Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1244: Heart is higher than the sky

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Syria has become a pot of porridge. All five major United Nations hooligans are trapped inside, and even rabbits, who have always been trouble-free, have joined in for their own interests. In addition to the big hooligans, there are also many little hooligans who are trying to show their influence in them.

Such as Israel, such as Saudi Arabia, but also native chickens.

If you want to say how strong the chicken is, they have the second military power in the European Union. The Army and the Air Force are equipped with a large number of advanced weapons and equipment. They even want to build a fourth-generation machine. A cat and a dog jumped out of the machine.

Now the chickens want to completely solve the Kurdish problem in the south while Syria is extremely weak, and the feats it has done over the years are countless.

Shoot down the bear fighter, and surround the US military base. Ethiopia, however, has vowed to open the border and allow Syrian refugees to flood Europe, which offends Britain, France and Germany. Not to mention the fact that its diplomats in Southeast Asia facilitate the escape of East Turkistan, this is even more offensive to rabbits.

It is harder to find a country that offends all the great powers in the world. But do you know how hard people work for the dream of Greater Turkestan? People have never given up!

In order to actively intervene in the situation in Syria, the local chickens sent armored troops into northern Syria by using a signboard against ISIS. At the time of Zarqawi's headquarters, Zhou Qingfeng was frightened and fled, the sixteenth mechanized brigade of the native chicken came home and surrounded Babu.

The local chicken foreign ministry vows that the local chicken armored forces have taken control of this small town northeast of Aleppo, and the stubborn ISIS terrorists in the city are about to be eliminated.

At a press conference held in Istanbul, a Russian reporter stated that Babu no longer has ISIS terrorists, and that the Iraqi-Syrian coalition forces are occupying them. The Syrian government has also strongly protested the invasion of turkeys.

But ... but they are eggs.

The local chicken insisted that the resistance of ISIS terrorists in Babu City, and patted their **** to ensure that the powerful armored troops they sent would wipe out the terrorists. In order to show their achievements to the world, the native chickens even allowed reporters to report on the spot.

Oh ... the battlefield news these days is always attractive, and there are too many battlefield reporters who are not afraid of death!

The result was that the reporter, who was staying at the Russian military base in Latakia, quickly ran to Aleppo and then took a ride to Babu, 50 kilometers away. But Mustafa, the turkey armored commander in Bab, was furious with the news.

"Reporter? What do you want reporters to do?" Mustafa learned of the news during the frontline inspection. "Was it embarrassing to let reporters see us?"

Mustafa is located outside Bab's northern city. Three destroyed tanks of various attitudes are parked on the road just two kilometers in front of him. That was the M60T of the 16th Mechanized Brigade.

The M60T of the Rooster was eliminated by the U.S. military and then improved by the Israelis. It was equipped with a 120 mm smoothbore gun and the fire control system was upgraded.

It is said that this tank is not bad, but before the troops arrived in Babu, they were knocked out by the anti-armor fire in the city. The ridiculous thing is that the battalion's pilot company suffered such a heavy loss, but they didn't even know who it was.

What made Mustafa most angry was that from arriving last night outside Bab City to dawn the next day, the entire Sixteen Mechanized Brigade actually squatted outside the city and did not dare to enter. The reason given by the officer was that the situation in the city was unknown, and he did not dare to enter to avoid greater losses.

"Kemal's face will be lost to you as idiots." Mustafa immediately ordered the arrest of junior officers with poor command and reorganized the army to attack. As a result, as soon as the battle began, the military police in the army asked him to wait for reporters to come.

"Our Excellency the President wants to show the strength of the country with a beautiful victory." The gendarmerie said to Mustafa in a proud gesture.

This remark drove Mustafa's anger. An attempted military coup took place not long ago. After the coup d'etat, the Sudan has cleansed the army. Half of the senior officers of the PLA army were dismissed, and more than 7,000 military personnel were investigated and arrested.

Did the cleaned-up army's combat power explode under the guidance of God? Uh ... look at the consequences of Stalin's cleaning of the Soviet Red Army before World War II. All the officers with brains were arrested, and the rest only got promoted because they believed in God.

Mustafa is already one of the few generals in the army who knows how to fight and control military power. He knows that if he does not follow the 'request' of the gendarmerie, he will probably be immediately dismissed and detained for investigation.

At this moment, Mustafa could only explain a few words in a low voice, "There are still resistance people in Bab City, we can't wait too long."

"We know that your sixteenth mechanized brigade has suffered some setbacks, but as far as we know there are not many resistance personnel." The gendarmerie also saw three destroyed M60Ts on the road outside the city. They said lightly: "We will arrange reporters to the south During the interview, these tanks hope to clear up as soon as possible. "

"By the way, I hope to see my most elite troops enter the city neatly ~ www.readwn.com ~ This is to show the whole world, I hope the battle is beautiful." The gendarmerie said before leaving.

Mustafa nodded, what could he do? Can only promise.

At the other end, journalists from Aleppo traveled to Bab by various means of transport. John of the United Kingdom and Charlie of France once again partnered. The two just interviewed the angry Iranian-Syrian coalition, which said that the chickens and ISIS joined forces to launch an attack on them.

"Charlie, do you believe that the soldiers of the Rooster and ISIS joined forces to drive the Iraqi-Syrian forces out of Babu?" John asked his companion in a pickup truck.

"Oh ..." Charlie shook his head and said, "I don't believe anyone, I only believe what I see. But the turkey has been buying oil extracted by ISIS and providing weapons to ISIS. This is public. Secret. It's no accident that the two sides joined forces. "

The situation in Syria is so complicated that there are completely different friends and enemies on either side. However, in the chat, John and Charlie also paid attention to other reporters in the same car. They were newcomers from the flower planters.

"Rabbit's tentacles are really extended now. It is said that they are going to report the actual performance of the VT-4 tanks sold to Syria. But they are disappointed. There is nothing bright about the VT-4."

"Actually, I hope to see the VT-4 equipped by the Iraqi-Syrian coalition against the 'Leopard II' NG of the turkey. We must know that 'Leopard II' is hailed as the best main battle tank in the world, and it will definitely get one side The result of the war. "

Hahaha ...!

The two reporters still took the high profile of the Western media, and took a negative and contemptuous attitude towards everything the flower growers had. They whispered and looked around, all of a sudden they looked out the window and exclaimed: "Oh my God! I just saw a dog running fast!"

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