Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1193: 1 stroke clearance

The city of Palmyra continued the offensive for half a day. For ordinary people who eat melons, this is just a talk after dinner, but it is a big event for many countries that have fallen into the quagmire of Syria. ???

Not to mention the Syrian government forces and armed forces that have already confronted each other, even the florists who have not been involved in the past have sent a rescue team, and other countries with related interests in Syria have continued to raise.

Eagle Sauce's "Death" drone has been monitoring Palmyra while using its long voyage. One is not enough or even a few more.

A furry drone ..., not to mention. People still honestly sent manned combat aircraft to support the scene, at least drove the Eagle Sauce drone from Palmyra.

And driving away drones like 'Death' is just the first step. Bellenko has received tough instructions. He must do everything possible to have a series of powerful capabilities such as stealth, laser, high mobility, etc. ' Hugo 'brought back to Moscow-life or death.

With the behavior of fur bears, this kind of deadly gain has been done countless times. Shamelessness is simply the national identity of fur bear politics. This is something that even the heartless British sigh.

Bellenko was still troubled by how to find out 'Hugo', but this goal turned out because a little girl took the initiative.

This is simply the Virgin Mary's skirt angled to Berlenko, revealing the luck of her underwear. He quickly sent out all the armored soldiers he controlled. With a false smile, he had already set a strategy for violent control of 'Hugo'.

Only Zhou Qingfeng had already expected this. Last night when the army encircled Palmyra, he did not dare to confront openly more than hundreds of troops, and even the weakest **** troops could easily give him a volley to death. .

But is there a close confrontation in the city now?

Zhou Qingfeng glanced at the more than 50 hostile people who surrounded him, and said with a smile: "Do you think you can easily suppress me?"

"Hugo, it's a good thing you want to save that girl. Goodness is a good quality for ordinary people, but it is a major flaw for a special person like you. You can't escape, I advise you to give up resistance. it is good."

Valina had a tone of ‘you have nowhere to go’. She stretched out her steel arms and wanted to grab Zhou Qingfeng's shoulder.

"My favorite challenge is impossible." Zhou Qingfeng laughed, and he stepped back halfway to avoid Valena's arm, and at the same time pushed the ‘Little Poor’ behind him gently. The little girl turned around as if she had a sense of anger, and left.

Zhou Qingfeng looked around again, and in the distance were hundreds of Syrian civilians who wanted to flee. They were stopped outside the blockade dozens of meters away, and looked at the scene intently—a short, weird man was being persecuted by a power armor higher than him, and there were more than 20 armored soldiers staring around him.

In the immediate vicinity, more than 20 T-45 series power armors have already surrounded Zhou Qingfeng with nowhere. In front of him was the extremely difficult Teddy Bear Special Forces commander, which was almost a situation without resistance.

Bellenko, who had already issued his ultimatum, now took a computer and shouted, "Hugo, give up resistance. Our Excellency the President will greet you in Moscow, and you can talk to him in person."

"Oh ... the big guys are paying attention. I like this scene." Zhou Qingfeng ended looking around and faced Valina again. "So let your president see and see how I defeated you Come on! "

Negotiations failed ...

The commander of the special forces such as Valena is already made of steel. Even if she sighs about Zhou Qingfeng's experience, this does not affect her actions. When it was time to be tough, she was absolutely tough. When she heard Zhou Qingfeng's words, she immediately started.

T-45am assaulted forward, the steel arm swiftly stretched to Zhou Qingfeng's shoulder, and the grasp of the palm was hundreds of kilograms of force, which could crush a person's fragile body stiffly. At the same time, she slammed on the ground and banged on one knee, and the impact was like a few tons of heavy objects to strike, enough to kill people.

She will show no mercy when she starts, Valena knows Zhou Qingfeng's power. She did not dare to despise the slightest, and did not dare to treat Zhou Qingfeng's single-handed horse as weak. She had determined that Zhou Qingfeng must still have a second hand, and she even feared that she would not be harmed by her efforts.

Never give this dangerous guy a chance to come back!

Bellenko at the back was still thinking about catching ‘Hugo’ alive. When Valina started to act, she showed no mercy, and complained that if the woman killed her goal, the harvest of the entire operation would be greatly reduced.

The crowd at the scene, whether they were surrounded by armored soldiers or watching the lively onlookers of refugees, they were all amazed by the powerful explosive power of T-45am.

This is literally a textbook-like box fight. Simple and straightforward, nothing fancy, made by a power armor of several hundred kilograms, full of the thrill of a violent aesthetic.

All the people brought in the expectation. If they face such an attack, it must be broken bones and flesh. It was horrifying.

In the eyes of everyone, no matter how Valena overestimated Zhou Qingfeng, she told her realistically and cruelly that her estimate was not enough ... far from enough!

This captured nirvana failed to achieve the goal, because it was at the moment Valena started. Zhou Qingfeng also launched a counterattack ~ www.readwn.com ~ He did the same action as Valena-reached out and grabbed the enemy's shoulders and brought them into his arms. go back.

The weight of Zhou Qingfeng and his full set of equipment is less than half of Valena's power armor. In terms of impact strength, he should be struck directly. In fact, when the two really collided, T-45am, which was more than two meters high, was caught by Zhou Qingfeng and hit by a knee.

The impact failed to cause fatal damage to T-45am, but then Zhou Qingfeng took the advantage and threw the tall Valena to the ground, and the hundreds of kilograms of armor just fell and couldn't stand.

This scene was so abnormal that it shocked Belenko to feel uncomfortable.

Yes, it's extremely uncomfortable!

Belenko raised his hand and wanted to order the two T-45ams guarding him to come forward to help, but when he spoke, he spit out blood—headache, nausea, blurred vision, a huge sense of compression in the chest, the brain Out of control, the whole person immediately pulled off and fell softly.

Before falling down, Bellenko finally saw a short, thick cylinder popping out of Hugo's shoulder. Almost instantly, he realized that this was the biggest reliance of 'Hugo' to dare to come alone.

Infrasound Wall!

Reduce the power and distance of the attack in exchange for a large attack range, which is the most powerful trick for group fights.

Zhou Qingfeng once tasted the infrasound wall controlled by 'Winter Frost'. At that time, he detached and blinded his retina. He was strong enough to escape, but no one in front of him had such a strengthened body.

Valina was almost brought down by a single move, and Bellenko, who was hiding a few meters away, couldn't even call for help. With Zhou Qingfeng spinning around, the dozens of people who surrounded him all fell down, even the power armor could not be spared.

One stroke to clear the field, weird and unpredictable, infrasound killing is so brutal and overbearing. 8

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