Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1132: Virtuous circle

The 'Star Princess' cruise is also over 300 meters long and over 50 meters wide. It is also a behemoth with a displacement of 100,000 tons. ?? But at this moment, the people on the cruise ship looked at the airship in the sky with a dull look, as if they saw an air battleship.

Captain 'Traitor' only glanced at that one or two, and immediately turned and rushed into his own cabin and yelled at the opponent's waiter: "Hurry up and find the best and most decent clothes for me. I will have to wait for the port They should be decent, and they must not be taken lightly. "

The waiters looked at each other, but reluctantly advised, "Captain, you are already wearing the best clothes."

"Best? What are you talking about? There's no 'best' in my dictionary, only 'better'." Captain 'Traitor' looks at his clothes over and over in the mirror, and the chair next to him is quickly stacked He had been dissatisfied with more than a dozen different jackets.

"You don't understand what to face next?" Captain 'Traitor' took a few bow ties and sighed, feeling desperate about his dullness. He turned back dissatisfied and said, "You idiots, don't you understand that the Aurora Legion is far better than Bann?"

Yes, we all understand. It's just that we are not as excited as Captain You-the waiter around Captain 'Traitor' is also sighing. In today's eschatology, the captain still has trouble worrying about how to please the power, but ordinary people have no chance to get on with the power.

When the naval battle was over, the captain of the 'Star Princess' decided to go to Luanda. In other words, he won't be able to go, after all, there are still two o37s on the sidelines.

When the cruise ship approached Luanda's port, a giant airship appeared unintentionally above the sky-the "Kirov" project airship "Kirov" was completed and crossed the Atlantic Ocean from a height of 20,000 meters. Fly to Angola in Africa.

The arrival of the "Kilov" not only meant to send Zhou Qingfeng's follow-up forces of 2,000 expeditions, but also not only the emergence of a cheap transportation method, but also the organization of Zhou Qingfeng's efforts. In North America, some supporting production capacity was restored.

The manufacture of an airship means the restoration of an industrial production chain, which is of great significance. It is for this reason that Captain 'Traitor' has felt the strong strength behind Zhou Qingfeng.

The cruise ship docked and the ramp was lowered. For the captain and his entourage leading the disembarkation, the port staff came up and ordered: "On the order of the Hugo regiment, I will invite the captain and the entourage to dinner. At the same time, all of you on board must disembark for screening."

This is a naked effort to divide up the human resources on the ship, but people with a little power on the ship do not care about it, but struggle to think about how to participate in the dinner of the chief of the legion. In the end, more than 100 people left the port by car and went to Fort San Miguel to meet.

In fact, Zhou Qingfeng himself was standing in the building of the Port and Port Authority, and looked at the crowds who were rushing down from the cruise ship. He doesn't care much about the real people on the cruise ship, but he has full expectations of how many useful people on the ship can join his Majesty.

"Victor, are you interested in that naturalist named Wilson?" Katerina stood behind Zhou Qingfeng. When she saw Zhou Qingfeng fleeing at sea, she did not throw away a dozen seemingly useless Nordic scholars.

"Being kind to a well-known scholar will bring a good reputation, not to mention the knowledge in his brain can be a good scientific consultant. I spare no effort to recruit high-end talent."

Zhou Qingfeng shrugged slightly, and there was a word hidden in his heart: Most Chinese people in Africa are workers and farmers, and a small number of elites are often project engineers. There are no high-end scholars, which can greatly limit the exhibition of Chinese power in the future.

Since you don't have it, then you naturally need the high-end wisdom that attracts other races. Especially now it is not too expensive to recruit a senior talent. Good medical care, adequate food, and a stable society are enough to attract many people.

People on the cruise line are lining up for dinner. In addition to instant noodles, there are many fresh vegetables, which are grown in the base built by Xiangming and others. In order to meet the food supply of more than 20,000 people on the cruise, Zhou Qingfeng pulled out the division-level field kitchen he had brought out for display.

The Chinese have no shortage of chefs. Hundreds of cooking cars are cooking a large amount of food, and the hot steam is permeating the entire dock. Everyone who came up in line could get their own food. Everyone was pleasantly surprised and grateful.

"Oh my God, I haven't eaten hot noodles in a long time." A rescued white man stood in front of the cooking car, tears falling down. His hand holding the fork was shaking and he could hardly eat.

Hot food has extremely great health benefits. This is a detail that can be easily overlooked. Hot food can improve the body's ability to adapt to the environment ~ www.readwn.com ~ to improve resistance to disease, the most important thing is that eating hot food is not easy to diarrhea.

Europeans always like to eat cold food. In the last days, many people died of their bad lives. On a cruise ship that lacks fuel, eating heated food is a top luxury.

Adequate food, simple medical care, and a safe place to live can get a large number of people without much effort. For those in despair, gratitude is their only effort so far.

In order to gain more gratitude, Zhou Qingfeng also organized a rescue team of thousands of people to board the cruise ship, lifting many people who have lost their ability to move or are seriously ill. As a result of one night's statistics, the data was submitted, and it was found that there were more than 20,000 people on the cruise ship, and more than 30,000.

Under normal circumstances, a 100,000-ton class cruise ship can carry more than 6,000 passengers and more than 2,000 service personnel. However, this is to provide a state of quality service, and a lot of space is entertainment facilities. When 'Princess Starlight' turned into a homeless refugee ship, it carried four to five times as many people.

Most of the more than 30,000 people who can board the cruise ship are the capable middle class, one quarter of them are women. In this case, Zhou Qingfeng almost screamed long live. And further news shows that similar stray refugee boats are not few in the sea, at least hundreds.

"Screen these people, pick out the villains who used to be non-spoofs for public trials, and favor the useful personnel." Zhou Qingfeng met overnight to set up tasks, "send 'Yun-5', light airship and o37 to search for nearby Above the sea, I believe we will have greater gains. "

Once you have a virtuous circle, things will quickly and automatically go in the right direction. When Zhou Qingfeng dealt with the trouble at hand, his eyes began to turn to the current opponent of Angola-Bann. 8

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