Rise of the Marvel Universe Zerg

Chapter 765: This stone is a boss

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Lin Fan returned the plate to Kahn, received hundreds of gold coins and some experience rewards, then summoned the desperate young foal and returned to the Three Stone Temple.

After tens of minutes ...

In the pavilion of the Three Stone Sanctuary, Arya pointed to the organ in front very excitedly, and said, "You are awesome, knight, the fire of the mountains and mountains is pouring out continuously ..."

"I met Kahn in the Holy Cauldron, and he provided me with some help." Lin Fan said.

"Kahn! He knows a fart!" Arya scorned: "But the furnace is burning again. You know what is waiting for you, knight. To finish it all, you have to get back the tears of the mountains Row."

"I'm not your hard work ... at least pay some." Lin Fan pointed to Arya.

Arya solemnly said: "Our fate has been tied together ... help us, we will help you too ... if you succeed in recovering the tears of the mountains and mountains, I will consider forging a weapon for you and fold it in half. By the way ... maybe you need this. "

Lin Fan took over a revolver handed over by Arya.

The name of the revolver is "redemption".

Like benevolence, it is one of the two basic weapons belonging to the Four Knights dispute.

"How do I get to the tears of the mountains?" Lin Fan asked.

Arya thought: "To get back the tears of the mountains, you need to go to the overturning castle ..."

End conversation with Arya.

Retrieving the fire of the mountains and mountains allowed Arya to give Lin Fan more than 4,000 gold coins and hundreds of experience points.

This brought Lin Fan to level 8.

These two skill stones are all cast into the pioneer field.

The first skill stone learns nowhere to hide the wrath of the grave below, and can increase the critical strike rate of teleport by 10%.

The second skill stone learns the endless anger under the sacrifice. After using teleportation, it will increase the speed of mystery recovery by 4/10.

Then Lin Fan came to the exit of the Three Stone Temple.

It's called Izuzu Valley, and the right side leads to the disaster forest, and the left side is the road to the overturning fort.

After ten minutes ...

Lin Fan came outside a stone gate, which was sealed by crystals and a large number of shadow bombs ... and Kahn was waiting here.

"Friend, if you're going to overthrow the castle, I won't stop you, but you have to remember to see if there is a special armor on the road, or this is what I stayed in a few years ago, and then I will owe you Humanity, "Kahn laughed out loud.

Lin Fan used the redemption to blast the shadow bomb on the stone gate, exploded the stone gate, and mounted the desperate young foal. "I will pay attention."

Through the stone gate, Lin Fan came to a run-down place called the Shadow Furnace, where the beasts and the environment have been polluted by the degeneration and become very irritable.

The shadow furnace followed by Xiawan, Lin Fan saw a different stone man guarding in a grass.

The guard of the stone man was not polluted by the corruption, but he asked Lin Fan to eat it. It needed some stones called Charm Stones as food, otherwise he would be killed soon.

Through conversation, Lin Fan learned that this stone man was named Heigen and that life had taken root in his body, so he was not polluted by the corruption, but there was no way to fight the fierce beasts here.

Lin Fan took this task, went to kill some beasts around, and tried to get these stones called Charm Stones.

However, in a valley, there are many dragon-shaped monsters seen in the Holy Pot Temple. Lin Fan is not interested in other beasts and intends to use these dragon-shaped monsters to improve his proficiency.

Let the ghoul attract a dragon-shaped monster. There are many boulders blocking it, which can isolate other dragon-shaped monsters from interfering.

However, the ghoul is too slow, if it is not for the blessing of immortal skills, it will be killed by the dragon monster in seconds.

Lin Fan and other dragon-shaped monsters leaned over and immediately used teleportation, replaced the arbiter's axe, appeared in mid-air, and used the skyscraper's spin splitting skills, as if the hot blade, directly divided this dragon-shaped monster two.

However, the experience value given by these dragon-shaped monsters is still very high.

Lin Fan brushed here for half an hour and got a lot of charm stones. These dragon-shaped monsters evolved from the thin beasts named dragon blood beasts here. The fallen pollution made them fierce and evolved through slaughter. .

Bringing these charmed stones to Heigen, Lin Fan gained a lot of experience points, allowing Lin Fan to directly rise to level 10 ...

The two skill stones are all learned from the psychic column.

One is the scorching soul below immortality, which can make the ghoul attack with a fire effect, which makes the ghoul's lethality much improved.

Another is the corpse explosion below the hot soul. If the ghoul is killed, it will immediately explode. As a summoning monster, it is basically formed.

Next, Lin Fan no longer lost time, riding a desperate young horse, all the way to the overturning fortress, also known as the drowned fortress ... definitely has a lot to do with the water.

In front of the gate of the drowned fortress, there were some flying insects called stingers, which were as big as a skull, green in body, and thick venom dripping on the metallic needles on the tail.

With the redemption of this revolver, Lin Fan only entered

Go there, there will be some dragon blood beasts that use it as a perch in the cave, but the dragon-shaped beasts that evolved into them will not live in groups.

After tens of minutes ...

Lin Fan opened the organs inside and came to a square. A beetle with only six legs and rocky backs appeared on its back.

This beetle is tall and not very big, but it is very irritable. Without eyes, it can accurately grasp the position of Lin Fan. The headless and intrusive rushes over, and the stone pillars that are several times larger than it will also be hit several times Collapsed after impact.

However, Lin Fan used teleportation to teleport to the back. He was charged in three stages and the sand python boxer broke it directly.

Lin Fan also retrieved some of Kahn's armor, helmets, protective gear and so on.

After dozens of minutes ...

Lin Fan came to a hall, and many institutions in the middle were extremely cumbersome and took some time.

The hall used to be the opening of the tears of the mountains.

But then a stubborn stone in the lobby awakened!

This huge rock like a truck turned out to be an oversized rock beetle: Cakinos.

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