Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1177: Zhenchangzi

At a height of nine kilometers in Syria, a 'death' drone is slowly cruising. This scout-integrated drone starts from the US Air Force base in Turkey and can hover at high altitudes for a long time, which is especially suitable for long-term monitoring on the ground.

At Insrik Air Force Base in Turkey, Fidel hurriedly sighed at the image returned by the drone. As the CIA's high-level intelligence officer in charge of Middle East affairs, he has accumulated difficult to resolve depression.

Today ’s troubles in Syria are planned by the CIA. Supporting ISIS is also a coup of CIA Director Brennan. It is just that several anti-American countries in the Middle East are in chaos, but they have not been able to achieve all the goals of the United States.

Assad's regime is still swaying, but he is alive and well. Russia sent troops directly, causing trouble for the United States to control the Middle East. Countries like Iran have also stepped in, adding to the chaos. As for the other forces, the muddy water became more turbid.

By the way, the Russian army's legal entry into Syria was invited by the Assad regime. In the international community, the Assad regime is the legal regime in Syria, and the so-called rebels are illegal.

Of course, Americans have always been shameless. They openly support the rebels and use missiles and fighters to hit Syrian targets. However, other people ’s eagle sauces have a good sign, such as ‘counter-terrorism’ or ‘chemical warfare’ and the like. There are still concerns about large-scale military presence.

The BBC's report on Syria immediately caught the attention of Americans. Fidel, the CIA's chief intelligence officer for the Middle East, immediately dispatched troops to try to capture the 'terrorist' who had caused great damage to the United States.

However, because of concerns about the Russian army in Syria, F-16 was not dispatched immediately, which made Fidel a little regretful. After all, although the ‘Death’ drone can monitor for a long time, it ’s flying too slowly. When it arrived in the area of ​​the incident, only a few ugly bodies were left on the deserted ground.

When Fidel found the target, he immediately gave him the idea of ​​`` **** fire '', but the `` death '' drone scanned the ground through various photoelectric methods and found nothing. But ... the CIA will not stop so easily.

"Do we have any intelligence on the inside of the Russian army? I want to know what mission this Mi-8 performs?" Fidel asked, pinching his scalp.

The intelligence assistant on the side opened the folder in his hand. "Our intelligence line in the Russian army did not provide any useful information. They only said that this was a task arranged by Major Russian Commander, Russian Special Operations in Syria.

However, our personnel in the Syrian government army provided a more accurate report. They said that the 'terrorist' had flown directly from Moscow on an Il-76 and was alone. [] After arriving at the base of Latakia, he was immediately sent to Palmyra.

We had previously contacted the people who shot the video, and they called themselves a small European news agency, trying to catch the big news in Syria before acting with the rebels. Today's incident was completely unexpected. They did succeed this time. "

"Accident?" Fidel refused to accept the explanation with a sneer. "It was equipped with a laser short-range defense system and a super soldier wearing optical camouflage. Such a Mi-8 appeared in Palmyra. You told me that it was an accident?"

The intelligence assistant silently cursed: God only knew why this Mi-8 appeared in Palmyra? It is not a military place, nor is it a prosperous city. It is just an ancient oasis with a population of over 10,000. It is questionable whether there are 10,000 people.

"There must be something special about Palmyra." Fidel said affirmatively, and he asked, "What about the people who made the video?"

"Not quite sure, we contacted them before, but then there was no news. Maybe they are dead or in the hands of Syrian government forces." The intelligence assistant shrugged again.

"Find a way to find them, maybe get some information." Felton paused and continued: "We have to send a unit to Palmyra to see."

"We have a two hundred-person special force in northern Syria, all staffed with T-51A powered armor. Maybe ..."

Before finishing the words of the intelligence assistant, Fidel shook his head and said, "Our people are not suitable to send in now, we must let the Syrian rebels or the Nusrah front test it."

"I see. The Syrian government forces can't stop our people." The intelligence assistant nodded slightly. "No matter what Palmyra has, we can definitely find it out."

Americans set their sights on Palmyra, as do Russians. On another Mi-8 helicopter flying to Palmyra, Valena and an officer from the Ministry of the Interior were also talking about Zhou Qingfeng.

"He claims to be 'Hugo', and apparently he is a member of the Chinese military mission to aid Syria. I asked him why he came to Syria? He said he came to look for sights and attractions." Major Valentina set on a T Within -45AM, this is Russia's improved version A armor ~ www.readwn.com ~ more heavily armored.

The officers of the Ministry of the Interior are of average build and look cold. He didn't believe Valena's description at all, "Major, how easily did you believe in this Chinese? Do you know his specific identity? When traveling to Palmyra for tourism, such a poor excuse turned out to be deceiving. about you."

"I've met him three times in total, but I feel that his words are credible. The warriors who fought on the battlefield are not as sneaky as you are." Valena returned unceremoniously. "Take his Strength, there is absolutely no need to deceive this boring trick. "

"He certainly wasn't traveling to Palmyra, there must be other purposes." The Ministry of Interior officer with suspicion said categorically, "Yes, how much do you know about his equipment? What was the shot down of the Stinger missile? ? And the optical camouflage on him? "

"You'd better ask it yourself, I can't answer you." Valina also held her breath, knowing that she couldn't really command Zhou Qingfeng, so she released him far away to cooperate with the Syrian government forces.

How would you know that this man would cause a terrible event as soon as he went out!

Europeans are now re-examining Russia with an inexplicable mentality, but Russia is also inexplicable. They can only ask why the florist sent such a person to Syria? Because this man appears, the war situation in Syria may be affected as a result.

In the end, a series of questions were piled up in front of Xiao Jinlang. Xiao Jinlang was like dumb eating Huanglian, suffering so much that he could only write his grievances on the report. The idea is: I know that guy can cause trouble, but he always refreshes my cognitive limits on him, and I'm desperate!

Originally, I hoped to send that boy to the town. It's good now, he calmed down the whole earth! .

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