Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1277: I still want!

Before Charlize woke up, Zhou Qingfeng and Valena sneaked in from the balcony of the room. The reason he chose Charlize's room was because Uncle Zhou entered Charlize's room last night after the dinner. Now he doesn't even know where his room is?

Zhou Qingfeng is going to find Xiao poor, but he must clean himself up before that. After all, he killed too many people, making him covered in blood, and the optical camouflage had failed. And the same Valina has to change clothes, and her condition is no better than Zhou Qingfeng.

The two sneaked into the bathroom and undressed by accident. They are all children of the battlefield. Valena is the easiest, just take off the **** white coat.

The shower in the bathroom spouted water, rushing a lot of black or red blood from Valena. She calmly examined her body in the bathroom mirror, and sighed in surprise after a while: "The medicine you gave me is amazing, and my wound is almost healed."

Treatment is effective for injuries such as internal bleeding, muscle damage, and broken bones. Valena was shot several times, the wound was cleared by the doctor, and the injection needle was only more than half an hour.

But it was more than half an hour, the pink tender meat had grown on the wound, and I believe that it won't take long to recover as usual, and even a scar will not remain. This medicinal effect definitely belongs to every soldier on the battlefield.

"Your China's military emergency medicine has advanced to such an extent?" Valina silently exclaimed the wound on her chest, which made her feel a little sick of the **** restraint ring around her neck, at least she had a big backing.

"I'm not a government person, I can only count on cooperating with the government. I will tell you the specific situation in the future. Now as long as you know, I am a lawless person, and no one can bother to deal with it."

Zhou Qingfeng helped Valena to check the injuries on her back. She also had tender meat and healed very quickly. "Your injury should basically recover within 24 hours, but you should eat more protein during this period. Food, such as meat, milk. This is good for your body. "

Touching Valina's back, Zhou Qingfeng had to sigh that the girl was really talented and very strong. She has not been strengthened with any drugs, but her physical quality is almost the same as that of Zhou Qingfeng, who is twice as ordinary. This must be hard work.

Valina's skin is not so smooth, and she does not feel as delicate as ordinary women. On the other hand, her skin is particularly firm and elastic. At this point, only Caterina who has eaten ntz49 can compare with it, and it has a unique feeling to the touch.

Below the waist, Valina also does not have the beautiful women's hips, and the hips are not arc-shaped. Zhou Qingfeng touched the other person's buttocks with his hand, and felt it almost as if he was pinching a stone. But visually, the **** is very big!

Zhou Qingfeng has almost no immunity to women who have **** and buttocks, and Valena is a special type of **** and buttocks, a type he has never seen and experienced. He also had intimate behavior with Katrina, who was also a tough girl, but Katrina's muscles would not be so hard.

"What are you doing?" Valina asked, as she showered her head. She saw Zhou Qingfeng also undressed and stood behind her, only when the other party was examining her injuries, but she had no injuries on her buttocks.

Zhou Qingfeng's eyes continued to move downward. Valena's height is one meter nine, which is quite tall, half a head taller than him. Such a height naturally has a pair of long legs, but Valena's long legs do not feel a little slender, but strong.

Although Valina does not have bulging to ugly muscle groups like bodybuilders, ordinary men are afraid to shrink their eggs when they see such women.

"Help me rub my back and wash it clean." Valena handed over a towel. Zhou Qingfeng scrubbed by the water flowing from her back, but he rubbed and rubbed his body. In the process of swinging, some disobedient guy was shaking back and forth.

In the process of unknowingly shaking, a disobedient guy can still poke Valina's **** from time to time. Several times back and forth, Valina, who had been holding the wall with her hands, suddenly shakes her hand and scratches backwards, and a hard toy falls into her hands.

The key is grasped instantly, or it is congested.

Valena turned her head and glanced at her. Zhou Qingfeng was also embarrassed. He wanted to ridicule for a while or two, but Valina asked in confusion: "You ... have **** with me?"

