Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1274: me!

When Zhou Qingfeng murdered in the manor, the owner of the manor had left. His Royal Highness The Crown Prince Hammandan would not live in a messy place, he had some luxury villas to stay in.

On the way out of the private estate, His Royal Highness made a few phone calls to solve some official communication problems. After all, there are still hundreds of guests under house arrest in his estate, and many of them are not small.

After soothing the phone call, I also gave several instructions to let some important people leave. The Crown Prince of Hamantan quietly thought about the series of events tonight, and felt that it was really bad luck. Can't the rich and the enemy nations do what they want? But before he sighed, an urgent phone call came over.

"Hi lord, we are dead again in our manor, and many are dead." A deputy butler of the crown prince was crying, his voice was scattered with disintegration. "Now the wireless communication of the entire manor is interrupted. Call from a wired phone. "

"What? I just contacted you just now. Why did something suddenly happen again?" The crown prince was very Mongolian. "Where are the security personnel? What about the veterans I paid for?"

"The dead were the mercenaries, and a few servants, the corpses of a room, blood on the walls, the floor, the tables and chairs. Those people died terribly. Only two maids were alive in the room, but They woke up and were scared to death, saying nothing. "

"The dead are looking for those security personnel. What does the monitor show? Who did it?" The Crown Prince was extremely angry at the beginning and rebuked. But his deputy butler didn't know what he was asking.

"Damn it." Crown Prince Hamantan hung up the phone angrily, and instead contacted the police in Dubai, asking to send someone to his estate immediately to maintain order. The police asked what was happening. He only said that the person was dead and had to send more staff, but asked not to make too much noise.

The call was hung up, and the Crown Prince Hamandan had not realized the seriousness of the problem. He was still escorted to the next villa by a bodyguard in the car. At most, he could contact the security personnel in the manor to ask the specific situation.

Within a few minutes, the security at the manor was not contacted, and another emergency call came. This call turned out to be a VIP invited to a dinner party.

"His Royal Highness, your manor is at war, and this place is going to hell. I'm running away barefoot to call you now, and you will find a way to mobilize the army to suppress it." The VIP said anxiously, with the queen Nervous for the rest of my life.

"War?" His Royal Highness said heartily: Are you kidding me, how could there be war in my estate? He could only comfort and said that he would send someone to find each other and make proper arrangements. As for problems in the estate, security personnel will deal with them.

But before the crown prince had finished speaking, the VIP who called the phone interrupted with excitement: "Don't count on your security personnel, they are being slaughtered, and those are the ones who died. I heard fierce gunshots and saw full The corpses on the ground are full of blood. War, understand? Really war? "

The calling VIP had dropped the phone after saying a few words, and Crown Prince Hamandan could even hear the other party's footsteps running away in panic in his mobile phone.

What the **** is this?

Several similar alarm calls followed to the crown prince's cell phone, all describing a brutal and **** massacre being staged inside the manor house. The number of deaths has rapidly increased from a dozen to hundreds or even thousands in people's mouths. In short, it is a panic.

The radio connection in the manor could not be reached. The phone calls made by everyone were either wired or made after fleeing.

Finally, the crown prince finally received a call from a mercenary, and the other side said, "Someone attacked us and at least 50 people died. Now there is still crossfire in the manor house and the fighting is continuing. We need support and dispatch quickly The army comes. "

The words of the professional soldiers were clearer, but the crown prince was numb after listening. The buzzing noise in his mind makes it difficult to understand what is happening in his estate.

A tragic war? Huge casualties? A heavy loss?

Isn't someone trying to assassinate me?

How come so many things happened?

What the **** did I provoke!

In the manor, when Zhou Qingfeng took Valena out of the operating room, the medical staff outside did not even run. When they saw the **** killing of the demons, they couldn't help but stand against the wall, but they saw Valena wrapped in a white coat, which was almost like a miracle.

"Be careful not to run around." Zhou Qingfeng didn't plan to embarrass these doctors and nurses, he threw a word coldly, turned around and walked with a staggering pace.

But the surgeon who was still performing surgery on Valena was not afraid of death. He shouted, "How did you do that? The injured person would never be able to move freely, and her physical damage was extremely serious. , Even stimulants. "

Valena missed several shots, and although she was hit by a less powerful pistol, she was very badly injured. It took the doctor a long time to pull her back from the death line, and she should be fed into icu for a few days as a matter of common sense. How could it be so fast to grab the gun so fast?

"There are always things in this world that are beyond imagination." Zhou Qingfeng casually stunned and strode away from the medical department. As he came downstairs, he asked Varenna casually, "How can you be so miserable?"

"It was all done by you." Valena's severe injuries were slightly healed, and her breath was not smooth. She scolded fiercely, "If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have been as bad as I am now."

The violent female bear made things as clear and concise as possible. In a few words, it was Zhou Qingfeng who lost the face of Boss's boss in Palmyra, and the Ministry of the Interior was ordered to investigate. But how can this be investigated clearly? So Valina, who was closest to Zhou Qingfeng, became a scapegoat.

Mr. Pu may not have thought of punishing Valena, but the people below are often extremely extreme. Valena is well aware of the many inside stories of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. She doesn't want to be killed for some reason, so she can only escape.

It is also difficult for a person like Valina to escape. She had to find a big backer to survive, and she wanted to go to her to rule out the idea of ​​going to the western world. She wanted to find Zhou Qingfeng.

Because Zhou Qingfeng did everything possible to settle the little girl rescued in Palmyra, Valena felt that he was not a strange and elusive cold-blooded agent, but had a sense of justice. It is better to trust him than to others.

Then to seek asylum with Zhou Qingfeng, bringing the poor is the best choice ~ www.readwn.com ~ But when Valena went to find the poor, but the poor little girl was found in the refugee camp by Syria The officials sold it.

The buyer is a big dog in the Middle East. The green lords particularly like young girls. Similar transactions are very common in war-torn areas. Valena had no choice but to chase it all the way down, and eventually chased the estate of Crown Prince Hammandan of the UAE.

Valina, who had been unlucky at home, was abandoned by her motherland. It was difficult to return to her home. She had injuries and had not been treated. Finally, she was arrested by a group of mercenaries.

"Well, you can laugh. That's why I'm in the situation. Sooner or later I'll find revenge on those **** mercenaries." Valena said with remorse, if not for her single-handed combat, as in No one will be bullied by a group of Xiaoxiao.

"Mercenary of the manor?" Zhou Qingfeng walked to the exit of the medical department, pushed the door with both hands and went out. "I don't think you really need to bother with those mercenaries anymore, they are almost dead."

Valina followed Zhou Qingfeng and saw that most of the manor outside was dark. The power supply was disrupted, the radio was interrupted, and especially a strong attack, but there were multiple fires throughout the manor, and the burning flames looked particularly enchanting at night.

The ground was broken, the trees fell, the building collapsed, and the desert manor that was costly to build was almost as if it had been smashed by a meteorite. There were scattered scenes everywhere.

In these scenes, stumps and broken arms are everywhere, and the fallen corpse is presented in various twisted postures, as if a horror film is being performed.

In the distance, there were all kinds of crying and shouting. The fire-fighting vehicles screamed one after another. The shadows flickered in the fire, like the last days.

"What the **** is going on?" Valina was dumbfounded. "Who did this?"

"Oh!" Zhou Qingfeng was proud of himself.

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