Rise of the Marvel Universe Zerg

Chapter 619: Scourge formations kill each other

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The blood worm's magic stock solution has powerful energy and can be used to boost Chakra.

And the magic liquid can make a person have multiple chakra attribute changes.

A large number of chakras and mantras made Sasuke turn on Suzunaka again, and this time it was completely Suzunaka, equipped with armor, giving birth to wings, equipped with double swords, and a crow's nose mask.

Even if a large number of Yasaka Gouyu smashed down, it was impossible for them to deal with these complete needs, but the Sasuke Corps was also unable to do other things.

Wang Zhe has writing eye, but it is not orthodox, but two eyes can't open Suzuneng, ten eyes are no problem, Wang Zun's three hundred eyes can open up to 30 Suzunenghu.

However, Wang Zong opened Suzunenghu. Even if Lin Fan borrowed the body of Ino, even if the stuff was exposed, after observing, Lin Fan had selected several soldiers for priority treatment.

Ningji's gossip of one hundred and twenty-eight palms attacked Naruto, and he first blocked the human pillar to avoid releasing the tail beast. This is a big trouble!

Ding Zi directly swallowed the three-color pill, blasted Chakra, and attacked Kai, because the eight-door panzer armor was too strong. If Kai was to attack the city without sacrificing it, these 250,000 Kai would definitely break the wall.

Lee Locke opened directly to the fourth door and cleaned up Hina ’s army. Hina ’s white eyes were not strong in these plug-in eyes, but reducing the Tongli Corps helped Lin Fan ’s other deployments.

The most dangerous strategy is invisible!

The unknown is the scariest.

In remote investigation, no matter whether it is reincarnation or writing reincarnation, there is no strong white eye ... And Lin Fan does not know if these white eyes can create reincarnation eyes.

After taking Ding Ci of the three-color pill, Chakra was very large, and the blue Chakra wings condensed behind him, and Kay was caught off guard, and because of no precaution, a large number of Kay's regiment was smashed through the body and suffered heavy losses.

Take all the three-color pills, Ding Zi is bound to die. These Chakras are Ding Zi's potential, killing Kay's Clone Corps one by one.

Uchiha coldly said, "Into our interior ... Ino failed."

"Clogs, a thorn killing technique." Zhu Jian immediately spawned many thorns with clogs, preparing to arrest these mutineers. "It's not the time to say this, to reduce troop losses ... the city hits now, but it's hard to do."

The thorn killing technique can spawn a large number of thorn canes. It is a binding operation to arrest the target and has no other lethality.

These thorns and rattans rushed towards the mutineers, but Li Luoke had reached the sixth door, and had already killed a large number of cloned young fields with Table Lotus.

Ning Ci's gossip of one hundred and twenty-eight palms is even more lethal, directly hitting the clone of Naruto, as long as Naruto dies, the tail beast can no longer survive.

However, a large number of rattan rolls in, interrupting Ningji, leaving more than half of the clone Naruto alive.

It was only then that the alienated body lurking in the soil layer was dug up. During this time, the excavator used the inorganic manipulation ability to turn into the soil and loosen the solidified soil, so that the alienated body trapped below was free.

These aliens immediately infected the surroundings, and they wanted to take blood samples and make antidote, but their legion was injured, even the highly toxic resistance did not work, they were directly infected as aliens, and they helped the army of aliens.

Ding Ci's corps killed Kay's corps, and immediately doubled the power, blocking the thorn-killing technique of the pillars corps, and assisted the Ningji corps to kill Naruto's other corps.

If Kai's corps didn't open to the sixth door in an instant, at the same level of B, the Ding Ci corps who did not take the three-color pills was powerful.

And Lin Fan had already obtained this in advance.

The Lilok Corps opened the way for the Ino Corps. Alienated Corps disrupted it, and the killed Clone Corps immediately infected and mutated into Alienated Corps. Lin Fan also hijacked the three ninja heroes of Yuri Red, Hina and Silent on the way.

After letting Ino, Yuki Red, Hina and Silent escape from the tree realm, Lee Locke, Ningji, and Dingji who stayed in the Ninja Alliance ate bloodworms, and they chewed and ate directly, and the body produced Dramatic mutation.

Lee Locke stared at Kiraby, and his alienated body seemed to be a fairy-like person, enough to allow Lee Locke to temporarily open to the eighth door.

Ding Ci had already decayed, but the essence of the bloodworms allowed Ding Zi to run away again, super-multiplication, muscle regeneration ability mutation, and horrible meat bomb chariots, disrupting the Ninja Alliance formation.

Zhu Zhu had to deal with Ding's counterattack with all his strength.

Ning Ci's alienation directly grew more than a dozen long arms, like spiders, 64 palms, 120 palms, returning to the sky, collapsing, empty palms, mountain breaking, and unfolding at the same time, helping Lee Locke attack my love Luo's formation.

"Multi-sand shackles."

I love the Luo Corps want to stop Li Luoke's eighth gate, but now the Li Luoke corps in this state has been temporarily upgraded from B-level to S-level strength, and its ninja hero Li Rock is XX-level strength.

The runaway Chakra stream shattered the sand.

"The strongest defense!"

A lot of Shields of Cranes were raised by Iro.

boom! boom!

But these high-density mineral-bound crane shields are simply unbeatable.

"White Secret Skills, Near Matsushi

Everyone. "

Chiyo's mother-in-law belongs to the sandy village. I can't watch my Ai Luo sticking to it, unravel the seal scroll, and release the ten-machine cymbals made by the master Shizuzuemon. Offensive style.

"Enchantment, the lion wheezes."

Through eight gates, Lee Locke was upgraded from SSS level to XX level, and his strength was increased by more than 200 times. This strength, that is, Uchiha Spot and Zhu Jian, could not win.

Gathering the power of the Chiyuri Mother-in-law Corps and using the seal lion to wheeze can only suppress Li Luoke, a ninja hero. For the rest of the Lockheed Corps, Chiyo's mother-in-law was powerless.

Naruto Naruto, Water Shadow Photo Beauty, Earth Shadow Onoki, and Lei Ying Yeyue Pavilion have been fighting against the Lllok Corps, which has eaten bloodworms, but the Kirabibi Corps has been kicked by the Lllok Corps More than half.

And the corps between Uchiha-ban and the pillar had to block Dingji, and there was no time to manage elsewhere. There are also a few groups of Nagato, Aya and Beruhu. ,, ...

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