Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1122: Seek seed

Who is a naturalist?

The naturalist is great!

Knowing astronomy, knowing geography, knowing everything, knowing everything, proper humanoid encyclopedia. Such people are better than Baidu. They are scarce, but they often have a great role in promoting social development. For example ...

Aristotle is not awesome? Naturalist!

Leonardo da Vinci? Naturalist!

Is Darwin awesome? Naturalist!

Aristotle was the master of classical philosophy, and many Western thoughts had to start with him. Leonardo da Vinci inspired the Renaissance, otherwise the white pigs would not know how many years to mix in the dark Middle Ages. As for Darwin ... a ‘Origin of Species’ killed God!

A naturalist is a banner, so recruiting a naturalist is definitely an added bonus. A lot of natural science researchers will naturally gather around him, which is the benefit of fame and prestige.

Hearing the word 'naturalist', Zhou Qingfeng had no excuse for hesitation. He immediately crouched down and said to the dog meat around him, "Light."

Pop ... The eyes of the two dogs are as bright as searchlights. The whole cabin space is like daylight. Others scared the gods on the spot, especially the captain of the traitor who immediately retracted his hands and feet, as if he had seen a ghost and kept making a strange sound of 嗬 嗬 ,, and he would faint in the next second.

"Eileen Ellie, get a stretcher." Zhou Qingfeng ordered again.

stretcher? It's black, no ... there's a ghost stretcher in this bright cabin.

But the sisters immediately made the stretcher on the spot-the alloy dagger was pulled out to cut the material on the spot, and they directly dismantled the wall of the cabin. The wall, tapestries, door frames, and other things were put together, and the stretcher was done in less than two minutes.

Zhou Qingfeng endured the stench and examined the syncope's old man, and found that he was shot in the abdomen and the bullet was still inside. Now the wound has been purulent, but I am afraid it has turned into sepsis. Under poor medical conditions, this person received only a simple dressing and nothing else.

"How did he get shot?" Zhou Qingfeng asked.

"Professor Wilson had a dispute with someone, and then shot." Someone around the old man said.

The captain of the traitor also interjected, "There are a lot of contradictions on this ship at all times, and I can barely maintain order."

A dose of treatment needle was inserted into the wound, but the treatment for this open rot old wound was not as effective as expected. Especially the old man's body is extremely weak, if there is no follow-up nutritional supplement, the fierce medicine such as treatment needle will kill him instead.

"Does anyone know medicine?" Zhou Qingfeng looked at the group of people beside the old man.

It was certainly not an ordinary person who could follow a naturalist. When Zhou Qingfeng asked, he actually raised five or six hands across. Only a moment later, two or three people retracted their hands, and one of them said, "My medicine is not good, and my postdoc is still reading."

Nima ... Such a group of senior talents were trapped in a dark cabin. How many high-end talents are still buried in this world?

Zhou Qingfeng said nothing, and turned back to Captain 'Traitor': "Find two people to carry the stretcher, these people will follow me. In addition, I want to know how long those seeds have been transported?"

"I'll find someone right away. As for the seeds, it was the transaction that was completed yesterday. We delivered the goods offshore, and Ban sent a ship out to pick it up." Somehow, Captain 'Traitor' was particularly honest at the moment. Seeing all kinds of magical things on Zhou Qingfeng, he instinctively felt that he couldn't mess with each other.

"Yesterday?" Zhou Qingfeng called up a map of Angola's coastline with a computer. "Tell me, what kind of ship is it? I want to know where it goes, how fast it is, and how many people are on board?"

Can holographic projection of armband computer? It's high-end again. Captain 'Traitor' determined that Zhou Qingfeng was really an extraordinary superior. "It's just an ordinary cargo ship. Now it should have returned to Bann's old nest and asked for about a dozen people. Do you want to recover these seeds?" "

"Of course." The ability to restore the seed bank of an ecosystem is related to the happiness of future generations. Who doesn't want it? Zhou Qingfeng affirmed his attitude without hesitation. Who would dare to stop this, he must desperately.

"But Bann ’s forces are not easy to mess with, really bad. He is quite elite and has a large number of people. He even has five or six warships, which are real warships. Do not underestimate it." Exhort.

"A warship capable of firing missiles?" This really worries Zhou Qingfeng.

However, the captain of the traitor shook his head. "It is not easy to launch missiles now. As far as I know, no force can bring together radar soldiers, missile soldiers, and qualified naval officers.

However, Bann had several frigates from European countries. He replaced the missiles and replaced them with guns. The power was great. I have never encountered an enemy in many sea battles. "

The captain of the traitor kept sighing in horror, as if encountering an irresistible opponent. Zhou Qingfeng was relieved. He felt that as long as it was not far away, missiles could be used. Naval guns and the like ... surely no missile was terrible!

"Well, I'm leaving. By the way, Luanda is in the south, and it is good for you to replenish by port." Zhou Qingfeng greeted the sisters and left a deep cabin with a group of downcast scientists from Northern Europe.

When those Nordic scientists saw that they cared about their lives, they all struggled to stand up and follow. They soon discovered that their choice was right. Zhou Qingfeng not only ate them immediately, but also took them with a rocket backpack to a luxury yacht.

As for the captain of the traitor? He watched as Zhou Qingfeng waited for others to leave. For a long time, he was full of emotions—the bright blind searchlight eyes of 'dog meat' left him with an indelible impression for life.

What kind of people are these **** people!

And just after Zhou Qingfeng left, the "bad dog Danny" who was sent back to his cabin was lying on the window of the ocean view room and watching the rocket backpack constantly transporting people away from the cruise ship-the rocket backpack was very fuel-consuming and could not fly far. This thing used to be a high-end toy in the past. It is not that local tyrants can't afford it ~ www.readwn.com ~ Just received a simple treatment. ‘Danny the Dog’ is a life. But six or seven of his men were all abolished, which was considered to be his greatest help. After all, the deterrence of the leader is so far away that the men around him are the most practical.

‘Danny the Dog’ does n’t care about the sorrows and begging of his men, he will have a lot of people choose to follow him at will, and the important thing now is to re-establish power. In the last days when the law of the jungle is practiced, people who do not have the power do not have a dog.

"Asshole, I won't let you go." ‘Danny the Dog” stared at the luxury yacht, and his heart kept on getting angry. He suddenly noticed that the yacht turned north instead of south, and suddenly asked, "Where are they going?"

The doctor in charge of the treatment was stitching the wound, but "Danny the Dog" was broken in multiple places by the twin sisters. When he heard the question, Nono said, "It seems ..., that one man and two women took away more than a dozen Nordic scholars. He seems to care about the seeds that were shipped yesterday."

"Seeds! He's going north? He's going to Soyo?" The wicked dog, Danny, screamed in excitement, "These people are going to Soyo? Great, my radio station ... Bring it from the radio. I want to inform Soyo's fleet and kill them halfway. "

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