Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1118: Homeless ship

Zhou Qingfeng believed that the 'Star Princess' must have been beautiful in the past. The slender white hull, the large sightseeing bridge, the ten-story huge deck, and the magnificent interior facilities all represent luxury and luxury enjoyment.

In the past, 'Princess Starlight' could accommodate thousands of people for entertainment, but now 'Princess Starlight' holds tens of thousands of people waiting to die. It was rusty, stained all over the body, black and white messy fabrics were dancing in the wind, and weird graffiti was everywhere.

"Princess Starlight" just floated on the sea and sailed at a very slow speed. It looks like it shuts down the power-hungry main engine and uses the auxiliary engine with low fuel consumption for propulsion. Its slow speed matches its messy appearance, like a ghost ship.

Zhou Qingfeng drove the yacht around the ship, and he could see the deck of the ship full of unkempt faces, and face the demented crowd. When these people saw a slight commotion when they saw the yacht, it was just a commotion.

Zhou Qingfeng looked at the cruise ship, and many people on the cruise ship also looked at him with binoculars. Many people in the cabin on the side were waving at him, and some even shouted with a big lama, indicating that the ship was not dangerous and could be approached.

Compared with a messy cruise ship, Zhou Qingfeng's yacht is too beautiful. He managed to find someone to clean up the hull, and now it is definitely not an ordinary person who can drive the yacht out of the 33 knots high speed.

To be honest, Zhou Qingfeng was also curious about this yacht. He left Irene to guard the yacht, took Ellie to take off directly from the yacht with a rocket backpack, and the orange flame pushed him to fly a hundred meters away to board the huge cruise ship.

From a bird's-eye view of the sky, you can appreciate how huge this huge cruise ship, which is nearly 300 meters long, 50 meters wide, and 70 meters high.

And Zhou Qingfeng's convenient and luxurious flying method has attracted the attention of too many people. When he landed on the top deck of the ship, countless people were already waiting for him.

"Hello, distinguished guests, I'm glad to see you on the journey. Welcome to the 'Star Princess', this is the area of ​​freedom. My name is Ben, and I am the captain of this ship. We guarantee the basics of the boarding crew. Safety."

First came a normal-looking middle-aged white man. With a smile of a traitor, he stared at Zhou Qingfeng's mechanical exoskeleton as he stretched out his hands. People now believe in power, and keep responding to it. Possible danger, it is better to show their power to deter.

Obviously, wearing a digital helmet and wearing a mechanical exoskeleton is very deterrent. Coupled with the heroic gun girl behind him, it is even more stressful-the strengthened twin sisters now like to go out with M134 barrel machine guns and a thousand rounds of ammunition boxes.

Although this combination is not as powerful as the mutants, it is enough to make people blind. And the same, just holding it with Zhou Qingfeng's metal gloves can also make the captain of the traitor merchant opposite him realize his uniqueness.

"Hello Ben. Can you tell me where does this ship come from? Are you going there?" Zhou Qingfeng asked.

"Oh, your tone makes me feel like a big man." Captain ‘Traitor’ is making a flattering effort. Although his smile is a bit vulgar, it is not annoying.

"Traitor" continued: "We are a wanderer's ship. The guests are mainly from Europe. We move along the coast of Africa and trade with all parties. Can you take the liberty to ask your identity?"

"You can call me Hugo, I'm also a wanderer. What can you trade on this ship?" Zhou Qingfeng looked around the top of the ship's deck. It seemed that the ship was a loose business alliance, and the captain in front of them was everyone Inferred managers.

"At first glance you are a strong buyer. Come with me, we have everything here." Captain 'Traitor' invited Zhou Qingfeng into the cabin and led him to the cruise ship's original luxury casino. This place has been transformed into a large mess.

The people on the boat seemed to have started soilless cultivation, which can produce expensive fast-growing vegetables in small quantities. There are also cans and medicines in stock, and the prices are staggering. In addition, there are various professional services here, such as doctors and the like. This boat is considered a paradise.

All the goods are expensive, but it is cheap.

When Zhou Qingfeng asked clearly that the ship was crowded with more than 20,000 people, even nearly half of the women, he was immediately overjoyed. However, he remained calm and did not show his thirst for population. In his opinion, since the ship had entered his territory, it was naturally his.

After moving around the ship's market, Zhou Qingfeng did not reveal what he was buying, he just chatted with the captain like a gossip and listened to the news. Like the lifeboat he just met.

"We heard that the port in front of Luanda was occupied, so we sent a team to see the situation. You know that it is dangerous to rush into contact with the large forces on the land. They always want to swallow ours. Ship, but we can't help but deal with them. "

After hearing this explanation, Zhou Qingfeng secretly said: The people you sent out wanted to rob Lao Tzu halfway, but he was sent to Hell by the end.

Captain 'Traitor' also talked about his experience from Soyo to the north, "Soyo's refinery is well-preserved, they have ample fuel supply, and a guy named Bann controls it. We were very careful to get out I got enough fuel in my hand. "

It looks like a good deal, and the captain of the traitor smiled. Zhou Qingfeng also laughed a few times. He was curious about what the other party had done with Barn's forces. "What did you use for the fuel?"

Captain 'Traitor' did not answer directly, he asked: "You also want to go to Soyo to buy fuel? I urge you to dispel this idea. You can get some fuel from me. Although the price will be more expensive, we will never Will hurt your life.

I must warn you ~ www.readwn.com ~ It's too dangerous to get in touch with Bann's group. You see that there are so many people on my boat, but no one dares to easily go to the site of Bann.

Bann is a tyrant, and it's unpredictable, but I've seen with my own eyes that he just cut off the offender's head just because of a little thing.

In addition, Bann has a fleet with a lot of power. Even if you have a fast-moving yacht, there is definitely no way to fight against warships. So it is more appropriate to trade with us. "

The captain of the "Traitor" saw that Zhou Qingfeng should be a big gold master. He had sharpened his knife and was ready to slaughter the fat sheep. But what he said is true. Doing business with Sauyo's Bann forces risks losing his life.

However, just as the captain of the traitor was preparing to make a fortune, some people rushed in to run the game. A rude voice rushed into Zhou Qingfeng's ears and yelled, "Damn Captain, you are spreading rumors again. Our great leader likes to do business with people the most."

As soon as Zhou Qingfeng turned his head, a guy with a fleshy face stood behind him with a smile. When this guy approached, he reached out to grab Ellie's butt, squinting and laughing, "Chick, your **** is very cocky."

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