Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1167: Win first win

Assessing one trillion yuan, and giving only 500 million yuan, this is really ..., so generous!

Yes, it's generous!

Xu Guoqiang and Raman and others were able to come up with 'Mantat', which was based on Zhou Qingfeng's extremely detailed information, and there were a large number of various instruments and equipment transported from waste soil as the basis for research.

Even so, the Radiation Biochemical Laboratory has been tossing for more than two years. They started from the beginning of the NTZ project, progressed step by step to the stage of NTZ-46, and then proceeded without further consideration.

For other researchers in China to study the NTZ-46 'Mantat', there must be a gradual process. And in the absence of various instruments and theoretical guidance, the consumption of manpower and material resources is afraid to increase more than ten times.

However, the effect of 'Mantat' is really eye-catching, and the country is definitely not willing to grind out the delay. Xiao Jinlang asked 500 million yuan to obtain advance information, which is already a must for this. Of course, the most important thing is to get a batch of finished products ‘Mantat’ for further experiments and tests.

Although Zhou Qingfeng was cautious, he also knew that it was not easy to get ‘Mantat’ really. Even with his help, it would be a miracle that China could upgrade the entire pharmaceutical industry to the level of producing 'Mantat' within five years.

And five years ... So far, it has only been five years for Zhou Qingfeng to enter the wasteland to and from the two worlds.

Pay by hand and deliver by hand. Zhou Qingfeng provided some preliminary information, and also provided 500 bottles of 'Mantat' as samples. There are only ten pills in each bottle, and five thousand pills are really small.

One-fifth of this batch of medicines is kept in reserve, one-fifth is used for physical and chemical analysis, and the rest is used for animal and human experiments. But after only two or three days, Professor Mao Jianping in charge of the research couldn't help but take a pill, even if he would die.

No way, the effect of ‘Mantat’ is really amazing.

For ordinary people, being smart a little or two is happy, but it's not worth risking your life for it. Because ordinary people have limited resources, there is naturally limited room for ingenuity.

But for Professor Mao, who has a country to rely on, how smart he is, how much platform the country can give him talents. After discovering that several subjects have experienced a sharp increase in intelligence, the temptation of 'Mantat' is irresistible.

Peony, drink water and sit still for five minutes.

Before Xu Guoqiang's peony, it was not a person with outstanding qualifications. After peony, at most, it changed from ordinary to first-class. But for Professor Mao Jianping who is already at the top of the pyramid, that is to strengthen and strengthen, from first-class to super-class.

Originally similar to ‘Tianhe No. 1’, it has now become ‘Shenwei. Light of Taihu’. Professor Mao feels that the whole world before him has changed.

"This is a good medicine." There are thousands of words in my mind, and the simple words are condensed. Professor Mao asked the students to perform a physical examination while recording his current thoughts and thoughts with a recording pen.

"The base recognition point for a nucleic acid is wrong? Repeat."

"Trying to make a new purine derivative, I have a little idea."

"The description of the neuronal bulge in the data is very interesting, and it should be the key here."

While recording, reviewing the data, Professor Mao arranged tasks for his research dogs. Everything seemed orderly. But the thoughts and thoughts in the seeds of his head just came out like volcanic eruption and could not be suppressed. []

This research on 'Mantat', however, has concentrated top academics in many domestic research institutes. The government's funds are the driving force behind the protection by the military, and the number of participants is particularly large. There was anomaly on Professor Mao's side, and the whole secret laboratory soon learned the news.

"Professor Mao himself took 'Mantat'?"

"Oh ... it's unclear whether this thing has sequelae. We don't know anything about how it works."

"If something goes wrong, the whole project is a major setback."

Several biochemical enthusiasts who participated in the project hurriedly rushed to see the situation. Originally, they were worried that Professor Mao would fall into a state of some drugs and problems. But when you look at it, there is a problem!

Professor Mao was sitting in a chair at this moment, his shirt was off, and his arms and even his brain were attached to the test electrodes. Several research dog students are taking blood for testing, and several others are being tumultuously instructed by various orders popping out of their teacher's mouth.

Seeing several colleagues coming in, Professor Mao was even more excited. And several other biochemical cattle were first concerned about the inquiry.

"Lao Mao, how are you?"

"Don't fight like this? What if something happens!"

"Scientific research cannot be done by brute force."

After seeing a few cows bitterly persuade themselves, Professor Mao said cheerfully: "You slags, you haven't studied for so many years. I'm sober at this moment. I think back to your past research carefully, only one evaluation, all nonsense. "

I wipe, do n’t pick things up for the surnamed Mao!

We care for you on behalf of the organization.

In the face of your sacrifice, we don't care about you neuroticism.

Several biochemical bulls still observe Professor Mao with a modest attitude, and it is not easy to think about each other. Such a major sacrifice is entirely a contribution to the country.

But Professor Mao doesn't think so!

"Professor Zhu, you had a dissertation on" Cell "two years ago. I don't think your cognition is detailed enough. Now I have more in-depth thinking, come to ... tell you about it."

"Professor Wang, I remember you recently spoke at a conference on medical reform held within the government. Hey ... you are wrong, you are wrong. You are walking into a dead end."

"Academician Liu, I have always admired you. You are the leader in medical research in China and have a high international level. But I think you have the ability to further develop. I have an idea now, you Would you like to listen? "

Don't listen, don't listen, Wang Ba Scriptures!

Well, you really want to rebel with the surname Mao!

Do you want to single out us all?

Come here, we've been to the tricks, and we're good at it!

A group of older academic experts were furious. In the past, everyone was at the same level. Who instructed? Their glaring eyes, their sleeveless sleeves, had a strong impulse to force Professor Mao to calm down.

For a while, the words fought, and the two sides fought for 800 rounds. Professor Mao's condition is so good that he fights Confucianism with one's tongue, resisting five or six academic leaders on the opposite side, with a mouth like a machine gun.

At first, several other opponents were able to argue fiercely, but later they could not keep up ~ www.readwn.com ~ Professor Mao was quick-thinking, well-organized, and said everything in a few words, which made his opponents frequently. Deep in thought.

In the end, Professor Mao stood up imposingly, and said wildly: "Come and come, who else? Who else will not agree?"

Lying down ..., Professor Mao's face flushed with excitement, and a few biochemical bulls on the opposite side were flushed with anger. Among them, Academician Liu hated the lame straight, but he couldn't talk about the guy who was covered with electrodes and was doing the test.

"Hateful." Academician Liu turned around and walked away. "You wait, I'll take a medicine and come back."

"Yes, yes, this guy was nothing terribly great. Now it's totally supported by 'Mantat'. We'll get a medicine and come again."

"Go with it, go with it. This beam has settled, but it can't be so."

A group of scholars left Professor Mao's room and hurriedly sought medicine. But when they returned to the various offices, they found that all the ‘Mantats’ that had been sent for testing were taken away.

Xiao Jinlang said with a black face, "Every scholar is a precious asset of our country. We must protect your health in a serious and responsible manner. Now I have decided not to allow you until the entire mechanism of 'Mantat' is understood. Drugs are taken without permission. All medication must be performed under our supervision. "

Professor Zhu immediately pointed at Professor Mao's direction and asked, "What about that guy? He can't be bothered, right?"

"Considering that Professor Mao has taken the medicine, after discussion and decision by the superior, he can make an exception as an observation object." Xiao Jinlang said.

"What? That **** is **** on our heads now. Are you still indulging him?" Academician Liu was furious, and he scolded resentment: "I knew this, I was the first Medicine! ".

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