Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1109: Dagger

The sky was not bright and the morning breeze was bleak, but Luanda Airport was already brightly lit.

Chen Rui stood in front of an air information board, pointing at a map hanging on the board with a thin wooden stick in his hand: "This is the target we are going to air strike today, less than 30 kilometers from the airport, and the landmark is a river. And a bridge.

According to the drone's investigation, there is probably an enemy's reinforcement battalion within a kilometer of depth behind the bridge. Our focus is to destroy the enemy's seventeen firepower points, but according to my judgment, there may be mobile fake targets.

Enemy mobile artillery positions were also found three kilometers behind the bridge, but details are unknown at this time. Once the battle has begun, we must rely on our air power to suppress the enemy counterattack artillery and respond to our battle at the bridgehead. "

Chen Rui Barabara spoke a lot, and dozens of people in front of him were carefully taking notes. Everyone looked dignified and sad.

At the end, Chen Rui also said in a deep voice: "I think everyone knows that this battle is to take back the bodies of our sacrificed comrades-in-arms. Everyone is a good brother who died and died in the last days. There is no reason to keep them in the wild. Gangster.

Similarly, to gain a foothold in this land, we must teach the enemy a fierce lesson. Let those who are pretentious understand that we usually appear harmless to humans and animals, but once angry, there are five steps to blood flow. "

Chen Rui said firmly, and the pilot in front of him hated in unison: "Let the enemy bleed in five steps!"

The Chinese People's Front in Angola has more than 200,000 people, and many people engaged in agricultural production often fly simple pesticide planes. Zhou Qingfeng got a lot of "Yun-Five" and "An-2" which were changed to electric drive, which is just for pilots of ordinary level.

Chen Rui wanted to be an air combat hero, but was driven to the top of the air by being a duck. His commander of the Air Force also has a thousand people, most of them are mechanics and ground support, and more than a hundred can fly.

The electric modified 'Yun-Five' horsepower is not great, but the safety of the biplane is good, the maintenance is simple, and the slower speed does not matter. The key is the wide range of applications. Used for patrol, communication, transportation, and even ground attack.

Zhou Qingfeng decided to take back the body of the victim, but he would not drill directly into the enemy's trap. What he has to do is to use his strengths to fight the enemy's weaknesses.

"We are not sure if the enemy has an airplane? But even if it does, it should not be an advanced fighter, but it should be a propeller aircraft similar to ours. At present, the battlefield is very close to us, but it is hundreds of kilometers from the enemy's nest. Very home-court advantage. "

At the other corner of the airport, Zhou Qingfeng was also dressed as a pilot. In front of him was Xiangming, who was completely surprised that the chairman was going to fight in person.

"Honest Commander, it's not worth it for you to be dangerous in this way!" Xiang Ming was really worried that Zhou Qingfeng had made a mistake, and the Chinese in Angola would all be blind.

"Rest assured, I just command in the air. Try not to participate in combat." Zhou Qingfeng patted Xiang Ming's shoulder, relieved: "My flying skills are still good, and the situation is not as dangerous as you think."

Watching the army commander personally go to battle, Xiang Ming trembled all over. The former is to fly a 'Super Toucan' produced by Embraer. This propeller fighter originally belonged to the Angolan Air Force.

Considering that the "Yun-Five" attack basically did not have defense capabilities, and even machine guns on the ground could shoot it down, this must be preceded by a powerful "Kaimen" air attack. And 'Super Toucan' is responsible for this kind of 踹 踹.

Originally, Chen Rui had done this task alone, but 'Super Toucan' needed two pilots. As a result, Zhou Qingfeng took the initiative to join in, and immediately resolved the problem. Now a 'super toucan' has been loaded with oil bombs by ground crew and can take off at any time.

"Rest assured, I'm an ace pilot trained with a US air combat simulator. The F-22 can drive, let alone the propeller plane." Zhou Qingfeng laughed at last, put on the helmet and turned into the cabin.

Xiang Ming tangled under the plane to death, cursing in his heart: are all people doing big things so wayward? This guy is too brave to dare to fly a real plane after only engaging in simulation flight!

On the other side, Bann has remained unmoved since he hung the captive corpse outside the city of Luanda. He even allowed the drones of the Aurora Corps to hover above himself, only when they were invisible.

"Patience, patience. The battle has begun. Whoever is a hunter, whoever is a prey, it depends on who is more patient!" Ban En can develop in the last days, hiding an old and sly heart under his mad appearance. Judging from the information he has learned from all aspects, he regards the Aurora Corps as the enemy.

Bann arranged his main force of more than 2,000 and more than 4,000 black servants within five kilometers behind a river. His investigators had entered the city to collect information, but the result was that several minefields were arranged on the edge of the city. , Hastily entered certainly lost a lot.

"You have to draw out the people of the Aurora Corps and at least figure out the distribution of their minefields." Bann was convinced that his humiliation of the opponent's corpse would be effective. This angered the opponent and made him actively hit his own strong position. After much trial and error, he has learned very much.

"Trust me, the Chinese have a great sense of honor, and anger and shame will drive them to avenge any enemy." Ban En mobilized and encouraged his men, and said to the 'Winter Frost' who participated in the combat meeting: "If the opponent shows super It depends on the combat effectiveness of imagination, and you have to fight if necessary. "

The armor-wrapped 'Winter Frost' nodded slightly, "I am waiting for Victor. Hugo to show me something different, and I bet he will definitely find a way to attack your position."

"Ha ha ha ..., I wish he would come to attack me." Ban responded with a laugh: "I am not a fluke for Africa. I am a real powerful figure.

The Aurora Legion is famous, and Victor Hugo's radio propaganda has spread all over the world. But I just want to prove that he is not so good? I'm going to teach him a Waterloo-style lesson, get him out of Africa, and go back to his Caribbean to play mud. "

Bann clenched his fists ~ www.readwn.com ~ to show his ambitions and ambitions in a strong tone. His subordinates and guards were even more excited, and they shouted in unison, 'Only obey Bann.'

Hahaha ... Ban's face was full of pride and confidence. He waited for his opponent to catch himself. At this moment of expectation, a staffer walked to Bann and whispered, "Dear leader, our mobile radar has found the enemy's air target."

"'Winter Frost', you're right. Victor. Hugo really wants to launch an air strike. But did the idiot think I didn't have some means of air defense?" Ban first laughed a few times at 'Winter Frost' and followed. Commanded the staff: "When the enemy's plane approaches, hit them down."

But the staffer smiled bitterly: "Dear leader, we cannot attack the enemy's air targets at this time."


"Because they fly too high."

"Fly too high? What planes can the Aurora Corps fly too high?"

"Actually, it wasn't an airplane, it was an airship."

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