Valina's voice is a relatively neutral tone. Although there is no flattery of ordinary women, it is not the husky of a man-in-law. But now this rational voice has a different taste.

"Uh ..." Zhou Qingfeng heard her question, but only opened her mouth and thought quickly how to answer. He didn't want to have anything with Valena, but he took off his clothes but now he didn't seem to know enough about the woman.

"I'm just a normal physiological reaction when men see women's bodies." Zhou Qingfeng looked down at the key points he was caught, and said quietly: "Trouble you, let go, okay?"

But Valena did not let go.

"I have never liked boys since I was a child, because I have grown taller and stronger than them, and I have never lost a fight." Valina put herself behind her head, and Zhou Qingfeng looked at it closely. This woman's face is pretty, not as hard as she thought.

The point is that the woman turned around while talking, and a pair of odd rulers hit Zhou Qingfeng's chest. The two heavy groups had almost g cups. He could even feel the two bumps rubbing back and forth and slowly hardening.

Wait ... what does this woman want?

Zhou Qingfeng wanted to take a step back, but Valena took him by the key and pulled him back, for which he had to obey.

Valena continued: "I am even stronger after joining the army, and often train with the male soldiers. Fight with them, drink with them, and act with them, but that man has never dared to harden in front of me. Those unlucky guys are always being I lie down, they never consider me a woman. "

Valina stepped forward, almost pressing Zhou Qingfeng against the bathroom wall. The two bodies clung tightly to each other. She lowered her head and pressed Zhou Qingfeng's forehead and whispered, "Victor, you are strong. Aren't you going to be my master? Shouldn't it meet some of my physiological needs? ? "

"What physiological needs do you mean?" Zhou Qingfeng pretended to be stupid. He never thought that he would have such a passive day with women.

"Do you want other men to satisfy me?" Valena asked, raising her leg against the wall behind Zhou Qingfeng's shoulder, biting her lip and saying, "I have good physical strength and flexibility. Well, you ca n’t choose your body, or should you try it yourself? "

Performing the action of raising a horse with a high leg, Valina grabbed Zhou Qingfeng's weapon in her hand and voluntarily thrust herself into her lower body. At the moment Dulong entered the cave, Zhou Qingfeng couldn't help a waist, and Valena pressed down. Both of them were humming together ~ www.readwn.com ~.

After Valena hummed, her face was soothing, as if the flood that had accumulated for many years was flooding. "Victor, you are more than those fake **** toys. You make me feel like a woman at last."

After Zhou Qingfeng hummed, it was a look of surprise, as if the battlefield Titans had encountered his opponent for many years, "Varina, you are too tight, don't try to force the muscles below."

Five minutes later, Valena gasped and fell in Zhou Qingfeng's arms and asked, "Are I too sensitive? I just had a blank head, and my body couldn't help shaking."

"It doesn't matter, it will always be more sensitive for the first time. It will be better in the future." Zhou Qingfeng comforted and thought to herself: This girl is tight and hot, and has plenty of water. Fortunately, her excitement was low, otherwise I would not be able to carry it.

"So let's change our posture and start a second time."

"You don't need to rest?"

"I said I was very physically fit."

Changing postures and fighting for another five minutes, this time Valina seemed to break the imprisonment and found a new world. She gasped and said cheerfully: "Victor, I really regret not having to get in touch with you earlier."

"It doesn't matter, you have to follow me in the future, I can definitely satisfy you." Zhou Qingfeng is still bragging, not the man who is not bragging at this time.

"Then let's start the third time, this time I allow you to be with me."


"Isn't it? Although I'm low-sensitivity, I'm not enough yet, I want it."

Things seem a little bad.

Third time, fourth time, fifth time ...!

Valina is going to be hilarious for up to five minutes at a time, but every time Zhou Qingfeng must go all out to persist. When Charlize rushed in at the end, he was lamenting in his heart: Valena's physical fitness is so good, this girl is just a juicer.

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