Rise Of The Limitless One

Chapter 47 - Addressing The Issue


Not long after Lucian asked Ahri to instigate a scenario that allowed the team to face some dangers, the number of incoming Infernal Dire Wolves skyrocketed exponentially. The further they traveled, the more likely it was to come in contact with the most dangerous area on the map.

"A-Ahri, shouldn't we exercise precaution? Although this is just a trial run, I think we should at least remain wary of where we venture," Desmond muttered. His expression was worrisome as he bore the brunt of most of the wolves' initial collision.

After all, while Olov was the team's chief defender, Desmond was their scout. So he frequently experienced these types of situations at his forefront position. Not to mention, the wolves were pretty fast, so reacting required him to be prepared beforehand.

If they were a little slower, he would have the luxury to move proactively instead of reactively.

"Don't worry. There's no real danger. The time we have left on this floor is basically inconsequential," Ahri responded while glancing at the large timer up above. There were only 5 minutes remaining, however, this didn't seem to soothe Desmond.

'Damn, what's this eerie feeling then?' Desmond wondered while showcasing a conflicted expression. Even though Ahri said it was fine, he didn't have enough trust to blindly place all of his faith in her remark with full confidence.

As Lucian took notice of this, he marked another weakness of the team. 'It needs to be sturdier if they seek to advance without any tragedies. I should have known human behavior would become a travesty to our progression.'

Initially, Lucian's opinion of Desmond was different. Since he seemed to possess a military background, Lucian felt he should be used to receiving and executing given orders to a tee. Yet, from what he saw now, that didn't seem to be the case.

There was anxiousness in his eyes when Ahri gave the order to continue forward. Perhaps this stemmed from her gender, or perhaps it stemmed from their repeated failures. Either way, it seemed Desmond's trust in the team was poor.

'Even if you hold some apprehension, there's a reason you all appointed her as the team leader,' Lucian inwardly thought. Based on his compiled information, Ahri possessed the highest stats in the team. Furthermore, it appeared that her ability was extremely strong but also stifled at the same time.

This observation led Lucian to question Ahri's circumstances. 'Just how does the logic of her radiation work? Was it an internal property, or did she just morph the ambient energy into radiation?' If it was the latter, then it wasn't as dangerous as Lucian first assumed.

However, if the former scenario turned out to be the truth, then Lucian wasn't too sure how to move forth with her. Should she continue to grow and heighten her attributes, she would be akin to a nuclear weapon!

To hold that type of destructive ability sort of astonished Lucian.

Finally, Lucian added his input, "Just follow the team leader's orders. I'm sure she understands how important our safety is. Though my time with you all has been short, I feel she wouldn't lead us into doom. So, just try to stick to her instructions."

Since Lucian didn't mince his words, Ahri was thrown off by what he said. 'W-wasn't it you who said to force them deeper into this place? If it was up to me, I'd abort as well. I don't understand, just what is he planning?'

Meanwhile, Lucian's attention fell on Quinn, whose trembling grew so evident that he thought the temperature had dropped. Of course, it didn't, and this display was produced by the increased stress Quinn subjected himself to.

"Calm down. Exhale and look forward," Lucian said all of a sudden. He also moved to Quinn's side and placed his hand on his back.

Startled, Quinn nearly jumped out of his shoes with a frightened yelp, "Oh! Oh gosh...my heart nearly stopped. Please don't scare me like that, I can't handle it." Quinn shook his head repeatedly while muttering his words in a hastened manner.

"Hmm? Well, that was unexpected. Nevertheless, try what I said. Your nervousness stems from your mind so you should loosen up. I suggest finding something else to focus on."

"F-focus? That's hard. I can't focus when I have to think about everything," Quinn responded.

In response, Lucian looked at him with intrigue, "Everything? Why must you think about everything? You're in a party and everyone plays a distinct role. So there is no reason for you to feel as if the burden is entirely on your shoulders."

"Oh, but it is! It truly is. The healer has the most important job, and this responsibility is killing me. I don't understand how others cope with it," Quinn muttered. Lucian could tell his methods weren't working because Quinn started hyperventilating.

'Since this isn't doing it, then let's take a...harsher route, so to speak.'

"If that's the case, why do you feel so useful? Take a look at Ahri and Aeran. They're the team's two strongest assaulters. If you have no assaulter to defeat the monsters, what's the use of your role? What—are you just going to heal the monsters?"

"I-I...uh," Quinn stammered over Lucian's questioned. Now that he thought about it, he couldn't find a true answer for his monumental worries. In fact, the more he thought about it, the more he felt his anxiety was unwarranted.

After realizing this, Quinn couldn't help but show a self-deprecating smile, "I'm not that strong. My healing is just barely enough, and it worries me. Truth be told I didn't fail to heal Jonas. They just weren't potent enough."

"Why not?" Lucian questioned. Even if Quinn's ability was only an E Rank, their current vessels weren't strong enough to reject that type of healing. After all, the Mana used for healing was purer than normal Mana and was almost on par with beta-Mana.

Hence, why Healers were such a cherished position.

"I-I tense up and then my mind blanks. Then, before I know it, my healing isn't what it should be. Maybe I wasn't made to be a Guardian. I don't understand why I was chosen."

Before answering, Lucian nocked an arrow before releasing it to his right. To Quinn's dismay, Lucian hadn't turned his head once throughout the entire process. Yet, a metallic noise was heard as Lucian's arrow deflected an unnoticed swipe which sought to claim Olov's life.

"Tell me, if you don't know why you were summoned, do you have a reason to be summoned? I was once in your position. No, I was even worse off. Fragile and ridiculed by all. However, that didn't bother me much. You know why?"

"Why?" Quinn questioned. For some odd reason, Quinn found Lucian to possess some type of magnetic aura. It helped soothe his jittery nerves while wanting to know more.

In light of his question, Lucian retrieved a stopwatch from his pocket. Different from the amulet which held a photo of his parent, this stopwatch displayed a picture of Lucian and his siblings with delighted smiles.

"Because of them. They are and always will be my resolve. I can't allow them to suffer while I know I can do something to help them."

Frozen, Quinn continued to look at the picture of Lucian and his siblings. It was a beautiful picture, even causing Quinn to smile faintly, but then his expression turned odd as his gaze switched between Lucian and the photo numerous times.

"Is that...you? Why do you look so different?" Quinn muttered.

"The effects of awakening to my required self," Lucian answered while avoiding the mention of the Limitless Stone. Such an item should be guarded with the utmost security. At this point, he wasn't sure if he'd ever tell someone of its existence.

If even the Fractured Monolith wasn't aware of its existence, then surely no one on Alteria would be able to glean its existence.

Finally, the timer above their heads started to buzz as it fell to the last 10 seconds.

During this time, Lucian scaled down his assistance. Not just Olov, even Ahri, Aeran, and Adonis suffered wounds. Unlike Ahri and Aeran, Adonis preferred to use daggers while attacking with astounding agility.

In exchange for his speed, he sacrificed strength and endurance. However, when coupled with his odd ability to wreath himself in a shroud of dense air, it was a viable combat tactic.


An echoing noise, reminiscent of a gong blasted inside everyone's head before a strong ejection force pulled their bodies. The appearance of this sound announced failures on timed floors.

In moments, Lucian and the others arrived back in the Echelon Lounge, which was comparatively empty for its prior activity.

The instant they returned, Lucian didn't dawdle. He chose a table and beckoned for the others to follow, "It's best we address the pressing issues with our performance."

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