Rise of the Marvel Universe Zerg

Chapter 621: Reincarnation is now a hero team

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After returning to the city, Lin Fan's worker bees brought 500,000 pairs of eyes. This is the high-level eyes of Ning Ci and Hina's two regiments, which is quite kaleidoscopic.

It may be powerful to want to use these white eyes to evolve the zerg, but it is no problem to create reincarnation eyes.

Lin Fan left his distraction in the body of Ino and controlled Yamato and Shikamaru, while Yuan Shen returned to his own body and ran the Heaven and Earth Furnace Treasure Roll Pharmacy Roll to extract the essence of these white eyes.

But how do these essences come together? Is it necessary to use alchemy?

The essence is being condensed together, but it is just a scorched danmar! !! Where there is no eye-catching, how could it be reincarnation. And a little taste, there is no medicine, this method is wrong.

At this time, Lin Fan thought that the reincarnation eye was an aggregation, and the medicine roll was a multi-purpose, methodical, which was the opposite of the reincarnation eye.

"Utensil roll."

A golden hammer appeared in Lin Fan's hands, clanging and slamming Jiaohei Dan Wan in front of him.

The appliance roll is different from the medicine roll. The appliance roll is a refining method that transforms polymorphism into one hammer, one hammer, and one hammer to produce the highest quality appliances.

One hammer down, millions of hammer shadows, clanging in the ear ... Jiaohei Dan Wan was beaten and washed, and the old was replaced by the new, and the black changed to blue. Among them, the jade is the shape of the rebirth eye.

The rebirth eye is the ultimate of white eye, it also has the ability of repulsion and gravity, and the insight is better than the reincarnation eye. It can remotely extract the energy of others, and even has the ability to control space.

Lin Fan put this reincarnated eye in his mouth and chewed it. The ability of the black light virus to recognize it, immediately created a new reincarnated eye in Lin Fan's eyes. These reincarnation eyes will replace Lin Fan's original white eyes.

Instantly within the radius of 70,000 meters, all of Lin Fan's reincarnation eyes were taken into the fundus. When the eyes were white, only a radius of 7000 meters was visible. After getting the reincarnation eyes, the distance was increased by 1000%.

Ding! As the white eye evolved into a reincarnated eye, its secret technique: ultra-long-range scanning has been enhanced, from 1000% scanning distance to 10,000% scanning distance.

70000 meters radius! Increase the scanning distance by 10000%?

7 million meters radius! !! !!

And this distance is calculated by Lin Fan's order. When Lin Fan is promoted from SS to SSS, the maximum distance can reach a radius of 8 million meters.

In addition to these white eyes, Lin Fan also received three-color pills, eight door armors, and also traveled to Chakra, Niuchachakra, Nine Lama Chakra, and other trophies.

The Bamen armor is very suitable for Zerg use. Don't think about a 200-fold increase, but a 10-fold increase is still feasible.

In addition, non-suicide, secondary and sidearms will be recalled after the death of the insect tomb to resurrect, the side effects of the eight-door cricket armor to make the body collapse is no.

The three-color pill is also promising, and there is a grave of insects. The side effects of this pill are not a problem. You can even analyze the pharmacology inside and make many branch potions for human army to exchange for.

In addition, the attributes of Chachakra are fire maggots, cattle ghost Chakra is thunder, and the nine lamas Chakra are yin and yang maggots. These attributes can be used for the Zerg to evolve.

However, for so many spoils, Lin Fan still has to digest it and put it into order before using it.

the other side.

In Shadow's camp, Yeyue Pavilion and Kiraby, the two were survived by the wooden men, but the corps was completely destroyed and the light pole commander.

There was also silence, evening sun red, Hina and others were arrested, the Corps was infected, Chiyo's mother-in-law sacrificed in order to seal Lee Locke, and the Corps and the torch were burned, leading to total destruction.

Tsunade Ji, Zhao Meiming, I love Luo, Black Earth, Onoki supporters, Chakra lost half, the situation is not optimistic.

The other ninja heroes who lost the legion were Kay, Sakai, Sakura, Naruto, Shino, and Tooth.

The fully preserved regiment belonged to three camps.

Xun and Beiluu are on the right wing. No damage has been reported, but Xun provided some magic bloodworms.

Nagato, Scorpion, Horn, and Xiaonan were not impacted. The scorpion's puppet was destroyed by Sasuke with a unicorn, but there were spares that did not lose much combat power.

The spot, the column, the group possession, and the belt soil, except that the group and the regiment closed one of the writing wheels, did not cause any additional losses, and the amount of chakra was less than 20%.

Yu Zhibo spotted coldly: "When the defending side inserted the nails in our corps did not know, this loss of troop strength was heavy, but the defending side had a self-knowledge, only to pick up the soft persimmon."

"The sandstorm burial solidifies the soil, but why these infected people can still climb up is incredible." Zhu Jian asked.

Fengying Iroro analyzed: "I just looked at the composition of the soil. Something changed the nature. Even Chakra, who stayed in the soil layer, didn't notice it. These things loosened the soil layer and gave it to the infected. There are opportunities. "

After the excavator obtained the inorganic manipulation of the gene slot ability, the concealment and ability were greatly improved. Assimilating the soil and changing the properties of the rock formation would not be discovered at all.

Zhao Meiming already hated the defenders. This time, the loss of troops was too great, and the chances of getting fragments of rules became slim. He said, "If you can't work together, I see, this city, basically

It can't be broken ... The defending city has many tricks and deceitful abilities. Now that we have lost half of our strength, if we go on like this, we will be full-blown. "

"Water shadows are a little bit safe ... my tree boundary descends, and I can immediately advance into the city. I'm afraid that the enemy corps who wrote the chakra on the sky would use the skylight to waste Chakra." Zhu Jian just used the tree boundary to descend the terrain Transformation, other big moves have not been used at all.

Zhao Meiming considered: "You can use the technique of fog hiding, there is a layer of fog to block, the pupil of the writing wheel can't stop, but the sky will not fall on the tree boundary."

"The fog is also water, and the defender has sealed the water grate to death. Using such a wide range of fog hiding technique is just a waste of Chakra." Lei Ying Yeyue Pavilion hummed.

Kirabi proposed to sing: "Otherwise, let's team up and go to the city. With so many bare-head commanders, who can stop it?"

"But there are no heroes of the Corps. Let's gather and go to the city to assassinate. We will attract the attention of the defender outside." Yu Zhiboban agreed. ,, ...

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