability.

"There is nothing wrong with the spell" Rosaline answered and pondered about the possibilities for a moment.

"But the killer seemed to have found a way to evade the spell or he might be a heavenly level magi" Chase answered.


Not only Aster the twins were shocked to hear the mention of heavenly level and Aster almost shouted

"It's unlikely that a heavenly level magi would come sneaking around to kill him" Rosalin heard about the heavenly level magi's from her master and realized there were only a few heavenly level magi's in the empire and they would not come out of seclusion for mere assassinations like this and also she already found a weird fact

"The killer left no magical fluctuations I can't even see a little bit of magical fluctuations aside from the master-slave bond" as she said Rosaline lifted her staff and cast a spell "Solar Net"

The room turned to slight orange when she cast the spell, this was one of the spell's to see or analyze magical fluctuations more vividly, the team could see two bright waves in the air they didn't see before and a bright blue thin layer around the room.

The bright waves were the master-slave bond fluctuations and the blue layer was the defense spell Rosaline cast, they could also see a faint layer of light and waves radiating from the bodies of the people in the room this was the magical fluctuation of magi. The layer of light will become brighter and waves stronger as the magi levels up or use powerful spells, the fluctuations caused by the magi could be seen by some spells like the one Rosaline used, no matter how powerful the magi is no one could hide the magical fluctuations they leave behind this was the unchangeable rule in the magic world but now it seems someone found a way to change it.

"How is it possible?? no one could do that" Willaim said.

"Yes we have to notify the ministry of magic in capitol about this" Rosaline could not find a way to explain this phenomenon so she decided to notify her master and her superiors.

"Why didn't minister Bryan shout for help and where is the half-elf?" Aster asked Rosalin but Chase answered her question instead.

"He would have if he got the chance" Chase stepped near the dead body and pointed at the whip around his mouth.

"The killer tortured him for a moment, his nose was broken and stabbed through his left thigh as for the half-elf the killer probably took her with him"

Chase concluded her investigation and waited for Rosalin's orders.

"Chase is correct but what did the killer want from Bryan and also what did he take from him" Rosaline signaled others to look at the torn carpet near Bryan.

"Hidden safe, It seems Bryan was hiding something even from us" Chase said.

"If we find what did he hide we may have the chance to find the killer" as Rosaline said the anger within herself rose and erupted through her eyes literally, the teammates never seen Rosalin got this angry she looked like a fiery eyes Pheonix to them.

"When I find the killer I'll roast him alive" Rosaline never liked Minister Bryan even a bit but she knew it was her duty to protect him, it was personally given to Rosaline by her master as a test yet she failed her test and duty miserably, she felt humiliated thinking about her failure she never felt this way before in her life but now someone forced her to, Rosaline was a prodigy she reached great master realm in the age of 24 which was shaken the whole empire when she received this job from her master she thought it as a time waste and a simple job for a prodigy like herself but she respected her master and accepted this job, now she realized why her master gave her this job this was never a simple job, to begin with.

Rosaline's pride and Arrogance of a prodigy were shattered and she was angry with herself for treating this job as simple and being careless, for the first time in her life she was beaten and worst of all she had no idea about the one beaten her.

Chase had an idea why Rosaline acting this way so she chose not to console her or anything she knew it would be gone to waste right now the only thing she could do was send a message to Capitol and Rosalin's master about the murder of Minister Bryan.

"I'm going to send a message to the capital you guys should investigate the parameters and everyone in the manor for some clues"

Eventually, Rosaline was left behind alone in the room, her fury wasn't calmed till now, Rosaline felt as she was made naked in front of a crowd thinking about her failure, she wanted to kill the half-elf and Bryan's killer it was the only way to reclaim her pride.

"Whoever you are you just made a big mistake"

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