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The dull horn sounded far away ...

This alerted a large number of demonic forces to the situation here.

From a high point of view, the bosses of the sentry around him are holding Sword Demon, the Elite Demon Sword Girl and the Elite Demon Captain are coming, and some Elite Sword Demon bring a lot of demon forces.

Lin Fan broke through the wooden tower of the outpost and passed directly through the connected demonic buildings, and Lin Fan also got a more powerful demon horn cannon in it.

Demon horn guns are not as high-frequency as the Angel's Energy Rocket Cannon, and it takes time to restore the blast horns on the Devil horn guns, but they have no energy block consumption ... Use these huge horn bodies to eject these horns to penetrate Enemies, then these horns will explode.

Lin Fan used the timeball ability and slow time to kill the heavy armored demon who held these demon horn cannons, and then converted the devil horn cannons to the thorn spear behind the worm.

And here, there are many sticky bombs enclosed in iron cages. They are very stable in the iron cage, but as long as the iron cage is destroyed, a large number of buildings will crumble.

The terrain inside the building is not suitable for a large number of demons to come in.

There are barbed snakes and other dragons blocking the road, insurgent interference and demon horn bombardment behind the insects ... the road is smooth.

However, this has alerted the Lord of the Blades, and growled, "Catch these ghosts who don't know the heights and heights ... I will execute these people on the arena! Damn knight!"

After half an hour ...

Lin Fan's crossblade and reaper have been upgraded to intermediate level, and the armour has reached advanced level. Mercy is still primary, but the lethality and performance have been greatly improved.

There are many demonic swordsmen here, but with the ability of the time ball, even the sharp knife and the elegant figure are useless, and Lin Fan hit his head in a slow time with kindness.

What makes the devil embarrassing is that Lin Fan was killed directly in the arena, not forced by the devil.

The Blade Lord snarled: "Knight, in the arena, the use of the time ball is not allowed, you should not profane this sacred duel!"

In the arena, there are many demons sitting around. They are irritable, roaring, roaring, intimidating, and release some irrational elite demon captains from the iron cages, which will attack as indiscriminately as the beasts.

However, this arena is not fair at all, and Lin Fan doesn't need to talk to these demons about what is fair, but still use the ability of the time ball stele.

"Push our timeball stele over," growled Lord Knife.

When Lin Fan came to Aslanz, the Lord of the Sword Demon was arresting the dark king of the ancient giant worm, and used the power of the time ball stele to successfully control this huge desert worm.

However, these timeball steles can only be comparable to Lin Fan's timeball steles ... the two parties can no longer use slow time for the time being.

Only the miscellaneous soldiers in front have been emptied.

The Lord of the Blades Sword sent his elite demon cavalry to clean up Lin Fan.

In the arena, a team of six elite demon cavalry, sitting on a black horse riding a scourge of fierce flames, chopped the flames with a sword.

The insurgency cannot lean on.

Only the allosaurus of the Hydralisks can interfere.

The demon horn cannon on the worm spear has been filled with six explosive thorns, and after Lin Fan calibrated, he fired immediately.

Together with people and horses, they were all hit by the blasting horns, and the heavy armor of the elite demon cavalry was directly penetrated, and then in continuous explosions, the sky was full of blood ...

The Lord of the Blades Riding Destruction came to the competition and shouted, "Knight, let's have a fair duel, just you and me."

"Then you should return the destruction to me ... you ride someone else's mount and say something big." Lin Fan stood on the back of the worm.

When he entered the arena, Lin Fan already let the worms give birth to the fungus blanket tumors. Now the arena of thousands of square meters is covered with purple-brown fungus blankets.

On ordinary terrain, the queen of insects must not be able to run such a very explosive mount, but on the fungus blanket, the worm can glide quickly and have the speed gain of the fungus blanket.

Even if the destroyed four-hoof has an angry flame, it ignores the terrain and is not affected by the deceleration of the bacterial blanket, but the queen has the gene slot ability of eternal coordinates, which can take Lin Fan to teleport directly on the bacterial blanket.

The Blade Lord snarled: "Destruction is my mount !! Unless you can defeat me ... you will never regain it."

"I think you are overestimating yourself." At this moment Lin Fan was teleported by the eternal coordinates of the worm, and his armour was charged and blasted on the face of the sword-holder Lord.

In the terrain environment of the fungus blanket, the eternal coordinates of the worm are no side effects, and the teleportee will not be harmed by space.

Lin Fan kicked the sword of the Lord of the Swords and said, "Take your knife, I will let you die heroically ... Demon."

"Knight!" The Lord of the Knifes picked up the sword and immediately chopped it over.

Lin Fan used the armour to charge with a blow, and blasted the sword lord's sword, then summoned the reaper, and instantly cut off the head of the sword lord.

Immediately silent on the field! !!

Lin Fan kicked the head of the Lord of the Sword Demon onto the arena and roared, "Now your leader

The Lord is dead ... Get out now, otherwise I will kill you all and leave none behind. "

Suddenly these terrified demonic forces dispersed into birds and beasts.

But at this time the destruction had not been calmed down, white gas was sprayed from the nostrils, and a pair of burning eyes stared at Lin Fan.

Lin Fan turned and opened his arms and said, "Return ... destroy."

"!!!" Destroy immediately charged, stomped on all fours, and rammed Lin Fan's body.

Lin Fan joined his arms together to resist the impact of destruction. He stepped back a few steps, and then used his armour to charge with a force. The thunder was irritable, and he knocked it down.

Lin Fan said with a large armband on the destroyed body: "Return."

Destruction immediately turned into ashes and returned to Lin Fan's large armband.


Lin Fan called again and immediately destroyed Lin Fan from his body.

"Now we need to get rid of the gloom ... order the Insurgency to search around, and immediately hatch some poisonous insects!"

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