Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1233: Still cool!

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The confrontation between Zhou Qingfeng and Omar was only about a minute. When he stepped out of the execution room, the battle outside continued.

ISIS's soldiers resisted against the wall of the sturdy building, while the T-45D team outside was concerned about the safety of the hostages and Zhou Qingfeng, but could not let go. After all, Zhou Qingfeng's stealth was aimed at everyone, and the armored squad could not see him.

There were two extremists who had just been killed by a grenade in the execution room. Zhou Qingfeng first informed the current armored team on the radio of his current position, then picked up an AKM and started to fight from the inside out.

Omar chose a separate room on the second floor as the execution room, and Zhou Qingfeng stepped out of the room to a spacious courtyard. In front of him were seven or eight ISIS soldiers who were standing or squatting and firing outwards. The large caliber heavy machine guns obtained by these guys were still very threatening.

However, the advantage of invisibility is too great. Zhou Qingfeng's sudden short dots * accurate bullets hit the headshot. The Soviet-style 7.62mm rifle was quite powerful, even if it was wearing a helmet.

Several ISIS soldiers were firing while changing bullets, and they were fighting vigorously. But when Zhou Qingfeng emptied a magazine, the execution room was immediately emptied. This is tantamount to opening a gap in the enemy's defensive circle, and finally the armored soldiers outside have a safe passage to kill them.

The protagonist of the next battle is not Zhou Qingfeng. Abandoning all the jealous armored squads began to show their power. This group of special soldiers with super-defense, firepower and maneuver showed high killing efficiency.

The Russian helicopter did not stay away. When it was determined that the hostages were safe, the fleet began to return to hovering on the roof of the Omar stronghold to pick them up. Anyway, it was necessary to pick up those hostages who had appeared on media screens. This was a need for publicity. The operation was a success.

On the fleet, a field reporter from a rabbit's family took huge risks to shoot the war for the first time at close range. Although they did not broadcast it in real time, CCAV made a special report on the video captured on the scene when it reported that the Rabbit Special Forces rescued the Syrian hostages that day.

When the outside world wondered why it was not Russia's special squads involved in the operation? The Russian side stated that their special warfare personnel were busy, so they let the Chinese side go. In fact, this is the result of the discussion between Zhou Qingfeng and Xiao Jinlang-allowing the Chinese side to show its face and advertise to the Emperor.

This is really a big show, because ZSIS, the commander of ISIS, did the best job. When he learned that Omar's execution scene was captured by a special airborne force, the lunatic guy was unwilling to fail, and actually wanted to swallow a small number of special forces with a backhand blow.

The field reporter photographed the defensive battle of the T-45D armored squad from an aerial perspective. The latter must provide sufficient time and a safe environment for helicopters to take hostages. Faced with a flood of hundreds of ISIS extremists, they did not start well.

Zarqawi's idea is very simple. He has a lot of people, and all of them are not desperate. Even if you pay ten times the sacrifice, as long as you can swallow in the special team you entered, it will be a great victory, which can be a big victory in the world.

In order to strengthen the offensive, Zarqawi did everything he could. He quickly picked up his personnel with a pickup truck, launched attacks from all directions, and transferred the tank to try to launch an armored battle.

When the audience saw from the video that the ground was full of battles, gunfire surrounded the armored squad from all directions, and there were even tanks moving in the distance. Everyone thought that if they were surrounded like this, they would be afraid of their lambs being softened.

Russian helicopters can only provide limited ground support, and they themselves have to worry about not being stunned by ground anti-aircraft fire. Zarqawi is already in a resentful plan to seize intruders and burn them all.

When the enemy flame was the most arrogant, Zhou Qingfeng couldn't get in. He was also afraid of stray bullets flying to lose himself in. The armored team on the ground can only rely on itself. The captain of the team did not hold passively. Instead, he organized a three-man battle team to counterattack.

When the trio of T-45Ds rushed out to expand their control range, the most noticeable maneuverability of power armor was revealed. Through the shooting of the reporters in the field, the audience can clearly see the scene where they run across the wall and run wild.

Babu City is mostly low earth-walled houses that cannot withstand the impact of power armor at all. Often after the wall collapsed, three T-45Ds appeared behind the enemy, several rounds of fire attacked, and all the ISIS soldiers who came in were destroyed.

The flesh and blood were really smashed. Normal people can survive small and medium-caliber ammunition, but they can face tragedy with large-caliber ammunition. Rubbing and bumping will be dead, and there is nowhere to hide, ordinary earth walls can't stop it.

However, the exchange of fire on the battlefield became more and more fierce, and the surging ISIS elements even drove up with armored vehicles. These humble equipment looked ridiculous, but they were almost invincible in front of Syrian government forces.

ISIS armored vehicles were equipped with heavy machine guns or even machine guns, and fired muzzle flames for several meters. This power used to deal with infantry is simply invincible ~ www.readwn.com ~ invincible.

However, the several three-man combat groups that were killed still took advantage of their strong maneuverability. They could jump up and down and quickly move in the street fighting environment, so they would not face the heavy firepower.

An armored vehicle equipped with a 23-mm cannon crossed the intersection, and the cannon smacked smoke-stricken buildings hundreds of meters away. The extremists on the vehicle were shouting and shoving the loaded magazines into the cannon, and the firing pedal was almost never released.

The heavy firepower caused the armored vehicle to shake constantly, and when the extremists hit the sky, someone saw a T-45D approaching quickly, "left, left, kill that machine."

The muzzle of the machine gun was immediately turned. The gunners' extremists aimed at the position where T-45D had just disappeared. He thought to himself: the thick walls of these guns in the past can be broken, and the stupid heretics are useless .

Five rounds of bullets were plugged into the cannon for three or four times. After the fight, three or four houses in the opposite direction disappeared, all turned into ground debris. Several ISIS soldiers operating the cannon widened their eyes, hoping to see a broken humanoid machine.

However, the smoke and dust dissipated, and nothing was in the ground debris, but two other T-45Ds popped up behind this armored vehicle. One was on alert, the other was holding a PF89 light rocket launcher, and stunned a rocket at close range.

The armored vehicle carrying the cannon was bombed into the sky immediately, and the ISIS soldiers on the vehicle were blown up and scatter!

This tactical video attracted countless cheers when it was broadcast in China. It's really fun for young people, especially. In the past, I watched how the various battlefield videos of the US imperialists abused opponents. Today, it is easy to see that their family members are on the battlefield.

Still a word ..., cool!

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