Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1253: confidence

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Aleppo, Iraqi-Syrian Army Barracks.

Senior officials are now gathering in the closely guarded barracks, not only the attention of the Syrian government. Iran ’s Chief of General Staff Baghri personally led the team to take the plane, just to see for himself the VT-4 tank that created the miracle.

As a regional power, Iran's strength has been ignored by the world. This is a modern green religion country with relatively complete industrial capabilities, relatively complete military forces, and a complete regime system.

Although Iran is always two to three generations behind the world's advanced level, it is like a rabbit before reform and opening up. It looks bad, but the foundation is still there. To ask who is the strongest among the green religion nations, Saudi Arabia is just eating and waiting to die, inserting labels and selling first. The true king is definitely Iran!

Although this unlucky child has been ecstatic for decades after being blocked by the United States, his ambition is still not small. However, in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and Syria, all of which were defeated by the United States, Iran also felt a great threat.

Who knew the Yankee's bomb had been dropped that day? If you want to save your life, strengthen your armaments and find a backing, Iran's only option.

And these two countries that can really provide Iran with advanced weapons these years are either bears or rabbits. In the past, Iran was close to the bears, but now the bears are also curiously poor, the technical level is slowly out of touch, and the gap is getting wider and wider with the mainstream of the world.

Then it seems that it can only be found in these two or three decades of rabbits.

But it is not black, and the black-bellied rabbit also has a black history in arms sales. It has done some innocent things in the back. Moreover, the arms sold by rabbits have always given the bad impression that although the price is cheap, the quality is not high. The Iranians were not too confident about this ... until the tank battle in Bab.

This is simply an amazing battle, letting the world's performance on Chinese weapons jump from one extreme to the other!

The VT-4 driving team showed amazing wisdom and courage, and the VT-4 tank itself has withstood the test. It has been repeatedly hit in actual combat but maintains a strong combat effectiveness.

"This tank is really good!" Accompanied by the attaché, the Chief of Staff of Bagheri saw the hero tank parked in the humble repair shed. He was surrounded by two standing tankers, who had experienced the tank battle in Bab City.

If anyone questioned the performance of VT-4 in the past, now you can shut up in the face of actual combat situations. There were bullet marks on the VT-4 in front of the Chief of Staff of Bagheri. The turret was hit multiple times on the front of the car. Every bullet mark is startling.

But none of the bullet marks penetrated the armor. Whether it is passive armor or active defense hard kill grenades, the reliability is very reliable!

Correspondingly, according to Zhang Shixin's live shooting at the time, and the investigation of Babu City by the Russian military reconnaissance aircraft afterwards, even the blameless internal accountability of the soil chicken army. All circumstances indicate that this invincible VT-4 destroyed no fewer than forty armored vehicles before and after.

These included eighteen tanks. ISIS had five T-72s and one T-90S was destroyed. There are four ‘Leopard NG ’s and eight M-60Ts.

One of the tanks abandoned by ISIS was dragged back by the Iraqi-Syrian coalition. From the view of the damage of the artillery shells, the new armor-piercing shells used by VT-4 are currently the best in the foreign trade market of arms. It can even penetrate ‘Leopard II NG’ directly,

The value of these destroyed tanks alone is tens of millions of dollars, and the follow-up effects in combat are even more incalculable.

Western media and the VT-4 crisis are beginning to be rendered. This is like the 'Tiger Crisis' under the head of the World War II. The opponents were defeated and there was no fighting back.

Now even if it is 'Abrams', he can't say that he can single out with VT-4. 'Leclerc' is guilty and 'Challenger 2' retreats. No other ‘T-90S’ or ‘Meika’ is going to be on the table, because the VT-4 ’s record is too bad.

In the past international arms market, German 'Leopard II' series tanks have always been a sought-after product. Even if its price is twice as expensive as other main battle tanks, some people still can't bear it.

But now the performance of 'Leopard II NG' in actual combat is too disappointing, although Western media has pushed the responsibility to the preset ambush of the VT-4 vehicle group and the low quality of the pheasant armored troops, but 'Leopard II' Its performance has also been labeled with suspicion.

At least the native chickens do not think that the failure of this battle is entirely the fault of their own tank soldiers. They believe that the enemy is too cunning and the German tanks are performing poorly. But in any case, the native chicken is also very envious of the powerful performance of VT-4 in combat.

With the approval of the enemy, the favor of friends, and the record against the sky, the VT-4 was completely fired!

The Syrian government decided to grit its teeth again to buy 50 VT-4s, and even to support the operation, it added another 200 VN-1 series armored vehicles.

It is said that Northern Industries is lobbying Syria to buy more army equipment. They can provide one-stop service and even help in financing.

But Syria stated that it had no money, but wanted to refer to Russia's treatment in Latakia and give rabbits a port in the Mediterranean to facilitate the 'Belt and Road'!

It is said that the rabbit is thinking about it.

With the excellent performance of the Bab City tank battle, Thailand, which had previously purchased VT-4, simply gave the North Korean industry a contract for a follow-up of 100 main battle tanks and more than 700 armored vehicles ~ www.readwn.com We must know that in Southeast Asia, which we think is calm, Thailand also faces certain national defense pressure, and its relationship with Myanmar is not very good. Very worried that the poor ghosts in the northwest attacked themselves suddenly.

As the big one in the big order, Saudi Arabia finally decided on the replacement of its own armored forces ... or the thicker thigh of Eagle Sauce. After General Dynamics said that it could provide a substantial upgrade of 'Abrams', they decided to subdue.

But VT-4 looks very good, and rabbits don't look good. In order to be more secure, it seems that the protection fee cannot be reduced!

Saudi Arabia has decided to pay for hundreds of VT-4s and corresponding armored vehicles. The arms will be given to Iraq ’s good brother, a sect. Big local dogs are so rich and willful, no one can match them!

As a super big order in the big order, Iran seriously considers moving closer to the rabbit from a political level. People are trying to introduce a complete Chinese and Imperial combat system. This is a super order that includes the three forces of the sea, land and air and is worth at least hundreds of billions of dollars and will last for one or two decades.

Rabbit is also very interested in this matter!

Iran is relatively poor, but people have oil, minerals and markets!

Build a nuclear power plant and repair the road. Railroads open up mining areas and ports, making resources easy to dig and sell! When it comes to construction, leave it to the rabbit, China Railway, China Railway Construction, China Communications Construction, and China Power Construction. We are the best at repairing the earth.

No money? No money to borrow!

Or block a port!

Isn't Rabbit doing the Asian Investment Bank to do this?

As long as the market is opened, what kind of steel, cement, appliances, communications, etc. will be allowed to make rabbit homes with various overcapacities, and all kinds of goods can be sold to Iran's nearly 100 million people. What's hard to say?

This is all the confidence brought by a miraculous battle!

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