Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1152: test

"This medicine is useless!" Zhou Qingfeng squeezed an empty medicine bottle in the spit.

In order to keep Zhou Qingfeng's body from declining, Xu Guoqiang went to great lengths to create version 1.0 of ‘Growing Spirit’. Tested secretly among thousands of teachers and students in the school, it is said that the effect is good. But he slammed the whole bottle down, no use for fart!

Throwing the medicine bottle into the trash at will, Zhou Qingfeng thought about asking Xu Guoqiang to reflect on the situation. The radiation school is close to the laboratory, and there are special underground spaces connected to each other. Only when he secretly ran to the secret exit of the school, he found that the playground was crowded with teachers and students.

Staying in the room called 'Sports Room', Zhou Qingfeng lay on the window and looked out. I saw officials near the playground inspecting. He has never revealed his true identity, the officials here will not know him, and naturally he will not stand up casually.

On the runway, ten randomly selected senior high school students have stood at their respective positions to move their hands and feet. As soon as the starting gun was fired, ten students immediately started a 1,000-meter run, and soon there was a gap between front and back.

"The leaders are running too fast, and they will have to be relieved later." The picky deputy mayor sat among the inspected crowd and bowed his head to talk to the good officials. A group of forty or fifty officials saw their body shape as lack of exercise and indulged their looks. They secretly estimated that they all agreed.

People who don't exercise, let alone run a thousand meters, four hundred meters can kill them. But it was only two and a half circles around the playground, which they thought was an impossible task.

Wu Lao sat on the podium next to the playground and saw that the leading two or three students ran so fast, but also frowned slightly. He is engaged in education. Anyway, he knows that people who run too fast at the beginning can easily slow down like snails. This is generally not even the most basic physical education classes.

It was just that this kilometer quickly ran away, and the leaders on the podium quickly felt surprised. One cigarette didn't finish, and two and a half laps ended. And although the students who watched the run were sweating hard, they did not pull off the ground, and the leading ones at the beginning kept to the end.

Oops ... unexpected! Wu Lao immediately smiled, and asked the timing teacher loudly, "How is your grade?"

"The best is three minutes and thirty-five seconds, and the worst is four minutes and ten seconds." The timing teacher said.

"That's right, all of them are great guys." Wu Lao knows well that in a college physical education test, a one-kilometer full score is three minutes and fifteen seconds, and a pass in four minutes and thirty seconds. Although these students do not have full marks, they have all passed. This is much better than spot checks elsewhere.

It is good to pass half of other schools. Don't mention the grades. But then three or four batches were run, all of which are similar. Whether in high school or junior high school, students' physical performance is surprisingly good.

"Cheating, this is definitely a sports elite." The deputy mayor who admonishes admits that he has made a wrong judgment. "This private school's method of fool is really inevitable. Someone must have notified in advance to prepare them. Their sports expertise There are so many lives. "

Once the position is preset, any explanation can be imagined. The picky deputy mayor immediately approached Wu Lao and whispered, "This level is too advanced. At first glance, it is a pre-arranged arrangement for the performance. I suggest that when some students from other classes are selected, I will randomly select them myself . "

This statement also makes sense, after all, the result of Radiation Middle School is too unexpected. Wu Lao has also been a leader for decades, and he knows what the people below will do to please his superiors. Thinking that he might be confused again, the old man was even a little angry.

"I'll go and choose for myself." Wu Lao asked actively. In fact, he still has a mission this time, that is, the allocation of education funds. Generally speaking, it is difficult for a private school to get funding from the education department, but who makes Zhou Qingfeng's school toss out so special?

Xu Guoqiang would stay at the corner of the podium. The cell phone suddenly rang, and Zhou Qingfeng opened it. After connecting, he said two times, "I don't know what's going on? The people from the Education Bureau came to inspect. Oh, you mean the convergence point? OK, I see."

The deputy mayor on this side immediately ran to several classrooms where he was in class. Instead of going to the high school class, he ran to the junior high school class. He deliberately selected students who looked thinner, and also selected all girls. .

The current poor physical fitness of students in China is even more evident among girls. Boys are good at playing basketball and exercising. However, most parents only require good grades for girls, and Wen Jing will do. As for exercising? The girls themselves are not happy yet. What should I do if I get tanned?

Wu Lao also frowned at the students who were so-called 'random' by the vice mayor. They are all junior high school students, they are short, and they are all girls. They look a little deliberate. He said warmly, "Changing a few, anyway, pick some guys to test."

The deputy mayor had to replace half of the girls with boys, but there was a little girl who was elected but unhappy. She didn't know who was in front of her, but she was not happy just knowing that she was being manipulated randomly.

"What do you want us to do?" The little girl asked.

"We are from the Education Bureau. We come to your school to check the physical fitness of the students. Pick you out for the 800-meter test." Wu Lao and Yan Yuesi.

The little girl thought it was fun and immediately said, "Running, I want to participate. I run very well."

Since the little girl took the initiative to participate, Wu Lao naturally would not stop it deliberately, but encouraged a few words instead. Just as she walked towards the runway, Xu Guoqiang sneaked up and whispered, "Classmate, run slower when I'll test later."


"Don't ask why? Let you run slower and slower."

In two simple words, Xu Guoqiang spoke in an adult-commanded tone, and also specifically told several other girls to take the test.

The unknown girls immediately whispered, ‘why did he want us to run slower? ‘You look down on us? ‘‘ There ’s always only a request to run faster. Is there any one who asks to run slower? ’

Children in their teens are at the time when the rebellion broke out, especially when they felt that they were being treated unfairly, and they bounced back like a spring. A few girls talked together and decided collectively-we prefer to run slower, we have to run faster!

Line up, get on the runway, warm up.

The deputy mayor sat down on the podium next to the playground with satisfaction ~ www.readwn.com ~ In his opinion, the few girls he had specially selected must be the weak and delicate young ladies. 800 meters? I'm afraid they won't be able to stand for another second in the sun.

And Wu Lao who sat down again felt that the girls selected were generally too weak. Seeing that their skin was white and tender, there was obviously a lack of sports. There is no way to reflect the true level of physical education in schools.

It ’s just that everyone has chosen. Let ’s run around first.

The starting gun rang, slap ...!

A row of girls immediately flew out like an arrow off the string, fast running thighs, powerful swinging arms. This speed, this momentum, this hard work ..., shocked the audience!

Zhou Qingfeng was hiding in the sports room next to the playground and looked at it. He quickly called and asked Xu Guoqiang, "Don't I let the test students run slower? Who's the school girl you've seen so well?"

Xu Guoqiang is also stupid. "I told them to run slowly. But they are not obedient. What can I do?"

Several girls are running fast on the runway. The swinging arms are showing the youthful vitality. The sweat that is thrown off exudes the confidence of the young girl. The resolute footsteps make a declaration of rebellion—we just disobedient, we just do n’t want to be left behind, we just want to Hurry up!

"Cheating, this is proper or cheating, these are the top sportsmen who specialize in sports!" Seeing the girls' running speed, the deputy mayor's fingers are stunned. "This school is really alive, why are there so many sportsmen? "

Only Mr. Wu stood up and applauded, and shouted to the principal Li Mingxu, "Your school is really crouching tiger, hidden dragon, and just grabbing a few girls can run so well. Great, great, you are the motherland Education has made a great contribution, and I want to thank you! "

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