Rise of the Marvel Universe Zerg

Chapter 611: Million pairs of writing eye

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The Susano Noritsu Corps collapsed under the bombardment of a large number of poisonous insects. The arresters immediately popped their tendrils and arrested these Uchihas who had the eye of the writing wheel. Without the Chakra ninjas, no matter how high the physical skill, they would still be paralyzed Toxin injections and detention.

Thousands of hands are blocked, and the shadow avatar is destroyed. Only the flying thunder **** can play a strong breakout, and the killer's head is cut off at a speed that is not as fast as the thunder.

However, Lin Fan was not unprepared. There were many fissioners under the soil. The fissioning acid produced during the explosion was scattered everywhere.

At the same time, the lurkers controlled a large number of Junma Lu bones to come to support.

Regarding Jun Malu, who is full of thorns, the Thunder God of Thousands of Hands can die in the besiege as soon as possible. As soon as he dies, two secondary poisonous explosives will definitely hatch due to fission factors.

At first glance, most of the thousand hands were killed not by Jun Malu, but by Tang Song of Jun Malu.

That is to say, the speed between the thousands of hands is too fast. Using space ninjutsu, jumping around, he hit Jun Malu himself, and was strangled to death by the bone spurs above.

The more fissioned secondary poisonous explosives, the more intense the fission factor, the more infected among the thousands of hands, and the siege of a large number of Jun Ma Lu from the lurkers, bone spurs everywhere, a little careless, will Hit himself on a bone spur and committed suicide.

The pharmacist watched as Uchiha Itachi Corps was arrested and held, but could not do anything about it. Guitongmaru's sticky gold bow is under the invisibility shield of Wang Zhe, and he cannot penetrate the arresters behind him.

Dilada's strength originally came from the explosion, but Xu Zuo was able to collapse and was killed by a mix of poisonous explosives and fissioners, but only helped Lin Fan hatch more secondary poisonous explosives.

As the body collapsed, Zuojinjin forcibly cursed it, disintegrated the cells, and wanted to penetrate the assassin's body.

However, in this state, the parasitic ghost can not be parasitic on the killer, and can only be swallowed by the killer.

The Zerg immune system is very advanced. If it is infected with a mutant virus that is more potent than the Zerg virus, if it is parasitic, it must have a stronger phagocytic ability than the Zerg.

Therefore, the near-by-right corps is now sent to death.

Ding! The assassin engulfed the gene sequences of the near and near brothers, creating a gene slot: parasitic division.

The new assassin has a more powerful melee ability. When you think it has only two blades, it will give birth to several blades under the ribs. At that time, your look will be very pleasantly surprised.

The original killer was an impenetrable slash, which became even more weird under the ability of parasitic division.

And if the undead is chopped, his body will be parasitic. Using the injured cell's cells to grow a killer, then it can be imagined that the wounded person either committed suicide or was killed by the killer. dead.

Then the assassin will return to the body to replenish his physical strength.

Guitong Maru Corps' spider's ability to stick to gold is in front of these assailants. Weak, fast-moving assassins have airtight slashes. Long-range attacks are invalid. Melees can only be cut and parasitized. The assassin killed.

However, in this chaos, there was another person who sneaked into Lin Fan's main city.

Previously, when Uchiha stopped the water and drove Suzuno, this place was already in ruins.

The pharmacist came to the ruins and raised his pupils staring at Lin Fan in the ruins, saying: "Immortal law, inorganic rebirth!"

This technique uses chakras to give inanimate matter, which has the ability to change form, spikes the soil, or barriers the water. It is quite attributeless chakras, which can fit any material entity and change its form ability. Surgery.

A large number of ruins gathered towards Lin Fan.

However, thirty shields appeared next to Lin Fan, propping up these ruins, and they could not be closed at all.

"Jun Ma Lu, the dance of grass fern." Yao Shidou has the cells of five people, and can use any of them.

The layers of bone forks pierce like waves towards Lin Fan! !!

However, Lin Fan was in a stature, using black light virus to increase the density of the soil layer below him, so that the dance of grass fern could only die in the middle, and he couldn't make a half point.

"Stabbing," Lin Fan said lightly.

When the pharmacist was surprised, he was stabbed by Lin Fan's black light, but the pharmacist broke his arm to save his life and was killed without a hit.

It was just that the pharmacist stepped back, but was stared at by Lin Fan ’s Aquila war wheel, and rotated by the light wheel to absorb the physical, mental, and accessible energy of the pharmacist.

Possessed spirit weapons can operate on their own. It is not as powerful as Lin Fan's, but now it is enough to trap the pharmacist's pocket.

The spiral light wheel of the Aquila war wheel has average lethality, but the enemy is restrained first-class, and those who are hit will inevitably need to stand firm.

Lin Fan came over, drew his fingers together, dug out the heart of the pharmacist's pocket, and smiled, "I will use your material, and you can rest in peace."

"No ..." The pharmacist's pocket immediately grew a large number of spiral light wheels, and for a moment, nothing was left.

Lin Fan summoned the digger, painted the heart of the pharmacist's pocket with the hydration of the ghost lamp family, and then inlaid in the digger's gene slot.

"Inorganic manipulation."

The ability of the excavator's gene slot, inorganic manipulation, is to turn itself into matter itself,

When it encounters soil, it turns into mud, when it encounters magma, it turns into magma, when it encounters ice, it turns into ice, and when it encounters steel, it turns into steel, and it can manipulate the change of its material form.

The second to third round of the Ninja Coalition's offensive ended in failure.

Lin Fan only needs to add hundreds of thousands of poisonous blasts and fissioners, then repair the city walls, and then replace the round of defensive equipment, there is no other loss.

For one, the blade worm is renewable.

Second, the insurgency was made from the body of a ninja coalition.

Third, non-suicide, secondary, and sidearm arms will be recalled by the quantum channel to the Worm's Tomb for refurbishment, supplementing the lack of quality and resurrecting again.

The next intermission.

Lin Fan is extracting the writing wheel eye of Uchiha Itachi, absorbing the two pupils of the sky photo and the moon reading, and integrating it with Uzuha Itachi.

At the same time, two million pairs of writing eyelets were obtained, of which one million pairs still had kaleidoscopes. Lin Fan could give the Zerg ability to these writing eyelets. ,, ...

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