Rise of the Marvel Universe Zerg

Chapter 952: Crazy digging the corner of Emmon

Aranak succeeded Tadalin, took control of Tadalin's forces, and sat on the death fleet.

Now the Spear of Arden has assembled a considerable force.

Nerazim, Tadalin, the Purifier.

The next step is to destroy the secret mixture training ground of the Mobis Legion.

The Dark Templar warrior of Volazun has found the location of the hybrid cultivation base, located in an asteroid belt, in a chaotic area called Vengeance Rift.

Atanis let the Spear of Arden go to this coordinate.

However, as soon as he arrived here, he was besieged by a large number of battle cruisers, and the fire of the Yamato Cannon made the shield of the Spear of Arden tottering.

And the Mobis Legion here had long expected the Spear of Arden to arrive. Many ghost agents logged on the Spear of Arden to destroy the artificial stars and let the Spear of Arden completely fall.

Atanis, Phoenix, Volazun, Aranak, and the protector must do their best to guard the Spear of Arden, especially the facilities in the artificial sidereal area, so that the Spear of Arden cannot be destroyed.

Only Phase Technicians Kerax and Lin Fan can attack the Mobis Army.

However, the density of meteorites in the asteroid belt is so high that the Spear of Arden cannot sail in it. However, a large number of aircraft carriers that have just been completed in the military factory can be used. As long as you destroy the three energy devices that Mobis has built on it, you can immediately use the orbital bombardment of the Spear of Arden to destroy this place and destroy the hybrid production base.

Moreover, it is only the aircraft carrier as the main force, the phase technician Kailax is fully capable of commanding, and with Lin Fan's cooperation, the two sides are fighting, and it is not a big problem to win this hybrid production base.

Kerax has established a flexural hub at the edge of the platform.

The aircraft carrier directly invaded the hybrid factory of the Mobis Army through the foldover hub, where there are two static nets and three energy locks.

The Stasis Net is controlled by high-level hybrid sages and solar debris, providing the main energy source and additional shields for the production of hybrids.

The energy lock is the key to stabilizing the entire platform. Connecting the orbits between the asteroid belts is the main source of shielding for the entire platform.

Kerax occupied a platform for the construction of the folding facility, and the tactical fleet of the aircraft carrier became the protagonist of this race against time.

Here, the Mobis Army has set up many missile towers in order to prevent attacks by air units.

However, in terms of tactical literacy, the aircraft carrier has the ability to control the missile tower at a long distance, the number of tactical fleets, and the speed advantage, so that the firepower of the missile tower is dispersed and easy to empty.

At the same time, the aircraft carrier that has been transformed in ancient times has two repair robots, which can not only repair damaged tactical aircraft, but also allow the aircraft carrier to have a longer endurance.

The Mobius Legion discovered the platforms of Kailax and Lin Fan. Lin Fan built the Kaidarin boulder directly on the edge of the platform. These defensive buildings have a long range and great power. Although the attack is slow, the area of ​​the platform is not very large. It is enough to form a cross network, so as long as it is not overwhelmed by the Mobis army here, it can basically guarantee completeness.

In addition to the aircraft carrier force controlled by Kerax.

The destroyer is commanded by Lin Fan.

The convenience of the chain beam has increased the range by several times. It can strike multiple targets at the same time, and it can hit 100% of the targets. There is no such thing as a suitable long-range fire strike.

The Mobius Legion on the orbital level simply cannot withstand the combined attack of the aircraft carrier and the Destroyer.

Lin Fan also dispatched his own swarm troops to have a brood lord attack the Stasis Net hosted by high-level hybrid sages.

These static nets contain solar debris, which is extremely large energy. There are very few soldiers in the Mobis Army here, and most of them are guarded by hybrids.

Setpolo, who was previously under the control of Lin Fan's mind, is also a high-level hybrid sage. Now Lin Fanzhi is going to destroy another stagnant net.

Lin Fan only needs to incubate a large number of broodworms, hit the stagnant net, damage the device here, and then let the Spear of Arden retrieve it.

The first hybrid of the stagnant net, the hybrid monster, the advanced hybrid and the hybrid leader, was attacked by a large number of broodworms.

Broodworms can only attack ground units.

So the hybrid leader who has the ability to fly comes out to kill the Brood Lord.

Lin Fan stood on a brood lord at the forefront and used the mind control of the Dark Archon to turn the only air unit here, the hybrid leader into use.

Then further advance the brood lord, and let the hybrid leader as the fire output, hit this stagnant net.

The mixture that was besieged by a large number of broodworms, the hybrid behemoth and the high-level hybrid, completely lost in the number of declines, physical energy consumption, spiritual energy consumption, and was submerged alive.

Taking advantage of the weakness of these mixed forces, Lin Fan used mind control to turn them into his own strength.

The Dark Archon’s mind control could not have allowed the mixture to be controlled, but Lin Fan was already a pseudo-Sarnaga, possessing territorial power, immune to the corruption of void energy, and could be used.

From the life level, it is higher than the hybrid, and the psychic control and quality are even higher than the hybrid, so Lin Fan's mind control can make the hybrid unable to break free.

The hybrid here in the Stasis Net is completely under Lin Fan's control, and only the high-level hybrid sages in the Stasis Net still remain, who want to compete with Lin Fan on the debris of solar energy.

"Gather your psychic energy."

But Lin Fan needs more time now, and there is no time to waste with this high-level hybrid sage, the psionic supplies learned in the Lakhir ritual, to extract the psionic energy under his command, and to strengthen his own energy saturation.

This high-level mixed sage can't resist Lin Fan's mind control at all.

the other side.

In the second stagnant net, Setpolo has successfully mixed into the hybrid here, and taking advantage of the high-level hybrid sages not paying attention, the hybrid troops here are recruited to his subordinates with mind control.

When Lin Fan arrived with the first stagnant network hybrid unit, the second high-level hybrid sage could only be controlled by Lin Fan's mind. Even if there are solar fragments, there is no way to fight with the total amount of psionic energy of the mixed forces of Lin Fan and Setpolo.

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