Rise of the Legendary Emperor

Chapter 26: There’s a War Coming

At the moment when all the hope was lost, they heard the voice of the Dragon King who was until now didn't move or do anything.

"give me that space ring" Dragon King said to Uncle Dior and pointed his fingers towards the ring. A ray came out of Dragon King's finger and covered the ring then in an instant the healing potion emerged from the ring and floated towards Arrora.

When Arrora saw the potion coming she didn't waste a single second she just grabbed it and poured the potion into Don's mouth. The moment the potion touched his lips, the healing started.

Don tried hard and swallowed a little bit of the potion while most of it flowed outside of his mouth, the wounds on his body began to heal at a visible rate and the broken bones started to mend as the healing process continued Don slowly regained his control over battle energy in his body, the battle energy was almost depleted in the battle with the Dragon King yet a small amount of it sped up the healing process.

Seeing Don's wounds healing and his limbs started to look at what they supposed to, made Arrora's tears stop while her mouth curved and let out a relieved smile,

"Let's help him up" Uncle Dior said when he saw Don was trying to stand up and failed.

Arrora and Uncle Dior gently helped Don stand up while Arrora still had Don's hands around her neck to support him.

"Ye are a strong one boyo" Dragon King said.

Don almost coughed up more blood when he heard Dragon King, he had almost stared death in its eyes yet the Dragon King said he was a strong one.

"I failed to beat you" Don strugglingly said but when he said that the Dragon King started to laugh,

"ye doomed ta fail right from tha beginning boyo"

"What?" Arrora shouted in shock and surprise.

"Ye shou' be proud boy since ye be still alive,even though ye wouldn't be even equal o' me pinky finger if i was still alive"

The Dragon King laughed and raised his pinky.

When everyone heard Dragon King they were confused, what did he mean by if I was alive but they didn't have to wait for long to know the answer.

"what ye all be seeing right now be just a piece o' soul I left behind"

"Left for what?" Don asked Dragon King he was still standing with the support of Arrora, the healing potion would have fully healed a normal person but to him, it took longer.

"To guide you my successor boyo"

Before anybody could say anything Dragon King continued,

"There be a war coming boyo tha war that'll decides tha fate o' tha world"

Don was confused while Uncle Dior's eyes went wide when he heard about the war,

Dragon King didn't even give him a second to process what he said a second ago as he continued,

"the current yeh can't survive tha war boyo nae in a million years"

Don felt the power of the dwarf in front of him so he knew that if he is talking about the so called war this seriously, it must be a major and terrible one.

But in his mind some questions started to emerge,

He knew he was like an ant compared to Dragon King.

"What is this war? Even the Dragon King reacting badly? how long do I have?"

Seeing Don Dragon King gave him a little reassurance.

"But ye still have some hope boyo.Because tha war won't start anytime soon"

Hearing Dragon King, Uncle Dior felt a little relaxed like he dodged a bullet but soon he realized it's just a temporary one.

"this piece o' soul o' mine be just a heavenly level still ye couldn't even beat this"

"What!!" Uncle Dior shouted when the Dragon King mentioned heavenly level, for him heavenly level is like a god-level but now he heard that a mere piece of a soul was heavenly level, he couldn't even imagine what level the Dragon King was when he was alive.

"in me time tha heavenly level was just a child's game boyo

But 'en tha magix energy started ta become scarce as time went by.However tha magix energy has started replenishing in tha world again.

Use this time ta raise your power an' build a powerful army alongside a powerful kingdom


Coincidently Don had always planned to build an army and a kingdom, the war and Dragon King's advice just made him more motivated.

"Why me?" Don asked the question that's been bothering him since the start.

"Ye be tha chosen one boy.Tha one born wi'out a magical core.I had doubts about tha prophecy.But after seeing ye, I guess it be really true"

"What prophecy?" Don again asked a question but the Dragon King's body started to flicker,

"I dinna have much time left boy. I have used up most o' me magix energy when I was with fighting ye. But I will try ta answer your questions 'afore I fade away"

"What is the prophecy? Who am I gonna face in that war? And how can I get stronger? Since you know I can't use magic"

Arrora and Uncle Dior couldn't believe their ears, Uncle Dior thought Don was an otherworldly being but now he realized he was born in this world but without a magical core, he never heard such phenomenon before or ever.

In the magical world, the magical core was equal to the brain, the one without it could be considered as a corpse obviously no one was born without it he never heard of it until now

"the dragon born without the ability to breath fire is the only one can light the fire that extinguishes the darkness" Dragon king's figure became more transparent.

"I don't know who ye be going ta face boyo but tha enemy be not someone tha current ye can fight" the Dragon king's body almost turned into smoke

"tha magix energy, tha battle energy ye use, be all energies boyo energies but i dinna have tha time ta explain

i left some magix stones in tha castle use it wisely ta power up your army conquer everything you could 'afore tha war, only together ye can win boyo"

Dragon King paused a second as he looked at a faraway distance with a sad look on his face

" an' help my people Don"

This time Dragon King addressed him as Don instead of boyo or brat, it sounded like he's asking a last favor from his successor.

But just before the Dragon King disappear Don asked,

"Are you really dead?" but Dragon King didn't say anything just winked at him and completely disappeared.

Looking at the place where Dragon King floated just a moment ago the three of them stood in complete silence each with their own thoughts and plans.

After a moment Don took his hands out from Arrora's neck, his wounds now mostly healed but the clash between two energies at the last moment of the battle took a toll on his body as he was still experiencing some pain.

"Cloaking spell deactivated" suddenly a mechanical voice echoed in their ears, when the three of them turned to see the source of the voice but the scene before them was shocked them even Don,

The waterfall they saw slowly split opened in the middle as a bridge made of which seems like light or energy(the one like was on the Asgard) came out of the waterfall.

"Let's go," Don said while he already started to limp toward the light bridge, the Dragon King said he was his successor so he guessed the castle now belonged to him and the bridge was the gateway to the castle but the two behind him was little afraid to follow him.

However Don didn't wait for them so they had no choice but to follow Don.

As Don slowly walked towards the waterfall he couldn't see anything before him but full darkness in front of him, walking towards the darkness reminded of him the dark portals in the Divine Continent which used to travel one domain to another.

The darkness was just a few inches away from him, the water falling beside him was blocked from wetting him by some kind of force field.

"Here we go" Don exhaled a long breath and stepped into the darkness. Unexpectedly soon after he stepped into the darkness he was welcomed by a very beautiful site to be exact a new dimension. ( i wanted to use realm but dimension seemed more suitable if you have better name tell me in the comments)

"Oh my god" two shocked and astonished voices came from behind Don.

"What is this place?" Uncle Dior asked as his eyes were sparkling seeing the beauty of the place in front of him just when a sweet childish giggle of a little girl reached their ears.

"This is the Castle of Dragon King"

Out of nowhere a magical projection of a little girl in a white dress appeared in front of them, the girl clapped her hands together in joy,

she had a very bright smile like she found her long lost mother seeing them and she was extremely cute particularly that ponytail of hers.

Before they could even react seeing the cute little girl, she called out again looking at Don

"Welcome to the Castle of Dragon King brother"

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