Rise of the Marvel Universe Zerg

Chapter 603: Debut of the Fischer

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Lin Fan looked down at the captured Juju and said, "Hey, it's grown up, but unfortunately, you will still die if the tide of beasts in space and time ends. Unless you can get the fragmented rules of this city, you will have a chance to resurrect. Freedom. "

"Kill if you kill ... there is always a chance, I will come back again, and I will be resurrected." Teju stared at Lin Fan.

Lin Fan stepped on Shouju's back and said, "The problem is that I have a lot of fragmented rules. I can leave you and then torture you if I want to torture you."

"Do you have rules fragments?" Teju asked incredulously.

Lin Fan threw out dozens of rule fragments and beat them on the face of Teju Baijing, sneer: "This is enough for you to be resurrected dozens of times."

"..." Teju stared at the rule fragments. I don't know how many sieges, just to get such a rule fragment, but now there are dozens of them!

Lin Fan grasped Chiju's chin and lifted it up, "Now talk about it, what's going on in space and time? Don't try to lie, because for you, I still know the basics ... If it is useful, I will reward you Fragment of rules that will resurrect you. "

"I only know ... our world is destroyed, we become dead in wandering nests of space and time. Wherever there is a call, we will go wherever we can get out of the control of space and time nests until we are resurrected by the rule fragments." Teju Sad road.

Lin Fan secretly said: Some things in this noodle shop can still be dug deep, but the forces that have existed for a long time must have many unknown things, and even the secrets of time have long been obliterated.

"You can get a fragment of rules. I like to collect. As a collection, you should know that the owner is not happy. I can let you out of the space and time, but you can never escape my control." Lin Fan promised.

Tendril's tendril was untied at this time, and he was surprised: "I can ... get a fragment of a rule?"

People are always changed, especially when they break the common sense and are forced to fight over and over again, wanting to be resurrected becomes more important than anything.

"Before I change my mind," Lin Fan said lightly.

Temari immediately picked up a regular fragment, swallowed it in his mouth, and then left with an unknown energy on his body. Temari returned to life and was free for a long time. "Thank you for your reward."

"Interesting." Lin Fan looked through Wang Zhe's vision at this time and looked out of the city. The Ninja Coalition was organizing the next offensive. It seemed that the destruction of the Ninja Corps in Shayin Village did not cause any stagnation for these people.

The tumor of the fungus blanket is rapidly spreading out. In the foggy environment, the Zerg have gained more advantages than the Ninja Alliance. Many things are done more hidden and difficult to detect.

The loess in Yanyin Village is undergoing joint ninja, transforming the terrain, draining rivers from dozens of miles away, and preparing for a large river of soil flow. It is necessary to level the molten acid moat and the bone spider web.

But before waiting for a joint water dragon bomb to be cut, the drained river water was dug through the channel by the excavator and ran away halfway.

This Ninja Corps in Wuyin Village is not so light. Chakra is used practically, but there is no water, the sound is loud, and the waves are small. When the ground is soaked, it has no other effect.

The earth currents on the loess side saved a lot of chakras, but the ninjas on the Wuyin village had less than 30% of the chakras. The Hidden Spells could no longer be supported, and there was no bird use. Give it away.

However, after the foggy environment was removed, a large number of bacterial blankets appeared on the rock formation in front.

Kakashi stepped up and stepped on, and it didn't hurt, but the speed became dull. "These things should be similar to terrain modifications that can slow our speed."

"The earth flow river can't get rid of these things, but the molten acid moat and bone fork cobwebs have disappeared." Loess reported.

The fungus blanket is attached to the material and grows. The earth flow is a fluid, but it will still be attached and stabilized by the fungus blanket.

The loess had its troops ahead, using the earthen wall as its first shield. The soldiers who did not chop in the middle would use the water front as a second shield. Two million ninjas exported Chakra with all their strength, carrying Lin Fan's attack and sending Kakashi and Darui's Thunder Ninja to the wall.

Molten acid guns falling in the sky, a cluster of blade insects like a honeycomb, a dense and turbulent bone needle rainstorm, and a tide of poisonous insects under the ground, sinkholes trapped at any time, high-frequency puncture bone fork spider webs, parasitic parasites insect.

Under these terrible offensives, these advancing ninjas need to fill their lives. When Chakra runs out, he can only lie down and make a body.

The loess and the striker corps that are no longer chopped are as if being cut by wheat.

In particular, the emergence of pit traps requires the loess to retreat to the middle. While examining the rock formations, it is also necessary to upgrade the rock quality to prevent the traps of the excavators and the puncture of the lurkers.

There was only a water front that would not be chopped in front, and he had to carry a bone needle to combo, block the blade worm cluster, and stand against the molten acid gun. From time to time, a wave of poisonous insects drilled out of the soil came up and hugged warmly.

Chakra on the loess has become weaker and weaker, because of the appearance of the fungus blanket, no matter how the rocky village improves the quality of the rock formation, the fungus blanket will immediately loosen the soil, and the chamber will fight.

But now that he has come in, he can only rush forward all the way. A large number of soil ninjas are pierced by bone forks to fly as kites.

Kakashi and Darui behind

Can only let the thunder ninja advance to the wall faster.

When the Ninja Alliance reached the wall, the loess and the Ninja Corps that never cut again had already lost more than half, but the Kakashi and Darui Ninja Corps could finally storm the wall.

At this time, many fissiles shaped like poisonous explosives fell on the city wall.

This fissioner is a variant branch of poisonous insects. After the explosion, it will split into two second-order poisonous insects. Until there is no way to fission, the acid solution is not corrosive, but the mutation is more permeable. For a short while, a fission factor is produced.

These fission factors will exert an effect when the infected person dies, using the corpse as a nest, fissioning two secondary poisonous explosives, cycling back and forth, and has a strong concealment. ,, ...

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