Rise of the Legendary Emperor

Chapter 238: The Truth always hurt

However, the moment the old man said this, the atmosphere turned dark and suddenly the storm clouds appeared out of nowhere.

"What's happening?"

"Is there a storm coming?"

The people were dumbstruck as the storm got worse and worse and eardrum splitting thunder claps reverberated in the area.

"Let me see how you do that!"

A voice that so loud appeared and made everyone close their ears.


The next moment, a gigantic finger made of golden energy flicked the old man and sent him flying with blood spouting out of his mouth.

As the golden finger slowly faded away, the crowd saw a woman standing near Arwen in golden robes. The people wanted to worship her the moment they laid their eyes on her due to the aura she was radiating.

"Mid heavenly level!"

"Oh my god!"

"How dare you try to kill my people!?"


Citrios and Lydus vomited blood due to the power of her voice, and the old man's face turned pale and white like his beard.

"Who? Who...are you?"

Instead of answering the old man, the crowd saw the woman raising her hand as another hand made of golden energy grabbed the old man by his neck and lifted him up just like he did to Arwen.

"I'm from the kingdom you just called pathetic"

Rodrigo's muscles went rigid when he heard her. When Joel warned him about a war between Everlight and Mairis, he didn't fear them because of the existence of Labras, the old man and father of the current queen of Mairis.

However seeing the woman who was a level above Labras, Rodrigo didn't want the war to happen between the two kingdoms because the power she was radiating showed that she alone could kill Labras and bring a disaster to Mairis.

"Do you think I can't end your life here and now?"

Labras tried to gasp for air as the grip on his neck tightened and made breathing hard, very hard.

"Guardian Reghys, please don't"

Arwen slowly stood up and said. He could tell that she was really looking to kill Labras by sensing the killing intent. When he thought about it, this was happening because of his fault. If he didnt act rashly when he saw them with the elven girl, he could have avoided all this, he could have just paid a huge some to Lydus to leave the girl alone and bought them all from the red lavender owner.

But he didn't, he just went berserk on Lydus and his friends and brought this on himself.

"It's my fault, leave them, we should go"

Arwen pleaded with her as Reghys sighed and let Libras free.

"(cough) (cough)"

Libras caught and puked blood because of the backlash between his energy and her's.

Joel had already brought the girls and their families together and was ready to flee Mairis to Agoria when the time was right.

"Consider this settles the debt between Everlight and Mairis"

Reghys said loudly as everyone in the kingdom could hear her voice.

The elven girl who had previously lost her consciousness now looked terrified at the sight of two heavenly level mages and the rest of the girls had a mix of relief and fear in their eyes.

Under the shocked gazes of the people of Mairis, Joel brought all the girls near Reghys as Rodrigo was flying towards his castle to inform this about his father who was sick and currently resting in a secluded area.

The next moment, a bright beam of light covered Reghys and the group.

"Where did they go?"

"Idiot! be glad she did, or we would have died between the clash of two heavenly mages "

The crowd started to express their opinions looking at Labras and his kin.


The bright light beam made the girls close their eyes and when they opened them again, they were standing on what seemed to be a throne hall of a king.

"Joel, show them around the kingdom and settle them in the capitol"

"As you wish, Lady Reghys"

Joel led the girls outside leaving Reghys and Arwen alone. He was glad that he isn't going to get railed by Reghys for what happened in Mairis.

Reghys was staring at Joel and the group of girls and the moment they disappeared from her gaze, she turned her gaze towards Arwen.


Arwen stepped back looking at her furious look. Reghys wanted to slap this elf in front of her. He was sent to do one simple job by Don yet because of his temper, he now damaged the relationship between Mairis and Everlight as well as almost put the two kingdoms on the warpath. Most importantly he endangered himself by jumping into battle without having any idea about the opponent.

Everlight was in a delicate situation due to Don's and Knight's illness. Until they both breakthrough to the Heavenly level and kill the dark energy inside them, they couldn't afford to go on a war. That was why Don now focusing his efforts on fixing and building a strong kingdom.

"Why did you think Don gave a ring full of nothing but coins and life stones?!"

Arwen couldn't talk back but stand there getting railed by Reghys

"What were you thinking elf? Already Gael's in bed and Don"

Just when she was about to blabber about Don, she closed her mouth but it was too late.

"What happened to him?"

He noticed Don was training hard ever since he returned from the dungeon and when he asked him about it, he told him that he was getting ready to break through to the heavenly level.


"Don't lie Lady Reghys, you're a noble dragon"

He didn't shout but his voice was grave and he looked very serious.

"He wasn't training with you, was he?"

Reghys was indeed a dragon and she hated lying. Until now, she was with Don and she was in no situation to explain herself or directly lie to the people of Everlight.

However, looking at Arwen's face, she knew that she couldn't just ignore his question. She was stuck in a situation where if she told Arwen the truth, she would complicate things for Don and the other option was lying directly to Arwen's face which goes against her moral code.

"Can you swear on my life that there's nothing wrong with him?"

Arwen grabbed her hands and put it on his head and asked her.

"Swear on my life, Reghys, do it"

As far as Arwen was concerned, the entire survival of the kingdom and their race depend on Don since he was the chosen one and the one who could make a difference in this world. He had no idea what he would do without Don and he didn't want anything to happen to his friend because he considered Don as his friend rather than his king.

Reghys took her hand away from his head and shook her head. She couldn't simply lie and swear on Arwen's life. She would rather tell him the truth and ask him to keep it a secret than swearing on his life.

"No, I can't"

Arwen's heart started to beat faster hearing Reghys 

"What...what happened? What's wrong with him?'

His voice broke as he stuttered. Looking at his serious face, Reghys took a deep breath and sighed.

"Don and Knight are sick, Arwen, especially Don..."

Reghys started to tell what really happened inside the dungeon. Until now only Benedict, Ken, and Reghys knew about the sickness and now Arwen became the fourth person to know about this.

"How serious is this?"

After hearing the full story, Arwen asked 

"For Knight not much, he has already entered into a deep state to breakthrough but Don, its worse"

"He can be cured right?"

Even though Reghys tried to downplay the seriousness of his sickness, Arwen understood the severity of the situation.

"I've been observing the dark energy in his body through the detectors, it's not growing but it's also not getting weaker as I imagined, with this rate, it'll take at least decade to weaken the dark energy"

For an ambitious person like Don, Arwen knew a decade is simply too long and anything could happen to him during this time and he would be defenseless without his cultivation.

Thinking that he just made another enemy for Don because of his temper, he wanted to slap himself and realized why Reghys became so angry about his mistake.

"What can we do to help him? There must be something, a treasure a herb or anything"

He was ready to even go to hell if there's something in hell that could cure Don. Reghys hardly smiled and shook her head

"There's nothing, Arwen, we just have to depend on a higher power if there's any"

Reghys searched through her ancestor's memories and tried to find a solution for Don's problem but she couldn't find anything. Her previous idea worked on Knight but the dark energy in Don's body was acting differently than Knight's and preventing him from using his battle energy. She had already told him that he can't attempt to breakthrough with his current status and she would find a way before she departed to Mairis hearing Joel's call for help.

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