Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1180: Like a bear

Closing the carry-on military laptop, Berlenko leaned down on the back of the chair in distress. The tattered chair creaked and could break down at any time. As an officer sent by the Ministry of Internal Affairs to investigate, he already felt that the task of this trip was afraid of very difficult.

Opposite Berelenko's indifferent gaze, there were a few pitiful worms shaking. All members of the Westell News Agency who exposed Zhou Qingfeng were there. They felt that the Russian officer was ruthlessly trembling and could not fight at all.

In Berelenko's eyes, these unlucky eggs from Europe are not worth mentioning at all. He just learned a few words verbally, and with the pain of making flesh with some torture techniques, these guys were about to collapse.

"I will verify everything you say, and you are always welcome to add it. This is good for us." Belenko slowly stood up, and the steel-lined sole was put down from a head. The head of the head, Duke, nodded pantingly, and said nothing.

The previous Mi-8 attack ended with the complete defeat of the rebels. The Syrian government forces stationed in Palmyra came to clean up the mess, and by the way, arrested the Siddle group who raised their hands and surrendered.

Bellenko interrogated for several hours, and finally confirmed that this was a group of brave Europeans who wanted to come to the war-torn region. Siddell, whose pseudonym 'Hussein', is headed, and Duke's follower is a Chinese immigrant, and several miscellaneous employees are Syrians.

"You are now famous. People all over Europe and even the world have seen the news reports you shot, and they will let you leave to enjoy the money after the investigation is over." Bellenko said casually, and turned around to leave the bad guys behind. Room, he has a headache for the next thing.

The guy named 'Hugo' is too mysterious. Based on his whereabouts and acting style, Berelenko believes that he is likely to be a Chinese defector with major secrets. How can you explain that this defector did not come to Syria elsewhere? Only God knows this.

In fact, since the news of Palmyra spread, the Chinese side has repeatedly asked Russia to return 'Hugo' and sent a search and **** team. Obviously, Hugo is highly valued.

The Mao bears agreed to provide assistance, and the Russian troops stationed in Syria also said verbally, but in fact they kept creating obstacles and delaying time, and did not want 'Hugo' to leave.

Bellenko has just received an order from the Kremlin to try his best to bring 'Hugo' back to Russia-regardless of life or death, just grab the front of the Chinese team. He had thought that this task was not easy? "Hugo" is just one person, and you can control it anyway.

But when he saw 'Hugo' himself, Berelenko realized how embarrassing his opponent was-he didn't give anyone a chance to approach, and verbally said that he would fight against terrorists, and he would leave in the next second. , Said to find a place to rest.

No supplies, no intelligence, nothing from the Russian side. For security, Hugo would rather stay with the Syrians. Bellenko really regrets why he didn't deploy someone on the spot to win the opponent.

"You won't gain anything, Hugo is very alert. This class of agents is smarter than you think. He will trust you is weird."

Outside the cell, Valena sneered at Bellenko. She is changing the power armored battery. The T-45am produced by Russia does not pass the battery technology. The battery must be replaced frequently to maintain combat effectiveness.

But Bellenko turned a blind eye to the provocations in the dialogue, and instead became interested in the battery in Valena's hand. "Hugo appeared without a spare battery, right?"

Valena thought for a moment and shook her head slightly. "He has almost nothing, and I provided him with the weapon temporarily."

"If food and water are easier to get from other places, then this high-energy battery that drives armor is certainly not so easy to get?" Bellenko asked again, "I remember the power pack on his lower back was very small. , The battery should ... "

Valina sneered, "China's original T-45 high-energy battery is much better than our own, smaller in size and higher in energy density. Moreover, Hugo's armor has only a skeleton, and energy consumption may be less than ours. one tenth."

"But Hugo has been out of logistics for at least sixty hours, and he can never need to add electricity." Belenko never thought about the "nuclear fusion battery" thing, he said as if he had grasped the point: "Balmy La is an oasis in the desert and there are very few places around which to provide charging. "

Nowadays, Syria is not a modern society with electricity. It is the norm that the darkness is dark at night. Large transmission grids have long collapsed for several years, with only a few emergency electrical equipment working in key locations. In fact Palmyra has only one diesel motor.

"Balmila, Elek, Sohona, Gailette, ...." Belenko shouted as Hashem, the liaison officer, and marked on the map a place where Zhou Qingfeng might be charged. It was finally confirmed that there were only a few hundred kilometers around Palmyra that could be charged.

"The key monitoring of these places can even temporarily remove or destroy all kinds of electrical equipment." Bellenko was excited about a good map, "I immediately ordered ~ www.readwn.com ~ to guarantee that Hugo Can't escape. "

Regarding Bellenko's plan, Valina subconsciously thought about it from her own perspective. If she were to face this situation, the battery power would not be able to sustain it for too long. And if Hugo is really in trouble, she is the one who will attack her.

"Well ..." Valena sighed. She watched Bellenko start to dispatch troops and set up a net around Palmyra, and she could only say to herself, ‘this is the national interest, it ’s all for Russia, I ’m a soldier.

It is not an accident that Mao Xiong has no friends in the international community for a long time. They are too rough and always like to bully others and take advantage. No matter in the Tsarist period or the Soviet period, it was always ugly to eat ally, which is simply national personality.

At that time, the rabbit family was still in the warlord melee period. The fur bear did not know how many insidious acts he had done. Even before the Korean War, the United Nations voted to intervene in North Korea, and Stalin ordered the Soviet ambassador to the United Nations to be absent and let the vote pass.

According to the declassified documents, it was revealed that this was deliberately done by Stalin. The goal is to reduce the pressure on Europe and let rabbits and hawk sauce fight in North Korea. John Bull, Gallo Chicken, and Eagle Sauce also did a lot of bad things, but they were pure angels compared to bears.

Now Berlenko is waiting for ‘Hugo’ to be arrested after all the calculations have taken place. He and his superiors did n’t realize that there was anything wrong with doing this.

When Berlenko managed to arrange all this, he was satisfied that he suddenly received an alarm from the Syrian government forces-a terrorist force had killed the periphery of Palmyra.

What? I am not a terrorist!

Bellenko immediately sat on the wax! 8 more exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading school

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