Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1183: Infamous

Andrevich was a mob leader in Moscow, and Jinpen washed his hands and opened a bar many years ago. ?? Those who come to visit his bar are some hooligan, and only he can be able to calm the idle and energetic young people.

Yesterday the bar was full. Everyone wanted to get together to watch a football match. The atmosphere was lively. And young people who drink too much can't help but fight and make trouble. There is no need for compensation even if there is a loss, just let those guys help to send some 'goods'.

However, the original broadcast of the game was interrupted by a piece of news. At the beginning, the entire bar was irritated, but the news content calmed everyone down-a Russian Mi-8 helicopter stationed in Syria The target of the terrorist.

Damn it, this bunch of junk actually broadcasted the whole process on the media! Is there anything more cruel than letting all Russians watch their loved ones killed and listen to the cheesy sneakers cheering?

The whole of Russia has been a mess since the Soviet Union ended. The entire country is in a trough, the economy is backward, society is chaotic, and national life has plummeted. Western European countries also continue to impose sanctions, locking Russia like shackles.

The only thing that can make Russia proud is the army that was once strong enough to tremble its opponents. Although this army also corrupted, it was still the last line of defense in the hearts of the Russians. In particular, it is even more proud to see that the troops of your own country can go abroad to fight terrorists.

And now ... how can we not make Andrevich angry when he sees a video of the ambush of the Russian army being broadcast live to the world? In fact, when the cause and effect of the matter were understood, the whole bar stood up and scolded.

Even as a gang leader, Andrevich has his own patriotism. He really hated that he couldn't shoot a gun immediately to kill the nasty rebels and terrorists in Syria, killing their entire family.

But what about light anger now? Everyone can only watch the missile flying towards the Russian Mi-8 helicopter. Watching it hit, watch it burn, watch it crash, watch it turn into debris around the ground, and even see a few charred bodies.

Anger and helplessness can make people crazy. Just when Andrevic was so angry that he couldn't smash the TV set, a miracle happened.

'Stinger' missed, Mi-8 lowered to a safe height and also released powerful armored soldiers. The two Syrian government soldiers are nothing, but the stealth fighter that appears behind is very exciting. He was injected into Russia like a pinch of heart.

The whole country is boiling for it!

Everyone, everyone, whether foe or foe, thinks this must be the latest technological achievement in Russia. After all, now everyone knows that Syria has become a weapon testing ground for major powers, and it is reasonable for Mao Xiong to send his cutting-edge equipment for testing.

National cohesion needs to be cultivated with honor and pride, otherwise the country will easily fall apart. The fur bear is in need of such a hero, a class of equipment, together with an event sufficient to deter the enemy.

When the powerful stealth fighter was on the battlefield, Andrevich announced on the spot that all the drinks in the bar today are free-it's so happy, everyone can drink enough!

Although the entire video didn't last long, the whole incident has shocked the world and the media in all countries are discussing it enthusiastically. This is even more sensational than the Chinese's recent development of power armor. Stealth warriors are definitely more dangerous and deadly than heavy armored warriors!

Looking at the comments in the media of various countries, Andrevic rarely felt good all day. The bar usually opens in the afternoon, but he came to the bar early the next day, thinking about continuing to have a good chat with his friends, maybe he could be happy all day again.

It's just that the news the next day was not Russia's headline, but US air strikes on Palmyra. Western media have claimed that this is to combat terrorists who are attacking there, but fools know that it is actually controlled by Syrian government forces.

"A bunch of **** Yankees." Andreyevich took a sip of vodka and slammed the glass on the bar. His eyes stared at the TV screen hanging above the bar, and he was very unhappy.

There are already dozens of young people gathered in the bar. Originally everyone was discussing the actions of the Russian army yesterday, but now it is the Americans who are in the limelight.

Americans, Americans, Americans, Americans have been fighting in the Soviet Union since then, and they are still fighting Russia. It is clear that Russia is currently in a disadvantage. It feels uncomfortable being crushed by someone!

Andrevich changed several stations, and the news focused on the situation in Syria. Leng Buding saw that “Russia Today” was turning on BBC again, but it made the whole bar explode.

It's live again, but in front of the camera is a talkative leader of the Nusrah front. His exaggerated appearance is really disgusting, and even more irritating is his nonsense, he dare to look down on the greatest Russian warrior.

The people inside the bar were furious when they heard that Irdeto had arrogantly stated that he could easily kill the world-class warriors. The warrior who appeared yesterday is now the pride of all Russians, who dares to insult him is the enemy of Russia.

"Where did this **** get the courage to watch TV? I really hate to kill this **** with my own hands." Andrevic was so angry. He slammed the table heavily and hated Aidid, who was talking about the TV.

The fur bears have been miserable by terrorists in recent years. Now it is enough to see that a terrorist leader has been openly interviewed. And when he heard that he humiliated himself in person, the young people in the bar were like riots, and the swear words in their mouths spread overwhelmingly.

The hooligans in the bar were full of swear words and kept screaming. It's just that these young people's cursing vocabulary is very poor. It's nothing more than a certain organ and the female relatives of Aidid's family.

Andrevich was very open, but he could not curse anything. There was nothing new about simmering in fire, and I could only drink coldly. After all, that clown-like enemy is thousands of kilometers away, and no one can take him.

And when everyone felt that this could only be the case, a roaring scream suddenly appeared in the broadcast video. The curse stunned the audience as soon as she spoke. The TV hostess couldn't help but reach out and cover her mouth, stunned.

Someone was upset that the ongoing interview was broadcast live!

Aidid was interviewed in English ~ www.readwn.com ~ This insulting swearing was first in English, and then in French, German, Russian and other languages.

"Idid, you must be such a stupid **** from a boar and an ewe!"

"Aidid, you are a mean, cowardly, shameless, executioner who will only kill civilians. I will show you what a real warrior is."

"Idid, clean your neck and wait. I'll pull your tongue out of your mouth and strangle you around your neck. Don't you want to trample me? Now see who tramples on!

The swearing voice was nasty, hard to hear, and rude. Only the bottom-level hooligans would swear like this. But why does it sound so happy?

Andrevich was drinking his nth cup of suffocation, but he sprayed as soon as the screams appeared. He understood from the English version and shouted with excitement when he came to the Russian version.

"This is exactly what I want to scold. How cool it is to listen to this scold! This must be our hero in Syria, this is our people scolding!"

Hahaha ... the hooligans have no culture, the more vulgar the more they like it. They even felt that this swearing sentence was too happy, and the verbal scolding method was really popular!

There was thunderous thunder in the bar, and everyone was learning like that, while drinking, they were learning the curse words on TV. The more you learn, the more excited you are, and the more you learn, the happier you are, as if you are scolding silly Aidid.

In front of the TV camera, Aidid is indeed a scolded look. He couldn't figure out that he would be scolded in an interview? And cursed so badly!

That's all right, Aided's reputation is considered to be, but it's a bad smell. No one will go to a boss who has been so badly scolded. 8 more exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading school

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