Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1165: Unimaginable

Things come too easily and are suspect.

Zhou Qingfeng gave the medicine bottle without label, no description, and no place of origin. The pill inside is also ordinary, and it's okay to say that it is a fake medicine made of flour. This thing has been bragged better than ‘jet’?

Xiao Jinlang has personally seen the effect of 'Jite'. Guoan has used hundreds of people to verify its efficacy, and several of them are patients with major depression.

Depression is a mental illness with no solution. It has a strong tendency to self-destruct, and commits suicide at every turn. This disease is completely ineffective by persuasion and can only be restrained by neurosuppressive drugs. Patients who can take medicine also become crap, and have no interest in outside things.

And "Jite" is a wonderful effect in the treatment of depression. It can make people happy, excited and full of passion. Curiosity, imagination, curiosity, and creativity will improve, which is why many high-end Japanese people know it is harmful and are willing to take it.

And 'Mantat' can really surpass 'Jate'?

There are only dozens of medicines in the medicine bottle, which can not be tested on a large scale. Xiao Jinlang divided half of them for biochemical pharmacological tests, and left half of them for standby. In the end, only ten test subjects were sent to be mice.

Sun Ke is just such a mouse. He was originally a key training object of a confidential research institute. He was young but jailed for an accidental leak, which almost ended in this life.

"Give me the medicine." In the separate detention room, Sun Ke's feet were copied to an iron chair. He stretched out a hand and said, "If the sequelae of this medicine is too terrible, please give me a good deal of trouble, don't torture me. By the way, say to my family, just be me.

Take medicine, drink water and swallow it, and then wait for the effect to work. Xiao Jinlang stayed behind a one-way transparent mirror and looked at him silently.

According to Zhou Qingfeng's explanation, NTZ-46 'Mentat' is easily absorbed into the bloodstream of the gastric mucosa, and the brain's thinking ability will be improved in five minutes. The entire effect lasts for twelve hours.

However, Sun Ke did not show the excitement Zhou Qingfeng said after taking the medicine. He even sat on the iron chair for half an hour with no movement.

"Ineffective?" Xiao Jinlang frowned. It is said that Zhou Qingfeng could not lie to him, or even give him a medicine that was completely ineffective at the beginning. "Should I give the wrong medicine?"

Silent for another half an hour, Sun Ke, who had been so distracted, made him worry that he might have become stupid. Xiao Jinlang couldn't help sending someone in to see the situation. But as soon as the outsider went in, he saw that Sun Ke inside was shining as if he was awake in his sleep.

"I seem to have gone through my life again, and all the deeds of the past thirty years have returned to my brain. I sorted them all out, and suddenly I wanted to understand a lot of things, many, many." With calmness to see through the world.

Sun Ke was wearing a full set of medical equipment and even a polygraph device. Xiao Jinlang looked at his subordinates, and his subordinates immediately reported: "All the physiological characteristics of the tester Sun Ke are normal, but the data output by the electroencephalograph appears to be particularly messy, and we are analyzing."

"Hey ... give me a computer, a computer with special software for metal analysis, and a mathematical simulation function." Sun Ke shouted in the cell.

Several Guoan personnel appeared in front of Sun Ke, and one of them said indifferently, "We will give you an IQ test, ..."

"No, no, no ..., no need! I used to have an IQ of 140, but I now know that I have improved my thinking ability by at least 20%. Now give me a computer and a recording Pen, I need some specialized analysis tools, preferably two more assistants. "

Sun Ke's request passed into Xiao Jinlang's ears, and the latter frowned but agreed. Xiao Jinlang not only matched his assistant, but also four, staring at him constantly.

And the next twelve hours is the busy twelve hours of Sun Ke, he has been working with extreme excitement. It was relatively normal at the beginning, but as time went on, he also began to appear neurotic states like Xu Guoqiang and others.

Sun Ke's mouth kept telling his thoughts, and the recording pens were filled with several. While some professional analysis software on the computer was running at high speed, one computer was not enough, and soon he put four display screens in front of him.

Over time, many non-national security personnel came from outside Sun Ke's room. One of them even had gray hair, and when he saw Sun Ke, he was angry and angry, but still secretly regretted it.

When seeing some molecular formulas and derived data listed on the display in front of Sun Ke, the white-haired old man suddenly came to the recording pen of Sun Ke's recorded information and quietly listened for about an hour of messy oral records. Later, he immediately demanded Xiao Jinlang firmly: "Let me in."

"What?" Xiao Jinlang asked.

The old man with white hair said solemnly: "This kid doesn't know what to think? But he is too young and lacks experience to make a few mistakes. But he has a good idea and I will talk to him specifically."

Xiao Jinlang agreed again.

When the white-haired old man entered the detention room, Sun Ke did not even respond. He is highly focused and completely immersed in his own world. The old man didn't care, just dragged a stool to look around, and occasionally opened up to give pointers, or discussed a few words, and eventually even quarreled.

During the whole process, Xiao Jinlang and others could not intervene, but the white-haired old man repeatedly asked the disciples who came with him to join the discussion team in the detention room. In the end, he even contacted his own research institute and telephoned the order to conduct further verification with the institute's supercomputing and experimental equipment.

The whole process was hyperactive, radical, noisy, and the small detention room was filled with a surprisingly weird atmosphere. Forty-five people didn't even want to eat, their eyes were staring at the equations and simulation progress of various calculations on the screen, or they urged the distant research institute to give the verification situation.

Before the effects of 'Mantat' ended, the cell suddenly quieted down. Everyone was tired but refused to leave. They were all waiting for a call, waiting for the final answer from the call of the institute.

While waiting, Sun Ke's body suddenly became convulsed. He wailed in pain, his head banging heavily on the iron chair.哐 When the sound awakened everyone ~ www.readwn.com ~ The white-haired old man ran out of the cell in a panic and shouted to Xiao Jinlang: "Save my students, he is very important now."

There is no need for the white-haired old man to say that the medical staff has stepped into the detention room and released Sun Ke from the iron chair for first aid. Xiao Jinlang comforted the old man: "It should be okay, he may have a drug addiction."

"Did this kid take drugs?" The white-haired old man was surprised.

"No, it's another medicine." Xiao Jinlang didn't say much, but ordered Sun Ke to be sent to a special medical room immediately. When he saw the white-haired old man again, he saw the other party and several other disciples holding a small note in their hands and wept silently.

"It's been ten years, a whole ten years." The white-haired old man weeped and laughed: "It's such a simple alloy formula that has tortured us for ten years! It is hopeful that our engine will be increased. ! "

The joy of the white-haired old man shocked Xiao Jinlang. He hadn't thought about what would happen to ‘Mantat’ if it really worked? Now that it works, what kind of miracle will it bring?

The Great Leap Forward in Science and Technology seems to be here. What will happen in the future? Everything is unimaginable!

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