Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1140: Last minute

Heavy soldiers under pressure, guns rang out.

Bane pushed all his firepower and troops to the forefront, and he even personally acted as an oversight team to organize attacks. Thirty thousand people battled less than ten thousand people, and for a while, they were in a state of invincibility, and the defense lines were successively breached.

After so many fights, Ban En's sullen mood for many days was finally released. Stepping on the flesh of the ground, he personally led a team to attack a group of buildings.

"It was originally a government building, and its structure is quite solid. There are about a hundred people standing dead inside." An officer knelt down with his head on one knee and explained the situation to Bann.

The occupation of Lao Chao was a great panic to the backbone of Bann's men, and a fierce battle broke out. They are evil and domineering, but they also worry that one day they will end miserably.

"More than a hundred people stopped you in a battalion?" Ban was annoyed and yelled at the incompetent officer in front of him.

But the frontline commander also killed the fierce, he looked cold and pointed at the road when he said, "Boss, look at us behind."

On the road of attack, there were more than a dozen combat vehicles crooked, including troop carriers, infantry chariots, and even a tank. There are also hundreds of corpses stacked on top of each other.

Frontline officers cursed fiercely: "The people of the Aurora Corps are crazy, no one surrenders, no one retreats. This has never happened, and they even died with us."

Bann saw the example of 'death together'. An AMX-13 series tank was trapped in a large pit, the tracks were broken, and the barrel was poked on the ground. The pit was filled with muddy black meat pieces, even steaming.

"There was a guy who broke his leg and couldn't escape. The captain of the tank hated him for killing too much and wanted to run him to death. It turned out that this guy was holding a dynamite bag, it was crazy!" Frontline officers were heavy Spit towards the ground, then turn your head and look at the ruined position blocking the road ahead.

"There are more than a hundred people around the building. They have been cut by our superior forces and cannot escape. But it will take some time to kill them," said the frontline officer.

Bann personally stepped forward and leaned his head out of a corner, but was quickly dragged back by his men. It was not enough to retract his head. Several people carried him in a handful of ways and ran more than ten or twenty meters away. He wondered why he ran? An anti-tank missile destroying the fortification penetrated his probe position.

The sand particles caused by the explosion flew more than ten meters and was quite powerful. The majestic yelled and yelled: "Call the artillery on the radio and blow up that position."

The leader called for support and the rear artillery quickly responded. Calculate the coordinates based on the location on the map and fire the yuan, flying over five or six rounds of large-caliber artillery in succession.

Even at a long distance, the explosive vibration made Bann feel his ears buzz and his chest blocked. The frontline officer shouted loudly, and he could not even hear it at all.

Under the cover of the explosion, two platoons killed dozens of people in the opposite position. But when it was time to occupy the ruined wall, more than a dozen firepower points were miraculously resurrected in the ruins, and hundreds of hot bullets were sprayed out at once, hitting the attacking soldiers.

A desperate soldier frightened and ran back. Ban was originally hurt by the heavy gun. When he saw someone dared to run away, he immediately took out his pistol and killed him. "No one is allowed to run, only attack."

Once again with heavy artillery bombardment and another soldier charge, the manic Bann was stabbed to the front by the assassination of the frontline, and his mind was hot. He really couldn't figure out how anyone would not collapse under heavy artillery bombardment.

The chaos of the last days is the battle of the wind, relying on a large number of people to equip them, killing them with one go. Victory is a great victory, defeat is a great defeat. It is unheard of to stick to a position. But how can someone explain this? Are all people of the Aurora Corps made of steel?

Under the heavy bombardment, the government building that was blocking the road even collapsed. Bann's troops died and two or three hundred people took the position. After confirming that the position was safe, he ran to the place where he had been bombed beyond recognition, despite his opponent's objections.

Collapsed buildings, tattered firearms, and bodies covered in gray dust. The blood was flowing out before we could determine that there were living people in the ruins.

"Mutants, mutants!" A soldier in the ruins screamed and screamed, exclaiming that everyone around him was extremely nervous.

Seeing that he hadn't moved for a long time, Bann shook off a group of men and climbed the ruins by himself, and saw a mutant with only half of his body falling into the dust.

The mutant's large size is chilling, and Bann can see his heart beating. The point is that this powerful monster is not dead yet, and that ugly head even grinned at Bann.

Ban didn't dare to approach, but was very angry. He shouted at a distance of seven or eight meters: "Why don't you surrender? Such a fight is meaningless."

"Because we are mutants, mutants that are not accepted by this world, and lose all glory mutants. War death is the only belonging to the mutants, and it is the greatest pride of the mutants."

The dying mutant screamed with his last strength: "This city is a trap set for you, you're finished.

Soyo was occupied, and the commander of the army guessed that you would launch an attack desperately, so he buried thousands of tons of explosives in the city. Yes, thousands of tons. Our resistance is to get you all into the city.

I can tell you that the commander of the regiment is less than 300 meters away, but you can never get there. But don't worry, the chief of the regiment will come to you, he will come to you soon. "

In the wild laughter of the mutant, Bann's men were all froze around the ruins. They looked at the buildings around them, all with serious doubts ~ www.readwn.com ~ The frontline officers were also frightened, and said pale to Bann: "Boss, the Aurora Corps may indeed have a lot of explosives. Let's retreat immediately. "

"Do you believe the words of a monster?" He looked around. Morale was a bit unstable after the **** battle, and the soldiers were secretly thinking about the words of the mutants. If thousands of tons of explosives were really buried in the city, this would not win.

Looking at a heavy expression on his face, Bann stood up and shouted, "I have already reached this point, can I look back? Doesn't this monster say that the headquarters of the Aurora Corps is 300 meters away? I Lead the team, rush forward and see, rushing past is victory! "

With a wave of his hand, Bann grabbed a rifle and ran towards the depths of the city. The soldiers behind looked at each other and could only follow their leader to move on.

Three hundred meters wasn't really far. At the beginning, Bann was still carefully rubbing along the street, but soon found that what they had just penetrated seemed to be the last position of the street, and there was no one behind.

The fighting made the smoke in the city so dense that people could not see the situation a hundred meters away. Barn walked to the front with a gun, and suddenly kicked something hard under his feet.

The soldiers in the rear chased and gathered around Bann to guard him. Bann himself lowered his head and kicked the floating earth on the ground. He suddenly found that there was a railway on the city street.

"No, why did Luanda's railroad lay here?" Bann wondered, looking down the railroad to the front covered by the smoke.

And when more than a hundred meters away, there was a sudden metal impact, followed by another dangdang, and the sound became more and more dense. The sharp scream of metal friction came out far away, and finally a headlight suddenly turned on in the smoke, and a huge shadow appeared faintly, as if the dormant giant was waking up. .


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