Rise of the Marvel Universe Zerg

Chapter 1204: Gotham New Trends

The white gravity bear is one of the main groups of the three groups of gravity bears. It is good at using ice abilities and can control ice power.

Now swallowing earthworms constantly turns the soil into a silt swamp, which requires liquid to produce, giving the white gravity bear more space.

And whether they are eating piranhas or eating earthworms, they are afraid of ice power, which makes them vulnerable.

Under the giant bear shadow of the totem turret and the ice power of the white gravity bear, the attacks from the piranha and the devouring earthworm stopped temporarily.

Even the scarab, in the face of ice power, seemed much weaker.

The freezing made the scarab's body stiff and dull, and its attack speed immediately declined. Under the slap of the giant bear shadow, a large number of smashing explosions exploded.

However, Lin Fan had already prepared for this question, and he was not stuck.

Zagara has been arranging the hive during this period of time, and will temporarily use this as a base to prepare for summoning a Zerg lair.

Therefore, I worked hard to incubate the mosquito nest and bile ejector to ensure the safety of the hive.

The Gravity Bear Tribe has been breached, and now as long as the diehards inside are killed, the Suicide Bee can retake the Piranha Valley again.

The main blood honey production channel can be formed.

But the bile ejector is definitely not useful, because the range is definitely not enough.

But the explosive mosquito does not have this problem.

A large number of explosive mosquitoes gush out from the hive.

This number is at least 30,000 or 40,000.

The mosquito nest hatched during this time.

Like a dark cloud in the sky, the black-pressed explosive mosquito swiftly rushed towards the tribe of the gravity bear in the Piranha Valley.

Dehaka took the Mang Beast and evacuated directly.

Scarab nests are still incubating scarabs, as a source of interference, so that the Gravity Bear Tribe will not plan anything else for the time being.

For Lin Fan, this place is already a foregone conclusion. Even if the gravity bears reinforce the army, there are thirty scarab nests to interfere, it is impossible to build such a tribe to occupy this place.

Shortly after……

In Wang Chong's field of vision, tens of thousands of explosive mosquitoes used their lives to produce big explosions among dozens of totem poles, and the energy of the giant bear's shadow quietly dissipated in front of them.

Most of the gravity bears died tragically, only a few of them escaped, but here, no one knows how many injured gravity bears can escape on the ground where piranhas and earthworms are devouring them.

For the totem turret that was blown up, Lin Fan still wanted the king insect or the tunnel insect to be transported back.

These "civilization-like" technologies are valuable assets.

Especially the altar that can be "resurrected".

A large number of incomplete stones were picked up from the wreckage of the totem turret and piled in front of Lin Fan.

Lin Fan took all the orders, swallowed them into the solar furnace, and analyzed the technology inside, but it would take a while.

The other is that even if you want to replicate the totem turret of the Gravity Bear clan, you need a lot of iron ore as a foundation.

The material for the Gravity Bear to make the totem turret is the red clay on its ground, which is very compatible with gravity.

But the red soil resource, Lin Fan also used to cultivate medicinal materials, is not suitable for totem turrets.

It is ordinary iron ore, as long as it is modified, it can also be used as a manufacturing material for totem turrets.

Talking about both sides.

After Leya, Pan Sen and Mi Duo left the new map, they transported the full potion to Gotham City.

Now Gotham is facing many difficulties due to the exploration of the new map. Many people have gotten into it, and the injuries are hundreds of times more than usual.

The stamina potion made by blood honey can not only restore stamina, but also has a good healing effect, promotes self-healing and regeneration, and is very suitable for use in battle.

Even if it has been mixed with water, the effect of Lin Fan's technique can still be guaranteed.

This makes Pan Sen's chariot immediately become Gotham's hottest mobile booth.

Léa is responsible for collecting money, arranging the distribution of medicines, and using the money received to purchase some coolie slaves as a battle force to protect the chariot.

After all, the tree attracts the wind.

Mi Duo didn't participate in this money-making plan. He nestled in the armory and assembled some of the machine design drawings given by Lin Fan. Because of his talent, he learned very quickly.

At the same time, Pantheon and Leia’s tanks selling potions have attracted the attention of the major forces of Gotham groups.

For example, the main department represented by Batman.

After learning that there are a lot of stamina potions made with blood honey in Penson and Léa, they immediately monopolized them with a price that was 10% higher than the market price.

As Gotham's biggest chaebol, Batman, this acquisition plan is nothing more than a big deal.

Batman’s company specializes in providing advanced tanks, exoskeleton armor and high-precision thermal weapons for the police, leading many fields.

the other side.

The clowns, penguins and scarecrows who fled back to Gotham recover their wounds in the dark room.

The light source shines through the broken window, shining on the table next to it, and a few bottles of blood honey physical potions that have been drunk stand on it.

Looking at the trademark on the bottle, it was Pan Sen and Léa who sold it, no doubt.

The clown opened his eyes, bloodshot inside, gritted his teeth and said: "I remember this group of drug sellers was with the man named Lin Fan..."

As the biggest force, the clown entered the new map. He should have been the biggest winner, but he lost his wife and broke down in it.

On the contrary, Lin Fan, who was hiding on the side, got the benefits that belonged to them.

How could the clown swallow this breath.

"Scarecrow, go and gather the people and bring the people in this chariot. I want to know more. I want to know how they got these things."

Although Joker is now a polished commander, in Gotham, his name is deterrence.

Being able to fight Batman, in Gotham's existence as the king of evil, countless criminals want to take refuge in him.

at the same time.

Pan Sen drove the chariot and wanted to go to the new map again to fetch medicines. Because Batman’s chaebol has already signed a contract with them to eat all their potions at 10% of the market price.

At the same time, the dozens of coolie slaves they purchased gave equal exoskeleton armor and a three-piece thermal weapon package, worth up to three or four million sun gold coins.

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