Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1127: 1 shot lore

Luanda's port is now hoarding huge amounts of materials, and it is the only port currently controlled by Angola and Chinese forces in Angola. ?? If this is approached and attacked by enemy warships, the loss of the meeting will completely defeat Zhou Qingfeng's overall plan.

In order to provide Luanda with response time, Zhou Qingfeng drove the enemy to sneak in the enemy and boarded the ship immediately after the 6th ship. However, it will only be farther and farther from the base to the north. When the power of the yacht is exhausted, it is necessary to wait and die.

But a big bend gave Captain Smith a chance to get closer. The escape of the yacht in his eyes was just a meaningless dying struggle, and it would not be long before it was bound to be shattered by sharp naval guns.

Waiting for the three warships to chase past the Star Princess, Zhou Qingfeng's yacht has been chased to the enemy within a kilometer distance. The machine guns on a **** boat are firing continuously, making a lot of holes in the superstructure of the yacht.

At such a short distance, the warning effect brought by 'battle intuition' has been greatly reduced. Even though Zhou Qingfeng knew the enemy's attack direction, it was already difficult to escape.

Previously, the hull structure of the yacht was damaged due to the explosion and squeezing of the missing shells. Now Cycling yachts are constantly hitting the sea at high altitudes, and huge forces are seriously damaging the hull structure of the yachts-after all, yachts are just yachts, not for combat.

"Victor, you have to think of a way!"

The twin sisters rushed into the cockpit, and they had just tied the Nordic scientists on board to a solid support point, otherwise the violent bumps on the boat could kill these people.

But now the entire yacht is leaking everywhere, and sometimes there are stray bullets to lift the yacht's shell, and now the cockpit of the yacht has become a convertible, and the seawater caused by the shell explosion has fallen in like a heavy rain.

Zhou Qingfeng pursed his lips and looked at the radar in the cockpit. The radar did not show that it had been bombarded by shells. He was soaked in splashing sea water, like a chicken in soup. Facing the shouts of the sisters, he did everything he could, and there was no other way.

The bomb dropped again with a near miss and exploded near the tail of the yacht. The huge impact directly smashed the propeller. The high-speed yacht lost its power, and immediately slowed down to the naked eye, the rippling waves spread around, and the entire hull even hit the horizontal, completely becoming a target.

Lying down ..., jumping into the sea!

Zhou Qingfeng said nothing, taking the sisters to flee the unsaved yacht. They rushed to the deck extremely fast with their hands, and they leaped into the sea.

But at this time, a roar of motives was mixed with a strong wind, and it passed from the top of Zhou Qingfeng's head. The violent air flow even blows him back out alive.

What happened?

When Zhou Qingfeng fell on the deck again, he subconsciously looked up, only to see a dark shadow passing by his head. Twisting his neck again, he saw a 'class toucan' flying with a rocket nest and bombs.

"He is meowing the plane that this guy Chen Rui drove. But where is his co-pilot?" Zhou Qingfeng wiped his face with sea water, and his sharp eyes immediately recognized that this was the fighter he had flown.

The last **** boat chased very close, less than 500 meters away from Zhou Qingfeng's yacht. If it was not for the severe chaos caused by the high pursuit, it would have smashed the yacht.

Now that the yacht has lost power, it is a good opportunity for the guard boat to hunt. Who knows that a space plane suddenly came out and killed a plane into the battlefield-as if a little cold man came first, the gun came out like a dragon!

A few hundred meters is just a short distance for the aircraft. The impacting frigate saw only one 'black shadow' appear, and the 'class toucan' had already killed it.

Speaking late, then fast!

The fighter plane approached, and two bombs under the wing immediately disengaged from the pylon. The streamlined bombs fell quickly into the sea, but due to the height given by the fighters, a floating bomb was formed.

Duang, one hundred kilograms of bombs hit the sea surface, but they quickly bounced off, flying away for a distance and dropped again. Repeated this many times, the two bombs traveled high above the sea like floating porcelain. Deadly black spots were approaching in the splash.

No one on the chasing ship responded to this, and even the officers on its bridge were immersed in the joy of destroying the yacht and expecting victory. The advent of fighter planes at best surprised them. For the bomb? They haven't even figured out what it is!

The two bombs floating over seemed to ease the disease, and they came to the escorting boat in the breath. One of them brushed past the hull and even sparked a spark on the steel plate of the hull. And the other ..., in the middle of the bridge.

With a bang, the bomb smashed the ship's bulletproof porthole and fell into it. A moment later a firework burst out, engulfing the entire bridge. Just now, it was full of power, and the fragments of high assault frigates were blown up. This is simply a one-shot kill!

The bridge was destroyed, but the frigate remained fully powered. It was billowing with heavy smoke and still undulating on the sea, charging forward. But this sea knight has lost his mind, like a headless fly.

Zhou Qingfeng still maintained a posture of almost being forced to jump into the sea, but his **** boat was just finished. The smoking boat was passing in front of him, and the alive sailors on the boat were jumping into the sea, like dumplings in a pot.

Sudden changes in the battle situation left another **** boat no longer in charge of Zhou Qingfeng ~ www.readwn.com ~ Faced with high aircraft, the surface ships were inherently vulnerable. At this moment it is thinking about how to save its life, not how to win the battle.

Seeing this scene, for the rest of his life, Zhou Qingfeng grinned and shook the sea and sky. The equally unseen twin sisters were furious when they saw the enemy sailors falling into the sea, and immediately found firearms to kill them.

"Wait, save them up."

"Save them? They almost killed us?"

Irene Ellie swollenly refused to execute the order. But Zhou Qingfeng had already thrown away the wolverines who had just run away. He stood straight up and laughed unwillingly: "Just because they almost killed me, I will save them. If these sailors are a bunch of waste, I do n’t want to Then. "

Talent is rare, and professional talent is even more rare. Zhou Qingfeng was an enemy sailor who had no idea what to do and took the initiative to find a life buoy from the boat to rescue the water. He even managed to fix the radio on the yacht and ordered the nearby Princess Starlight to send someone immediately.

"I'm Victor Hugo, commander of the Aurora Corps. I order you to come to the rescue right away. I will double reimburse you for the supplies you have spent on the rescue. You don't have to worry about any losses."

The affirmative and resolute order had a good effect. The captain of the 'trespasser' who watched the war not far away heard such a domineering request, and immediately let the cruise host start work, sailed to Zhou Qingfeng's yacht, and dispatched manpower to rescue it. Sailor into the sea.

"Princess Starlight" also reminded: "Captain, are we not neutral? Do you accept the command of the Aurora Corps in this way, is it against our principles of survival?"

The captain of the traitor was blushing with excitement after confirming Zhou Qingfeng's identity. He heard the cold water splashed by his men and immediately cursed: "The golden thigh is in front of you, and the one who is not holding is a fool!" 8

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