Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1186: Exposed

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A small drone flew over Palmyra's urban area with a slight buzz. It is less than 100 meters above the ground and not fast, but the high-definition camera on the fuselage is keenly capturing clues on the ground.

Behind the sand dunes one kilometer away, Lieutenant Sheldon from 'Seal Six' held a military pad in her arms and stared indifferently at the surveillance image returned by the drone.

Around Shelton, there was a platoon player. The seal arrangement is very small, only six people, but all members are officers, and the combat quality is naturally world-class.

Fighting in the city is in full swing, and Syria's various forces are entangled. It's just that, except for the bravery at the beginning of the shock, the enthusiasm of armed men on the battlefield is rapidly fading. To put it plainly is the lack of tenacity.

There are still many civilians in the city, and the sudden war has left them nowhere to hide, but to stay at home honestly. Maybe it will be the end of the battle, maybe it will be the death of a family of shells.

Lieutenant Sheldon had already seen more lives and deaths on the battlefield, and his task now was to find a super villain who might stay in Palmyra and stop his actions against the United States.

Due to the small urban area, drones have been cruising back and forth two or three times. All videos were not only reviewed by Lieutenant Sheldon, there was even a communications satellite dedicated to providing a high-bandwidth retransmission channel so that all videos could be transmitted back to the Turkish operations headquarters.

The fighting has been going on for about three hours, the Syrians on the battlefield are exhausted, and there are only sporadic gunshots left in the city. But Lieutenant Sheldon was still on high alert, ready to launch a surprise attack.

"Vulture No.1, when we reviewed the video, we found that area No. 21 was abnormal." The voice of a rear intelligence analyst came from the radio. "Let the drone fly over and confirm it."

Analysts at cia have divided Palmyra into hundreds of square blocks. The so-called anomaly is a messy footprint on the ground, which is not surprising on the battlefield. Analysts who could stay in Turkish military bases have enlarged their footprints and analyzed them with computers.

"I think I've caught this guy." At the base's cia headquarters, an analyst cheered. He moved his findings to the large screen of the headquarters and shouted at the trail above him: "This footprint is different from the marks left by any military boot."

As the commander of the operation, Fidel also stared at the information given on the big screen. No need for analysts to say that he can see something strange. At present, most of the normal people in Palmyra weigh 50 to 80 kilograms, and can be analyzed based on the footprints found by drones ...

The target weight is between 150 and 180 kg.

"This is probably an 80-kilogram person plus the weight of a powerful mechanical skeleton and weapons and equipment," the analyst shouted excitedly. This weight excludes normal soldiers as well as armored soldiers over 300 kilograms. It is easy to judge who will leave such a footprint.

Damn bastard, finally caught you!

Fidel scolded in his heart, and immediately ordered: "All the combatants are ready, let's follow the trail to see where he is?"

Upon receiving the order, Shelton on the battlefield immediately operated the drone to lower the altitude, and the camera ran forward along the trail. At the same time, his team members set up a 60-mm mortar mortar, ready to fire at any time.

"Let 'Grim Reaper' lower the height and approach the target area. The chance of attack may only be once." Fidel stared at the large screen of the command. He had a 'Grim Reaper' drone operator on his hand to control the joystick at hand , Ready to launch the 'Hellfire' missile.

The drone in the city lowered to a height of more than ten meters, and advanced along a street that was blasted by artillery. Fidel, who was staring at it, quickly found a few barefoot marks beside the heavy trail on the ground. . He said weirdly, "This guy is still carrying a child?"

And on Palmyra's rotten streets, the barefoot 'Little Poor' heard a buzzing sound behind him. She looked back and found a small plane approaching.

Although I do n’t quite understand the situation, ‘Little Poor’ still shouted alertly to himself, “Hey, big man, there ’s a plane here.”

When he saw the child's mouth making a shouting gesture, Fidel's heart tightened. He immediately shouted, "Which guy is nearby, find him out."

Shelton's men immediately adjusted the mortars at hand, and soon several consecutive shells flew towards the area of ​​preset coordinates.

With the help of the drone camera, Fidel and others in the headquarters also saw a wonderful scene, a flash of light and shadow appeared more than ten meters in front of the little girl, and a human body was doing a sudden turning back.

The pickup on Zhou Qingfeng's helmet is directional, and can selectively detect sound in a certain direction. He will always pay attention to his front, and he needs the reminder of "Poor" for the movement behind him.

When Zhou Qingfeng moved suddenly, the stealth effect was greatly reduced. When he saw the drone more than twenty meters away, he immediately opened fire on it.

The final image returned by the drone was an ak-type rifle blowing out the muzzle flames. When the large screen image in front of Fidel was interrupted, he immediately ordered: "Did the **** lock the target? Display the image on the large screen on."

The image on the big screen changed into a less clear aerial view. The image is still the broken streets of Palmyra, and you can even see the drone just dropped. Fidel felt that he was only one step away from success and yelled, "Where is he?"

At this moment, several shells just fired from the mortar arrived in the area. They are not lethal high-explosive shells, but extremely bright flares. When they suddenly appeared during the day, the sun seemed to be dark, and the entire ground was enveloped by its light.

CIA's intelligence personnel analyzed the existing optical camouflage images to determine that this terrible and weird stealth equipment was very sensitive to the environment and light. If the light in its environment changes suddenly, its stealth effect will be greatly reduced.

This guess is correct!

Rather than use mortars to fire a few ordinary shells where the target is unknown ~ www.readwn.com ~ use it to change the light in the area where the target is located. When the flares suddenly lit, the real objects on the ground did not change, but Zhou Qingfeng, who was invisible, was exposed.

When seeing a human figure with a skull mask appear, Fidel shouted joyfully: "Lock, kill him!"

The killer was actually a ‘death’ unmanned aerial vehicle cruising at an altitude of more than 2,000 meters. The CIA personnel who controlled it thousands of kilometers away locked the exposed Zhou Qingfeng with a photoelectric pod.

One 'Hellfire' missile dropped from its pylon, followed by another. The rocket engine spewed hot flames to accelerate the projectile to Mach, and it could hit the target in more than ten seconds.

For more than ten seconds, the special flares in the air have been shining on the ground in a low-frequency flashing manner, ensuring that Zhou Qingfeng's optical camouflage cannot be re-stealth, and also ensuring that the guiding head of 'Hellfire' firmly locks Zhou Qingfeng.

At this moment, Zhou Qingfeng seems to be ignorant, blinded by flares, and has been standing still-a missile with a speed of Mach is firing at a high speed.

Life and death are in a flash!

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