Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1237: Chaos

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More than ten years ago, Mao Xiong suffered from being suppressed by western public opinion in the field of propaganda, and determined to establish an international media that can fight the BBC and CNN.

It succeeded, this is Russia Today!

Nowadays, 'RT' has achieved great success in publicity. Whether it's Europe or the United States, or anywhere else, it has already reached hundreds of millions of viewers. Its influence is increasing day by day.

And Mao Xiong opened such a TV station not just for entertaining the public, but his goal is to gain an advantage in the global information confrontation. They worked hard to improve the image of Russia, which naturally also includes the image of the Russian army and equipment.

The Iranian army supporting Syria has won in the battle against ISIS. This is the field news that must be reported. Especially in the Middle East, such technical battles as tank battles are rare, and Iran's victory is a rare material.

(I resolutely refuse to regard the Saudi Armored Forces' violent fighting by Yemeni guerrillas as tank battles. Those dregs have insulted the noble weapon such as tanks.

By the way, curse the United States General Dynamics, which sells parallel imports. The front of the tank turret, which should be the most defensive, was penetrated by the old AT-4. ‘Abrams’ will cry. )

Although the scale of the battle was not large, the two sides also invested less than 30 tanks in the exchange. The tactics are even more lacklustre, which is exactly the mode of lining up to shoot the target. But there are still many key issues.

But 'RT' for the sake of Russia, no more questions. Its host downplayed the destruction of his T-72, without even saying what tank was destroyed. Instead, he raised his nose and eyes to the VT-4 used by Iran.

In the news section of the English channel of 'RT', the so-called authoritative experts from the Russian army said to the camera, 'The rabbit once showed a very strong interest in our T-90S.

That was the only advanced tank in the world they could contact, so we wanted to visit our T-90S production line, but we refused.

Although we have sold the T-90S to the outside world, we will not easily export the T-90S to rabbits. Because once the rabbit has mastered the technical details of the T-90S, they will certainly copy it.

In fact, we know that the rabbit is very eager for our T-90S. They just produced mediocre equipment like the VT-4 because they couldn't build a tank like the T-90S.

Although the combined armoured forces of the Iraqi-Syrian coalition have obtained a good battlefield advantage in Babu, I am actually not optimistic about the current situation in Babu. "

Authoritative experts of the Russian army deliberately stopped and appetite stopped. The beautiful news hostess immediately asked with suspicion, "Israel-Syrian coalition forces are playing well today, why don't you look at them?"

The Russian authority thought: "Is it good to line up and shoot?" The Iranians have just learned how to drive tanks, and there is still a long way to go before they really understand combat. But I won't say that now.

Authoritatively continued: "Because in today's battle, we discovered that a lost T-90S of a Syrian government army appeared in the armored forces of ISIS.

This powerful tank is a threat that cannot be ignored. The Iranian tank forces did not pursue the ISIS armored forces immediately after gaining an advantage. The primary reason was the T-90S threat.

The victory during the day was actually a bit of a fluke. The T-90S didn't play. If it joins the battle, it will definitely cause heavy casualties to the Iraqi-Syrian coalition with its excellent performance.

It's too early to tell if Bab's Iraq-Syria coalition will win. I have to remind them, pay attention to T-90S, pay attention to T-90S, pay attention to T-90S, it will make victory miss you. "

Seeing such a stern warning from the authorities of the Russian army, the audience in front of the TV immediately felt that the tall and strong frame was erected. It sounds like ISIS still has some kind of big killer in its hands. Once it is used, it can definitely cause a major threat. Maybe it will come back.

When the hostess also expressed concern about the situation on the front line, she suddenly pressed on the earphones in her ear and listened for a while, then looked at the camera with a look of panic.

"According to the latest news, Babu's ISIS unit launched a night attack, and they dispatched all the tanks at hand, including the T-90S. This terrible tank did indeed play a huge role, and the Iraqi-Syrian coalition was in the process On the verge of collapse. "

Oh oh ... the audience's heart suddenly hung up.

And on the front line of Bab ...

The rumble of gunfire sounded in the night, and acrid smoke came from the cold wind. Zarqawi, who occupies half of the city, decides to go all-in, because he has been forced to the limit and cannot survive without letting go.

The live broadcast of the execution was disturbed, and instead of gaining immense power, Zarqawi became a touchstone for others to show their skills. The full-scale assault under the shame during the day did not benefit, but three precious tanks were knocked out, and more than 1,000 troops lost 20-30%.

You have to know that although ISIS has CIA support behind it, the CIA does not dare to directly support this loathsome terrorist organization, so ISIS's heavy equipment can only be captured on the battlefield. Originally, every time I fought with the government army, I could get benefits, but today I lost three T-72s ...

Zarqawi lost a quarter of his armor. He is so distressed!

Successive losses make Zarqawi a victory to inspire, otherwise he will be immediately replaced by more brutal people in an extinct organization like ISIS.

Now Zarqawi is sitting in a pickup truck to direct the battle. He puts all his hopes on a T-90S. The reason is very simple. Compared to the already underperforming ~ www.readwn.com ~, this main battle tank that was recently delivered by the Russian army to the Syrian government army is indeed more advanced.

The armor is thicker, the fire control is better, the main gun is more profitable, and the impacting T-90S will be a sharp spearhead, which is most suitable for launching armored battles.

In order to win, Zarqawi also thought hard. He ordered more T-72s to launch the attack first, but at the same time ordered T-90S to lead the team to detour sideways from the other side of the city.

Don't underestimate this simple change and tactical coordination. Terrorist organizations such as ISIS are the most tactical and often successful on the Middle East battlefield.

When the rumbling sound of the tank blasted, Zarqawi launched a collective charge with all his men. They followed the tank and shouted forward and forward. In order to make his courage stronger, Zarqawi even gave his men some stimulants from the CIA in advance.

When the night environment suddenly suffered two blows, when the thin bullets were flying around, and when contradictory or even wrong orders made people unable to adapt, the Iraqi-Syrian coalition forces in the south of Bab City quickly became difficult to cope.

In the dark, soldiers who lack training and night vision equipment often cannot find officers, and the sudden sound of gunfire and booming artillery has increased the confusion.

When the gunfire came together, Zhou Qingfeng, who had just had a full meal, immediately thought of going to meet his companions. However, a wave of Syrian soldiers rushed forward, and more than a hundred people stepped into chaos in front of Zhou Qingfeng, knocking him awkwardly.

In pushing and shoving, Zhou Qingfeng couldn't bear the talents of the sky. He found that his physical fitness was twice that of ordinary people. In this case, he couldn't resist the continuous impact. In order to avoid being knocked down and falling to the ground, he had to run along the flow of people.

This run is over ... it's all messy!

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