Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1086: Just not human

Back to the real world. ???

Zhou Qingfeng came out of the warehouse area, and dozens of warehouses behind him were already piled up with a large number of helicopters and related accessories.

It's eleven o'clock in the night. Learning from the previous lesson, Zhou Qingfeng chose to deliver in 6 places this time, and the place chosen was Liangshan City, Vietnam. It is less than 20 kilometers from the Chinese border, and heavy trucks can drive in less than half an hour.

At such a close distance, nothing will happen? !!

Vietnam's economic conditions and infrastructure are far inferior to those of China. Liangshan is already a relatively large city in Vietnam with a population of hundreds of thousands. Due to the inability to find a sufficiently spacious formal warehouse, Zhou Qingfeng chose to rent a truck cargo station north of Liangshan City to transform it into a warehouse.

Said to be a warehouse, in fact it was originally the parking lot of a cargo terminal. It just temporarily set up dozens of large-scale sheltered plastic sheds, which could barely cover the wind and rain, blocking the sight.

After the renovation was completed, the local cargo station owner and dozens of local drivers were also very surprised what this Chinese man with a sun hat and big sunglasses wanted to do? Waiting for them was **** after Zhou Qingfeng stunned.

The perimeter of the cargo terminal was simply surrounded by plastic sheets, and outsiders could not see the internal obstructions. However, this cargo terminal is frequented by people. Closing for a long time will definitely cause suspicion. and so…….

"Lao Xiao, I have brought you all the helicopters you want. There are a lot of them, light, medium and heavy, civilian military, all kinds of styles. Complete spare parts, with maintenance tools, a total weight of nearly 10,000 tons, you hurry Send someone to pick it up. "

Zhou Qingfeng again awakened Xiao Jinlang from his sleep with a phone call. People in Xiao's dozens of years of age also had to accompany him toss and toss. After receiving his call, Lao Xiao first asked: "Which sea are you in?"

Because Zhou Qingfeng emerged from the sea every time, in order to cover his traces as quickly as possible, the paL navy recently had to step up its patrol and training on the southeast coast. But how did Uncle Zhou not come up from the sea this time, he replied, "I'm in Liangshan, Vietnam."

Hmm ..., this **** bastard, he's playing new tricks again!

Xiao Jinlang was so angry that he went up several levels, hurriedly asked for the detailed address and contact information, and immediately sent someone to the location of Zhou Qingfeng. After arranging the receptionist, he couldn't bear to scold: "How did your kid go to Vietnam?"

"In total, there are more than 1,200 helicopters, and there is no place where they can't be opened!" Zhou Qingfeng explained.

"More than 1,200?" Xiao Jinlang felt whether Zhou Qingfeng had made an order of magnitude mistake? "Have you opened a helicopter hypermarket? But don't use remote-controlled helicopters!"

"You'll know when you send someone to see it. It's a dense and dense one." Zhou Qingfeng said very proudly. This time there are so many goods, it can be considered unprecedented.

After confirming the numbers, Xiao Jinlang really fainted. How much space do so many helicopters occupy? A football field? Definitely not enough. Ten football fields? The same is not enough. Two or three hundred football fields are barely enough to park so many helicopters.

Xiao Jinlang's heart was about to jump up, and quickly led his team members from Modu to Vietnam. And just halfway through, he received confirmation information and a call for help from national security personnel in the direction of Guangxi.

One hundred thousand in a hurry, red alert!

Even with special training, the national security personnel who rushed to Zhou Qingfeng were not calm. Two pioneers came to understand the situation, and were overwhelmed by the sea of ​​more than 1,000 helicopters.

Countless rotors, countless landing gear, countless cabins, countless accessories and ground handling equipment. These things covered the ground and made people feel like walking into a mechanical forest.

"This ..., this ..., how many helicopters are there?" A vendor-like intelligence officer pointed at the helicopters and was speechless.

"It's more than 1,240." Zhou Qingfeng made a simple camouflage, wearing a flower shirt, bell bottoms, flowing like a mule. He couldn't believe it when he said it.

National security personnel ran through the entire 'warehouse area' as quickly as possible, trying to investigate security risks and loopholes. As a result, there are loopholes everywhere, which can hardly be compensated.

The space occupied by so many helicopters is too large, and the parking lot of the cargo terminal is not enough. So Zhou Qingfeng paid to hire someone to chop a huge piece of woodland behind the cargo station. Now that piece of woodland has been covered by a plastic cloth for five or six meters.

Guo'an personnel almost cried when they saw this scene-so big area is covered with plastic sheeting? What is the difference between covering up and not covering up? It is clear that there are three hundred and two silver-free here, I can't help but call someone to see you here.

Although Liangshan is not prosperous, it is the northern gate of Vietnam. The flow of people is very large, and if you are not careful, you will miss the news.

The most terrible thing is that this is a border city, and the number of Vietnamese People's Army and police is not small. To hide such a large number of helicopters is nothing short of fateful.

So the rushed national security personnel issued an alarm to the superior for help as soon as possible. To tell you the truth, everyone will feel scalp. I don't know what to do?

Xiao Jinlang's plane landed in Nanning, and then the helicopter pulled him to the border and then drove to Liangshan. It was just dawn at this moment. Looking at the more than 1,200 helicopters covered with plastic sheds in the mist, he was speechless for a long time, and his brain was chaotic.

"Momboy, you're really capable, really amazing!" Xiao Jinlang was boasting, but his face was dying ~ www.readwn.com ~ You can make a lot of trouble every time. "

Scolded Zhou Qingfeng for fart, this kid's face is as thick as the city wall. Xiao Jinlang simply watched the helicopters after this batch of more than two hundred heartbeats, and many models are all domestic dreams-this fat must be eaten into the mouth!

"Let me introduce it. This is a product of R44, the Robinson Helicopter Company of the United States. Very strange? It is a professional light police helicopter, light and convenient, simple to use, and has a capacity of four people. There are more than 110 planes here.

This is the s-92 medium helicopter, a masterpiece of Sikorsky. ‘Black Hawk’ is the successor model. Americans use it a lot. Its performance is very good. You definitely like it. Its price is also cheap, and the new one is only 13 million US dollars, which can be called good quality and low price.

This is the military ch-53 series 'Sea Stallion'. Here it is mainly e-type and k-type. Type K is a newly designed heavy-duty helicopter with three high-powered motives, which is stronger than 'Chinukan'.

And this helicopter is specially designed for the navy, which is especially easy to use. There are more than fifty here, enough to equip a regiment. "

When I saw several warehouses, Zhou Qingfeng was about to start explaining again. Xiao Jinlang took a few steps and looked forward several times. He waved and shouted, "This is without your introduction. I don't recognize it blindly. The favorite of American Airlines 6 is the famous Apache."

ah-64 ‘Apache’, the pride of Boeing, a model born more than thirty years ago, none of the best heavy gunships. The latest e-type is still the absolute power of the current low-altitude strike in the world, the king of 'treetop attack'.

Seeing this, Xiao Jinlang is already doubting life. He looked back at Zhou Qingfeng and said inconceivably: "So many good things can be obtained, your kid is not human!" 8

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