Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1204: Change the sky

Hariji is a medium-sized fat man with a friendly face and a smile on his face. He talks casually and is very generous in his shots. People who interact with him always feel like a breeze. It is also because of his long sleeves and good dancing that his power spreads throughout the high-level Syrian government and has a wide range of contacts.

However, Hariji also has many enemies. He attaches great importance to his security forces, and is suspicious, and rarely contacts outsiders. Especially in roadside bomb-laden Syria, he was particularly worried about his assassination.

This black market in Damascus is one of the dense nest villas in Khaledji, where a lot of wealth he has searched for in his life is hoarded, and guards loyal to him are closely guarded. Only here he feels secure.

"What's the matter today?" Hallegui sat down on the sofa in his living room, as if he had fallen into a big potato. Compared with the shabby and cluttered market on the outside, his magnificent nest villa is built in a magnificent style, with all kinds of precious furniture and appliances from Europe. Luxury goods are everywhere.

One servant knelt on the ground and took off his shoes, while the other servant gave a freshly prepared cocktail. The master took a sip and turned to look at the butler standing by.

The steward bowed his head slightly and said respectfully: "Dear Hariji, you have twelve customers today. I helped you to remove four less important ones, and the rest need to be met in person. One of them is from Israel Of guests have been waiting for a long time. "

Hallegui chewed the olives in the cocktail and spit out the stones and pomace. He stomped on the servant who cleaned the kernel, and scolded him severely: "This group of Jewish vampires, they are always unsatisfied. I have given in too much."

Hallegi's gestures, movements, conversations with different people in the living room, and even his attitude of receiving visitors from all sides, all this information was captured by a mechanical fly. The mechanical fly has been behind him since he got off the car, and is now silently gathering information in a corner of the living room.

Hariji's message, housekeeper's message, servant's message, guard message, visitor message. In the first three days of Zhou Qingfeng's lurking waiting, a total of more than a dozen similar mechanical flies sneaked into Hariji's nest. Now the most important people are finally here.

A large amount of information was aggregated into Zhou Qingfeng's digital helmet. The computer began to analyze the character and habits of the characters in various aspects, and recorded various data such as voiceprints.

While collecting information, Zhou Qingfeng hiding in the dark did not idle. The computer has already 3D modeled Harrage's appearance, and Zhou Qingfeng himself simply hid in a bulletproof Mercedes-Benz in Harrage to make himself.

That's right ... Zhou Qingfeng didn't want to kill, because killing now doesn't make any sense. He wants to change the sky and replace Harlegui, to grasp the power in the opponent's hands.

Gelatin, wigs, beards, and even big belly, all of which can be faked with makeup. Even the voice can be resolved with a voice changer in the throat.

The only trouble is height and body shape-Zhou Qingfeng is 1.80 meters tall and very strong; Hariji is less than 1.17 meters tall, but he is very fat, but Zhuang cannot be said. There is no way to camouflage it, you can't let Zhou Qingfeng cut off his leg.

"I'm fine when I'm sitting. When I stand up, I will be spotted immediately." Zhou Qingfeng scratched his head, quite distressed.

Time passed slowly, and the sky slowly turned black. Mechanical flies brought from waste soil fly around, track, record, recharge, and information continually gather. In a day, Zhou Qingfeng could roughly imitate Hariji's words and actions.

And Hariji, who had met the people in the old nest, was also gradually tired. He looked at the sky and asked what time, and then asked to arrange for the vehicle to leave. This old fox lives in a different place every day, and even the convoy is divided into multiple groups to drive to different places, the typical cunning rabbit three caves.

"Give me a car. I won't live here tonight." Hallegui stood up and left his office. He walked out of the door and told his captain.

The guard walked out with Hariji back and forth, but after taking a few steps, he suddenly reached out and patted his neck, and then slap again and looked at his palm. Although nothing was photographed, he murmured in his mouth, "Damn, there are flies in the room."

Hygienic conditions are extremely poor in the black market, and flies are never short. It's not uncommon to occasionally fly to Harlegi's villa. It was just after Haroldji waved a fly close to him that he walked a dozen steps and suddenly felt dizzy.

"Dear Harriege, do you need me to call the doctor?" The steward who was next to him stepped forward to support his master, worried.

Haroldji drowsed his head drowsily. He was sick and ill with his old age. At the moment, he nodded and didn't even want to say a word, and was helped back to the bedroom.

The private doctor rushed over in the shortest time. After a simple measurement, it was relieved: "Dear Mr. Hariji, your body is not too abnormal. Maybe you are a little tired, need more rest and sleep. Can make you feel better. "

Leaning back on the bed, Haroldji nodded again. He felt really sleepy and sleepy at the moment. He couldn't hold his eyelids and couldn't wait to sleep. The doctor and housekeeper retired quietly, the two servants stayed in their care, and there were gun guards outside the bedroom, and everything looked fine.

Hallegui slept very deeply, and could even be said to have a rare good night's sleep. And just as he slept, the bad guy hiding in his nest started to act.

With the help of mechanical flies, Zhou Qingfeng knew the structural layout of the entire villa building, and knew the location of Hariji's bedroom-it was a closed core area under heavy guard. But these are nothing to Zhou Qingfeng whose main attributes are speed and agility.

There are mechanical flies to provide early warning. Zhou Qingfeng is in a deserted place in Harlegi's nest ~ www.readwn.com ~ He easily walked outside Harlegi's bedroom, and used the recovered physical strength to launch 'smartness' Enter the stop mode and enter the bedroom in front of the door guard.

The large and luxurious bedrooms are still en suite. It doesn't even have a door, and the bedroom directly connects to a balcony and living room.

"Really luxurious!" Zhou Qingfeng walked silently on the carpet in the room. A servant was in the living room, a servant was kneeling in front of the bed, and both were gently pinched by Zhou Qingfeng's neck and aorta and passed out.

Harrighi, lying on the big bed, was unaware. Zhou Qingfeng drew a tube of acupuncture from his pocket, and then reached out and patted Harage's face, "Mr. Harage, wake up. Your last moment in life is here."

Harriet opened his eyes for a moment, but immediately saw a thriller. He saw a person who looked exactly like him sitting on the bed and smiled at him. He immediately exclaimed: "Who are you?"

Halage's voice was weak, because a strong arm was strangled around his neck.

"I'm you." Fake Haragi smiled, his smile and voice were exactly the same as Haragi.

"How is this possible?" Harrage tried hard to yell, but no matter how he struggled, his throat seemed to be pinched by the pliers and he couldn't move.

The fake Harlech was still laughing, making Harlech himself cold like a falling magic cave. The former also shook the needle tube in his hand, and said, "Mr. Hariji, how about a vomiting agent? I want to know all about you."

"No ... I'll give you everything you want, don't mess around!" Harrage struggled fiercely, dancing around. A sharp needle easily pierced his neck, and the medicament was injected into the blood vessel. After a while, he stopped moving, his body relaxed, his eyes were dull, like an idiot.

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