Rise of the Marvel Universe Zerg

Chapter 767: Driving Magic Stone Edition Mecha Wave (15300v)

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In the forest of disasters, Lin Fan released the ghoul, and searched any corner carefully. He had to find the hiding place of Blood Wood before he could kill Blood Wood.

The disaster forest is very large, and Chen Chen is now busy with other things. Lin Fan took three ghouls to investigate, and the pressure was great.

However, Lin Fan helped the Shiren guard named Heigen before, and got some important tips about Bloodwood, which reduced the search range a lot.

After three hours ...

Lin Fan also got Oran's right leg on the way.


Here is a valley, beautiful mountains and rivers, hidden in an inconspicuous aisle. If there is no map module, it would not be easy to see.

As soon as he came in here, the soil bag in front of him rose immediately. A whole body of rock was tied by tree vines, and there were many stone people guarding him who were flowing black matter.

This stone guard is Bloodwood.

Bloodwood should have awakened life as much as Hegen, but was contaminated one step ahead because of the fall ... Bloodwood can now control tree vines to capture enemies, and can also simply sharpen or armor trees, create wooden forks and armor As equipment.

However, Lin Fan came to guard with a magic stone. Lin Fan, who possesses the magic stone key, can repair the magic stone guard in the disaster forest.

These magic stone guards are as tall as the stone guards, and they are all heavy attacks, even at a slow speed ... Lin Fan's circle in the disaster forest is not in vain, now he and three ghouls, one person and one magic stone guard On.

Isn't Bloodwood awesome? Will you use tracking vines to catch enemies? But the magic stone guard does not eat this set!

The ghouls certainly can't be precisely controlled, but barely allowed them to surround the stone guards, and Lin Fan directly controlled the magic stone guards to smash ... the group killed.

When Bloodwood was smashed, a golden-quality hammer called Bonebreaker dropped from the body. This weapon is very famous in the Three Stone Temple and belongs to Skill Trainer Thain.

Lin Fan gathered the ghouls together and went out of this turning valley ... On the other side, Dust was already recovering Oran's right arm in the overturning fortress, and is now returning.

After ten minutes ...

Lin Fan drove the guard of the magic stone back to the Three Stone Temple, because the base of the magic stone guard is a huge rune magic ball stone body, which can quickly roll in, and the speed can be comparable to the desperate green foal in the normal state.

Seeing the bonebreaker, Thain said, "Knight, you have fulfilled our promise. This bonebreaker is yours ... you can recast it into a weapon. With the crushing attribute, it must be Very terrible weapon. "

"It seems you don't want this weapon as a memorial." Lin Fan said lightly.

Thain said deeply, "May the Bloodwood be peaceful."

Lin Fan received 6,000 gold coins and a lot of experience points from Thain.

However, the experience value from level 10 to level 11 becomes very high. Now Lin Fan has only reached three-quarters, which is not in the same realm as the front.

With the bonebreaker, go to the hall, Lin Fan said to Aya: "I need your help, Aya, this bonebreaker ..."

"It's a bonebreaker! Oh! You got the bonebreaker! It's amazing ... Sorry, what did you want to say just now?" Alya looked at Lin Fandao respectfully.

Lin Fan handed in the sand python gloves and said, "Recast the essence of the bonebreaker into these gloves."

"The fire attribute, the charge attribute, the speed attribute, and the dark attribute, and the essence of the bonebreaker is recast into it. This pair of gloves will also have the crush attribute. It is an amazing masterpiece ... but to hit the fifth attribute It is very likely to fail ... you have to think clearly, this will destroy this piece of equipment. "Alya couldn't bear to the sand python gloves, but he was a bit unsure, but what should be said should be said.

Lin Fan must not let the recast fail, and share some of the basic knowledge of the "Heaven and Earth Furnace Treasure Scroll" appliance rolls with Alya to ensure that Arya can have the ability to perform this forging.

The treaty stipulates that Lin Fan cannot use his own knowledge, but there is no restriction that Lin Fan cannot let others use this knowledge.

After half an hour ...

Arya's view of Lin Fan has changed. What could be more fascinating to the women of the Creator family than a master forge ... the answer is no.

Moreover, Lin Fan's knowledge is too much beyond the level of the creators ... there is a feeling of clearing the clouds and seeing the bright moon.

After an overnight forging process, the essence of the heavy hammer of the bonebreaker was finally recast into the sand python gloves, with a lot of bone golden lines on the dark red appearance.

And this was originally no shape of sand python gloves appeared thick armor shape, but the same applies to the front.

Chen Chen had recovered Oran's left leg that night.

Lin Fan returned to the harbor and returned these limbs to Oran ... Oran, who had regained his limbs, was a very tall stone giant.

Oran thanked him, "Thank you very much for what you did for me, Cavaliers, but we also need the chronicler of the Creator. This thing is important ... but I have forgotten where it was left."

"I'll get it." Lin Fan promised.

Riding a desperate green foal, Lin Fan returned to the Three Stone Sanctuary and talked to the creator sacrifices. How to find the creator chronicle.

Creator Offering

It is said that this requires magnets, but magnets cannot be given to Lin Fan, Lin Fan needs to collect some herbs to get back magnets.

These are just incidents.

Through the Holy Cauldron, Lin Fan came to the hidden path to wake up another stone giant, who was sleeping in a broken forge.

Because only this stone giant's ability can open the forged **** realm behind the Three Stone Temple ... The guardian magic stone giant inside has already been forged.

On the hiding path, Lin Fan and three ghouls guarded with magic stones, and the heavy blows crushed the miscellaneous soldiers here.

The strong dragon-shaped beast was shattered like a walnut under the hammer fist guarded by the stone guard.

From the stomachs of these dragon-shaped beasts, Lin Fan got the herbs he wanted for the sacrifice of the creator. With these herbs, not only can the creator sacrifice the magnets, but also open the authority to purchase medicine.

Then Lin Fan came all the way out of the broken forge.

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