Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1105: Armored train

The white factory manager of Dongran Locomotive Factory walked into the gate of his own factory and greeted the acquaintances he met continuously. Seeing him so happy, the people in the factory were extremely strange.

Dongyan Locomotive Works has had a hard time in recent years. Today, the Railway Corporation has been thinking about deepening the reform, and it is necessary to restructure some of its subordinate factories. If the system cannot be restructured, it will be reorganized, and if it cannot be reorganized, it will be merged. The East Combustion Plant was struggling to make the best of both worlds, and could not escape the road of annexation.

In the past year, the railway of the flowering family has been developing too fast. In the past, I felt that it was quite advanced and would be eliminated in a blink of an eye. For example, the domestic diesel locomotive took a lot of effort to develop, but it was compared with the electric locomotive in a few years.

The technology of Dongnian Plant is concentrated on diesel locomotives. Under the slogan of "Bigger and Stronger Railway Construction", the plant is not doing as well as it does every year. So this time, when looking at the white factory Changle, he smiled. The workers and masters in the factory all looked inexplicable.

"Comrades, the fate of our factory has changed. The head office originally wanted to abolish and merge six subordinate vehicle factories, but now it has been reduced to five. We are lucky to escape it!" The white factory director factory laughed at the staff meeting The old face was pleated.

The workers who just met did not appreciate it. Someone blatantly said weirdly at the bottom: "Director, as far as our factory is now, we have escaped this calamity, but we cannot escape the next calamity. The key is to find work! "

"Isn't this coming?" Said the factory director, "I just received an order from the army, and they want to build an armored train."

Armored train? One person in the factory counts one, all with doubtful faces-some people in the army are foolish, what armored trains are they doing this year? This is how many years have been eliminated.

The factory director Bai said that he was not energetic, but he continued to inspire: "Maybe it is a prop for the military film studio. Don't think about it. In short, our factory has received a five million deposit for modification. The amount of the project is as high as 20 million. "

The situation of the entire project was pointed out to Xiaoli, and everyone in the factory really felt that this living oil and water dripped greatly. Because what this customer wants is not advanced stuff, but mature technology. The so-called 'mature' means cheaper at the flower farmer!

The locomotive uses ‘Dongfeng 10D’, an eight-axle heavy-duty diesel locomotive with a maximum power of 3,500 kilowatts. This is the high-horsepower locomotive used to transport coal in the past. Nowadays, the current electric locomotive can reach 10,000 kilowatts without motion. ‘Dongfeng 10D’ has been eliminated decisively.

The Dongfeng 10D factory has a stock of Dongfeng 10D. Pulling it out for renovation is almost equal to waste recycling. And this 'prop locomotive' has only a dozen cars. According to the design plan, hiss ... there are guns and cannons on it.

This is really inscrutable!

"Director, don't you really need a cannon?" Someone asked in the factory.

Looking at the design drawings that have been sent, the white factory director is not sure. He could only wave his hand and said, "What about him, the order of the army, what they want to pretend, and we just give people money to do things."

Due to the tight deadline of the project, the plant manager even decided to work three shifts without stopping for 24 hours. First of all, two 'Dongfeng 10D's were pulled out for testing-yes, the two locomotive heads before and after this' prop' were used as power.

After the test run, the welding deck was covered, and the 50 mm thick high-quality armor steel covered the entire body. Welding is not difficult, but in the sparks, the workers really have the illusion of building war monsters.

What pushed the illusion to the top was that the army really brought in artillery, two sixty-six type 152 mm howitzers, two five or sixty type 160 mm heavy mortars, and four quadruple five or six heavy machine guns. Long shots, curved shots, and melee protections are all there, and they are all junk.

I drop a little boy, is this really a movie prop? The people at Dongran Factory are all dumbfounded and totally scratched their heads!

The white factory director immediately jumped out to seduce the workers' emotions. "Our customers have begun the delivery period. Starting today, the wages will be doubled, and the overtime pay will be doubled. No matter what it is? It is true to make money."

Yeah, everything is fake these years, and earning money is real. Especially the guns were given by the army and did not break the law. What are they afraid of?

Someone happily threw money, and the enthusiasm of the workers at the East Fuel Plant was inspired like an explosion. Everyone is rushing to work, rushing to work overtime, the overtime pay is so high, it is a fool not to make money!

The carriages were remodeled one by one, the armor plates were welded, one gun was installed in place, and the turret of the gun tower stood tall and powerful. Finally, the shape of the entire train line has to be repaired, and it does not look much different from ordinary trains.

As long as you give money, this is not a problem!

In less than a week, the armored trains of more than a dozen trains were completely transformed. Basically, the existing obsolete locomotive and heavy-duty coal-carriages were used, which cost less, takes time, and is highly efficient.

After the transformation, the entire armored train was sent away by the army. Dongyan Locomotive Factory really received a total of 20 million project funds.

Hmm ..., we still have to deduct gun money from the army, deduct locomotive heads and carriages that belong to state-owned assets, and deduct small amounts such as loose bulk decks, leaving a profit of six or seven million. There are now two or three hundred people left in the East Fuel Plant, and it is unexpected that they can make so much a week.

The Changbai Factory gave the workers wages and bonuses happily, and everyone laughed happily all night ... But the next day, the project was over and the factory was deserted again. All the workers took a deep breath and sighed long.

Happy for too short a time, and fell into deep loss. It feels like the person who fell off the cliff just caught a dead vine on the edge of the cliff, and found that the dry vine is too reliable!

What to do? It seems that these good days will not last long. The next day is to wait for the merger and reorganization. The workers dispersed, and the factory director was very disheartened. The factory was quiet again and was dead.

Some people occasionally think of the excitement and energy recently, and they all laugh at themselves and say that it is only the last moment of the factory's return to light. Even the factory director Bai himself reads the newspaper and sees bad news every day. The northeast part of the factory is the lowest growth in the country.

The environment is so bad.

"The good thing about refitting armored trains is only a few more times. I can quote 18 million. No ..., 15 million. There are many places where you can save money, such as scrapped diesel locomotives in the factory. There are many more, and a discount can reduce most of the cost. "

It's okay for the white factory director to be idle ~ www.readwn.com ~ can only play digital games in his office, and figure out what to do to do better and earn more. But in the end, he can only sigh: "Why does this customer only purchase one armored train? We obviously can produce more."

Jingle bell ... the phone rang.

The bored Bai Chang took the microphone and said hello, after half a minute his expression changed from laziness to surprise, and then from surprise to surprise. He can hang on to the back of his head with his mouth wide open, and said to the microphone again and again: "No problem, no problem, we have a full set of modification plans.

Customer satisfaction, there are ten modification tasks? There are really ten! Oops ... what's so difficult about this? Without the help of brothers, our factory will absolutely complete the tasks with quality and quantity.

Yes, yes ... It's just a matter for us. Leaders please rest assured that our factory has strong technical force, and the enthusiasm of the workers is burning like a flame. I dare to issue a military order, and I will definitely make the customer satisfied again, absolutely satisfied! "

For a long time, he put down the phone, and the white factory manager smiled with a stiff face. He yelled with his shouting throat and yelled out of his office. "

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