Rise of the Marvel Universe Zerg

Chapter 761: Start with only one horse (15200v)

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Lin Fan is now in the cold Frozen Valley, which is the path to the crow's ancestral palace, but for some reasons, the ancestor of the crow has gone crazy, and set up some frost skulls at the gate of the Frozen Valley to guard.

"Do you inherit the power of the previous one?"

A hint appeared in Lin Fan's ear.

But Lin Fan refused!

It ’s a routine with the first one. Now “Death” still has full strength, but after finishing one, he will be cursed by the ancestor of the crow and lose a lot of power. Now he inherits the power of the previous one. .

However, the degree of reduction in this world is still very high.

There are many improvements in the second Darkness, such as the design of experience systems and weapon systems, etc ...

Riding a desperate young foal of death, Lin Fan ran all the way to the depths of Frozen Valley, which is no longer suitable for riding.

Some skeleton soldiers covered with ice were resurrected, holding swords and hacking at Lin Fan ...

Lin Fan skillfully used the dead reaper in the last one. Even if the death is now using only a common sickle, he can quickly and flexibly blast these frost skeletons.

When the sickle hits the frost skull, some damage will also appear on their heads, which makes Lin Fan feel that the degree of reduction is really very high.

Killing Frost Skeleton also has a chance to drop equipment, even props.

Lin Fan got a tomahawk. This equipment was defined as a slow weapon, but the damage was several times that of the sickle. As a secondary weapon, it could form a fairly high lethality.

Spike these frost skeletons, Lin Fan came to the gate of the crow's ancestor's palace, but to go in, he had to defeat General Frost.

General Frost was born from a skeleton of a giant clan, awakened by the ancestor of the crow and responsible for blocking anyone who came here.

But now that the death power of Lin Fan is still there, this frost general is no better than a leader, and he can only be counted as a leader of a strange level.

Then Lin Fan took the elevator in the palace ...

The ancestor of the crow is an old friend of death ... At the beginning, the four knights of the apocalypse killed all their people, the ancient people (Naphirians), and loyal to the council, and obtained endless power.

The council wanted to let the Nephilim souls die together, but death couldn't bear it. They secretly sealed the clan's souls and sent them to the crow's ancestors for safekeeping.

The ancestors of the crow agreed to the request for death, but the souls of these Nephilians cried day and night, making the consciousness of the ancestors of the crow increasingly cloudy ... the flock of flies buzzing all the time, which will also make people crazy. Not to mention the Nephilians who destroyed many life groups. These people were the only third-party forces that could stand up to angels and demons.

Came to the palace of the ancestor of the crow.

"Voice ... always hear voice ... pain is endless ..." The ancestor of the crow muttered to himself on the rock throne in the dome.

Lin Fan came in and said the dead line in her memory, "The secret guardian, I need your help."

This will be the most efficient way to let the story continue ...

"I used to help you kindly, knight, now, look into my eyes and see how much I hate those days, how much I hate you." The old face of the ancestor of the crow was tired and covered himself with chains Lock it and tie the amulet tightly together.

Lin Fan said faintly: "Be careful, the ancestor of the crow. I didn't come here to save you from suffering, at least not now ..."

"I know why you came, for your brother's war. He was imprisoned by the Anxiety Council ... quietly awaiting trial. Because he destroyed the earth and caused the extinction of human beings. Then ... why should I care about the fate of your brother "The ancestor of the crow sneered.

Lin Fan stepped forward two steps: "Because you know the truth, your secrets can save his life."

"The council is about to judge war. Deprive him of power and let him decay in the dust of oblivion ... This is to hide the truth! My secret does not prove that he is innocent, knight." The ancestor of the crow sneered loudly.

Lin Fan, wearing a skull mask of death, walked up the stairs and said vividly: "No ... but these secrets can help me clear my brother's count."

The current timeline is calculated on the eve of the war returning to the human world to investigate the truth ... In order to help the war escape the punishment of the parliament, come to the ancestor of the crow to find a way to resurrect humanity on earth. war.

However, the incidents are basically parallel.

The ancestor of the crow laughed: "To pull humans back from the edge of annihilation? Absurd!"

"If it's all crazy dreams, then who can give me a better way?" Lin Fan came to the crow's ancestor.

"If there is a way ..." The ancestor of the crow opened a teleport, and the scene inside was the tree of life. "You should find it here!"

However, the ancestor of the crow immediately closed the transmission channel.

Lin Fan said: "Let me go."

"No, it's not the time yet, those you gave me ... you need to get it back first." The ancestor of the crow raised the amulet in front of him.

Lin Fan pointed to the ancestor of the crow and said flatly, "In exchange for these secrets, you have to protect this amulet."

The ancestor of the crow liked secrets, but at the beginning, the ancestors of the crows needed to hold this flexible amulet filled with Nephilians. Death needed to tell the ancestors of the secrets ... but now the ancestors of the crows repented.

The ancestor of the crow said distressed and irritable: "No ... these **** voices, they curse, threaten, endlessly, oh, and start crying again! ... you must destroy it !!!"

"I ... can't." Lin Fan understands the mood of death. Even if he fears that his tribe will destroy the balance of the universe and kills them, death still can't bear to destroy these souls.

The ancestors of the crow growled, "You destroyed their bodies! Why should they keep their souls?"

"Open the portal!" Lin Fan picked up the sickle.

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