Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1156: Palpitations

When Cheng Zhong wore a hard hat and went to the construction site, he was inevitably a little excited. The reversal of life often comes unexpectedly. After years of suffering, he now finally feels relieved.

When Cheng Zhong was young, he just caught up with the layoffs, and his father lost his job as if he was sentenced in fear. Many people have spent half their lives in state-owned enterprise factories, and they do n’t even know what to do after leaving their original posts.

In the tide of laid-off workers, those with flexible minds can only go to self-employed households, and those who cannot pull their faces can only sigh at home. At that time, young girls in the Northeast were regarded with a slight disdain, because tall and hot Northeast girls were indispensable in all kinds of bright and colorful parties.

Cheng Zhong managed to get a job in a state-owned enterprise, and as a result, he was pushed to the society to find a way out within a few years. Now over ten or twenty years, he has done no less than twenty or thirty kinds of work. From the old stick guy to a bitter-faced middle-aged man, the child is a teenager, but he is still the same.

"No matter how hard you can suffer," Cheng Zhong made great determination when he brought his son to Radiation Middle School. He was a student who lost his education. When he was young, he wanted to replace his father's position, but found that relying on no one is worse than relying on himself. Going to college this year is the easiest way to get ahead.

Now when I hear someone say that studying in the university is very hard, Cheng Zhong wants to knock on the brain of such a person and talk to him about social suffering-the suffering of the university can still be said, but the suffering of the society How to say?

It was only at Radiation Middle School that a pour of cold water poured over Cheng Zhong's head. When rumors spread, he was too late. Buying a house for a degree is a foregone conclusion. More than 200,000 houses are not worth mentioning in big cities, but in Tianyang, a small city on the fourth and fifth tiers, it is not a small sum.

The idea of ​​free enrollment was also fragmented by the reality, and the process team who was not honest and unexpectedly got a formal job in the "waste land trade" engineering team. Funny to say, this is still the first time in so many years that he has the serious work of five insurance and one gold.

Cheng Zhong is not a high-end talent, at most it is experienced, hard working, ordinary people. However, the 'waste land trade' was indeed a wealth of money. After the job was settled, he was allotted a full set of welfare guarantees.

"It's really interesting to talk about our company, at least we have nothing to say about food." Cheng Zhong said to the workers with a smile. He got up from the dormitory at the construction site in the morning, and the construction team provided a rather rich breakfast. There are enough meat and milk tubes to eat.

I really haven't seen it elsewhere.

"Hey ..., you will immediately understand the way the 'waste land trade' works." An older worker next to him looked at Cheng Zhong like a bun, and laughed with amusement.

"What is the" waste land trade "way of doing things?" Cheng Zhong has only heard of the "waste land trade", but I really don't know the details of this company.

"Mr. Yuan is happy with the money, and he is happy when he asks." The old worker drank a cup of yogurt, wiped the white putty on the corner of his mouth, turned his head and pointed at a group of buildings in the distance. "

"Are you stunned?" Cheng Zhong said he saw it.

"The main building of the Lanchen Pharmaceutical Research Institute only took three months. The total construction cost of the entire park was nearly two billion yuan, which was completed in half a year. The 'waste land trade' is very willing to spend money to grab the construction period, but if you do not do well, It's also very hard when packing up. "

"I worked there for half a year, and almost squeezed out my old bones." The old worker said with a smile, with a smile: "In that half year, I made 70,000 or 80,000, and my life was much better."

"Make 70,000 or 80,000 yuan in half a year?" Cheng Zhong almost stared out. He looked up and down the old co-workers next to him, and asked in a low voice, "Are you supervising?"

"What supervision?" The old worker laughed. "I'll dig the machine. Go elsewhere to do it, at most seven or eight thousand a month, but I do well here easily and more than fifteen thousand."

Hearing the number of "15,000", Cheng Zhong exploded all over his body, and the whole brain exploded with "money money". The old co-worker pointed to the workers around him and said, "You ask the person here, that one who hasn't received a monthly salary of 10,000?"

There are 20 or 30 workers with Cheng Zhong, all dressed in mud legs. They were up in their thirties and looked honest and honest, but at the moment they were all cheerful. The most important thing is that some of them are still under the control of his little foreman.

How much can I get in a month? Cheng Zhong thought that his basic salary was only over 3,000, but there was no upper limit for performance bonuses.

The old worker also said with emotion: "Some of my friends have gone to work in the south, but they have not made any money. There are too many people eating through the" waste land trade ", and I now advise them to come back. You wait The project on this campus is another piece of fat, and many people will come to grab it. "

As soon as the words fell, a large truck was driven across the intersection. The car is full of large excavators, and you can't even see it at a glance.

When the team stopped, a man who looked like a boss jumped out of the car and shouted, "Lao Yaotou, you are here again. I have brought you over a hundred construction machines."

The old worker who just spoke immediately greeted him with a laugh. It seemed that both sides knew each other, and the other was a boss who specialized in renting machinery.

Two or three hundred people ran out with a buzz on the construction site, and Cheng Zhong stepped forward. His little foreman is also responsible for the excavation of an area. Instead of waiting for him to approach the team, the boss who just got off the vehicle took the initiative to approach him and greeted with a smile: "Cheng Gong, my old Xue."

Shake hands, stupid, Cheng Zhong has never been called 'Cheng Gong'. But Mr. Xue smiled very familiarly: "Brothers, I will give you this batch of machinery and help to take care of one or two."

A red envelope came over, and the thickness was indispensable when looking at it, but Cheng Zhong shrank his hands just as hot. He didn't take the red envelope ~ www.readwn.com ~ but he didn't dare to take it casually. I haven't figured out what happened?

"Boss Xue, we are not familiar, I dare not collect your money at will."

"Chenggong, I know that the" waste land trade "is tightly controlled and has no other meaning. It is by no means to embarrass you. I also know that your deadline is absolutely urgent, but only when you use my batch of equipment Keep it easy, and I can save millions by just repairing. "

Suddenly, Cheng Zhong still accepted the red envelope. He didn't dare to open it on the spot, but he squeezed his fingers, at least 10,000 or 10,000 inside.

I drop a little boy ... I received such a big red envelope on the first day of work.

Cheng Zhong saw that the old worker who had just received the red envelope, and he hurriedly rushed to ask in a low voice: "Is this red envelope hot?"

"Although you keep the money, don't hesitate to say that he is more relaxed. The schedule is important. Otherwise, the company really can't spare you." The old worker patted Cheng Zhong's shoulder. Money is just as arrogant when it comes to packing people. "

Cheng Zhong put the red envelope into his pocket, and thought to himself: I seem to have joined any extraordinary company!

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