Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1079: Peach blossom

Zhou Qingfeng fluttered gently and left again. He returned this time to collect living supplies for his compatriots in wasteland Africa, mainly low-value goods, such as 'Extreme' series products, cheap medicines and daily necessities.

The procurement of ordinary goods is very simple. The 'waste land trade' has been done for a long time and the business processes are extremely skilled. Now there are tens of thousands of people who directly and indirectly rely on Zhou Qingfeng to eat, as long as they give money and say anything.

On the other hand, Zhou Qingfeng also prepared transportation for his compatriots in the wasteland. Compared to North America and the Caribbean, Africa lacks a sufficient number of cars. Moreover, due to inadequate and unsafe land transportation, Zhou Qingfeng was still preparing to use air transportation.

Do n’t think about large transports and passenger planes, you still have to return to the broken planes like “Yunwu”. Zhou Qingfeng has successively transported more than 2,000 'five-five's to the waste land. This simple, cheap aircraft is widely used for mid-distance cross-sea transportation of the Aurora Corps.

However, in Africa, the 'Yunwu' for burning aviation kerosene is not very suitable. Zhou Qingfeng hopes to change the "Yunwu" engine to an electric motor. After all, the high-energy battery technology of waste soil is mature, and the number scattered around is not small, and it can be used.

More than half a year ago, 'Waste Land Trading' contacted a 'China Eastern Maintenance' to provide a 'Yunwu' modification service. Over the past few months, China Eastern Airlines' maintenance has expanded rapidly from more than 20 people to more than 3,000 people, and it has become a multinational company.

Lao Fan is an employee of ‘Eastern Aircraft Maintenance’. In his forties, he worked in a mechanic repair factory in Northeast China for half his life. Because the economy is not good, and the efficiency of the factory is poor, he is almost in a desperate situation and is impoverished.

Because of the first-hand repair and modification technology, Lao Fan applied for ‘Eastern Aircraft Maintenance’ and was sent to Ulyanovsk at Mao Xiong ’s house. There is an open-air plane cemetery in this snow-covered remote place, where tens of thousands of worn-out planes have been parked quietly for decades.

The old 'Yunwu' and 'An-2' collected from Eastern Europe and Russia all converged on this 'cemetery'. When he first arrived here, Lao Fan was in front of a dilapidated so-called Aviation Museum, but he could dismantle them as long as he spent some money on the old plane in the museum.

There are only a dozen people from China with Lao Fan, but 'Eastern Aircraft Maintenance' is now rich. With a big wave, I rented an abandoned factory in the local area as a maintenance workshop, and hired five or six hundred people to dry-reassemble the machine Live.

"Fan, don't you like Shaneva? Or I'll introduce you to other girls. Who do you like?" An uncle Mao Xiong in his fifties or sixties walked into the repair shop. He was covered with snow in thick winter clothes. He came in not directly to work, but ran to the hippie smile in front of Lao Fan.

"Eastern Airlines Maintenance" also hires local people who are a bit older. The young bears would rather hang around all day than do heavy and clumsy work. The economy is worse than a flower gardener.

There is a joke saying that if you see that shops are closed in China that day, the streets are deserted, and the society is depressed, it must be New Year. Well, many places in Russia are 'New Year' every day.

Lao Fan's men are aunts and aunts who used to be state-owned factories. Their working ability is quite good, and they are enthusiastic about others, but they occasionally do not work. For example, as the deputy of the old fan, the uncle Mao Xiong, the favorite thing to do is to pimp the old fan and introduce women every day.

Uncle Mao Xiong even introduced women, but he introduced young girls in their twenties, and Lao Fan couldn't resist these exotic girls.

For example, Shaneva, who was just mentioned, is in her twenties, the same age as a flower, looks beautiful, and has a good figure. She was married and divorced, and lived alone with a blond baby girl. She is now an engineer under Lao Fan.

"Fan, this is a modified design drawing of 'An-2' electric drive."

When it comes to Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here. When Uncle Mao Xiong was talking to Old Fan about Shaneva, this beautiful Russian woman appeared holding a computer.

Zhou Qingfeng wanted to change the "An-2" piston engine to an electric motor, but no one in China did this modified design work. When it came to Mao Xiong, he found a Shaneva who came out of Russia's Central Academy of Aerodynamics to do this.

Shaneva has very little work experience at a young age, but she took the task of transforming the design for a job.

The Russian woman wore a baggy blue one-piece overall, and her ugly clothes had a different kind of temptation on her. Pale blonde hair, bulging body, delicate and beautiful face, all look like a big beauty.

"I don't understand aircraft design." Lao Fan said awkward Russian, and was a little overwhelmed every time he faced Shaneva. He has also been married and divorced, and the children are teenagers who have **** their children. To be honest, he never thought about what he could do with such a young girl.

"I have done calculations. I can replace a 700-horsepower piston engine with a 500-horsepower motor. The shape of the aircraft is unchanged, and the electric motor can also be used old stock. powered by?"

When it comes to work, Lao Fan is naturally more natural. But he also couldn't answer Shaneva's question, "We use cable-powered interview cars, and the test flight will be battery-powered."

"But the specifications you gave indicate that the battery weighs only 0.5 tons. Can you provide such a high energy density battery?"

"Maybe there are better batteries in China."

They talked to the computer about aircraft modification, and Shaneva suddenly asked, "Fan, do you hate me?"


"I'm not pretty?"

"Of course not. You are beautiful."

"Then why didn't you agree to my date? You made me wait at the coffee shop in the city last night, which made me embarrassed."

Facing the bold questioning of the young woman, Lao Fan became nervous again. After a long while, he found that Uncle Mao Xiong in the maintenance workshop had raised his ears to listen.

Gossip souls everywhere!

After hesitating for a while, Lao Fan decided to spread out and make it clear. After organizing his speech, he said, "Dear Shaneva, I don't dislike you. But I'm not a successful man. I can even be described as extremely failed. I think the two of us are not appropriate.

Laughing at himself, Lao Fan relaxed. He smiled bitterly: "I belong to the eliminated man. I make a mess of life because I can't make money. Even my children look down on me, I have no advantage."

"But you don't drink too much, that's an advantage."

"Actually, I don't drink well and have some stomach problems."

"You have a good temper, which is also an advantage."

"Hehe ..., others say I'm too bad-tempered."

"You won't hit your wife, right?"

"Of course not, how can a man hit his wife!"

"You are still hard-working, you are working hard, and you are earning a good income now. You are in good health, and I think you are healthy. These are all advantages in my opinion."

Facing Shaneva's compliment, old Fan Ye couldn't help but let his face shine. No one had told Lao Fan in the past that these qualities were good, and his long-lost confidence and self-esteem reappeared in him.

"You ~ www.readwn.com ~ How do you look at me? I mean you are so beautiful and you have a higher education. And I am twenty years older than you, and my ability is average, ..." Lao Fan's Courage and self-confidence only flew back for a few seconds.

And Shaneva said with a bitter smile: "We haven't had a company that provides hundreds of jobs at one time for many years. The money your company gives everyone makes everyone happy. And please forgive my city, if I say I can't find a better option than you, what would you think? "

The words were so painful that both men and women sighed. But this is the fact. Mao Xiong's economy is now singular, all supported by oil exports, and the country is in depression, which is worse than the Northeast of the flower farmer.

The fur bear man is also desperate, with a lot of mischief and abandonment. So the burden of various lives often falls on the bear woman.

"Don't think of me too special, I'm just a normal woman. If you want, I will go to the cafe I met yesterday tonight." Shaneva bowed her head a little shyly, and hurried Turned and ran away.

Lao Fan stood still for a while, and a hot flame was burning in his heart, and his brain was very excited-did I still have the second spring when I went abroad? Can such a beautiful girl look after me?

Uncle Mao Xiong, who just left, ran back again, pushed Lao Fan's shoulder, and said, "What are you waiting for? Go like it!"

"But Shaneva said about this evening." Old Fan was still stupid.

Uncle Mao Xiong was furious. "Other girls are so proactive, can't you take the initiative again like a real man? As long as you want, it's evening."

"Oh ..., oh ..." Lao Fan Rumeng woke up and chased out quickly, Le Huahua thought to himself: Lao Tzu is gone fortune!

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