Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1289: Gun lying iran

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Lost an F-22, which instantly struck the G spot of Eagle Sauce. The news came back to the United States, and the Eagle Sauce Department of Defense immediately demanded that the F-22 be shot down at all costs. There is nothing negotiable about this matter, and it must not be allowed to fly away.

Several F-22s took off at Zafra Air Force Base in the UAE in a split second and hurriedly chased them out. As the base also took off from the E-3 early warning aircraft to assist in combat, the F-22 hijacked the hijacked F-22 firmly.

Similarly, Zhou Qingfeng needs to use airborne GPS navigation to determine his location. And the US military also easily used the relevant positioning information to determine where the hijacked F-22 had flown?

I did n’t know the result, but I was surprised!

Uncle Zhou drove the super fighter to climb quickly, and entered a supersonic cruise state of Mach 1.5, soaring in the sky. He pierced his head to the east.

What's east of the UAE?

Persian Gulf.

The Persian Gulf was so narrow that it flew through in a single breath.

Then continue east ...

It's Iran!

Opponent Iran!

The "mad dog" Minister of the Treasure Sauce of the Ministry of Defense was really angry when he heard the news. The United States and Iran have been rivals for so many years, and the 27 fighter squadrons deployed in the UAE have been a killer to deter Iran.

As a result, a super fighter flew to Iran in one breath. The Minister of Mad Dogs immediately clamored to give Iran a look. "This is definitely an action planned by Iran. It is a provocation against the United States of America. We should immediately fight back. , Counterattack, counterattack! "

At a time, several fighter squadrons deployed in the Middle East and Central Asia continued to take off. Even US aircraft carriers sailing in the Arabian Sea hurriedly took off and rushed to Iran, forming an aggressive siege.

Iran ’s air defense forces lag behind, and radar detection of some third-generation aircraft without stealth capabilities is still possible. The result is that — evil, the wicked Americans, after provoking the Syrian war, really pointed their finger at us. They wanted our life!

The radar was activated, the fighter took off, and anti-aircraft artillery and anti-aircraft missiles were hurriedly in place. Iran was so scared that his liver hurt, but in the end he received an angry roar from Eagle Sauce-quickly return our fighter!


Facing the aggressive situation of Eagle Sauce, Iran was aggressive on the spot-we did not take any of your fighters!

This meow is definitely an excuse for war, just like Powell took the tube of washing powder in his hand, which was an excuse for invading us properly!

We will never give in!

The Iranian military urgently issued a national mobilization, vowing to fight the invaders to the end!

However, there are eggs for it. The three generations of Eagle sauce are hovering outside the anti-aircraft fire, and the electronic fighter aircraft paralyzed the entire Iranian communication as soon as it was fired. All the planes in the sky were blindfolded, and there were not a few radars on the ground that could work normally. The troops across the country did not have a unified command, and they were completely out of order.

Several invisible F-22s chased Zhou Qingfeng into Iran's airspace, as if in no one's realm. They received the position information from the early-warning machine through the data link, but they chased the adversary before them and disappeared suddenly.

"The hijacked fighter turned off the GPS navigation system, and we couldn't track it." On the E-3 early warning aircraft at the rear, the commanding officer sent a message in the data link. "You use photodetectors to search for targets."

Whether it is E-3 or F-22's radar, it seems quite inadequate to detect the stealth-capable F-22. On the other hand, airborne photodetectors can find targets within 50 to 60 kilometers.

With its stealthy and supersonic cruise capabilities, the F-22 is so powerful because it has these overwhelming tactical advantages. Now the hijacked F-22 turns off GPS navigation, turns off foe and foe identification, and the radar is silent, making it difficult for others to find it.

You must know that the Mibo radar that can detect stealth fighters is not only poor in accuracy and cannot be used for fire control guidance, it is also clumsy and heavy, and it is difficult to maneuver, and it cannot be equipped on an aircraft.

Four F-22s that had penetrated Iranian airspace had to turn on photodetectors in a fan formation to scan, hoping to find Zhou Qingfeng who was hiding. But to be honest, Zhou Qingfeng flew a dozen minutes earlier than them, and had already flew dozens of kilometers away. Finding a needle was as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack.

This situation caused the entire fleet responsible for hunting and killing Zhou Qingfeng to burst his scalp. Now he can really appreciate the power of an F-22. I just didn't expect that the first person to suffer was actually the US military itself.

The "mad dog" Minister of the Treasury Defense Ministry can't help but be big at the moment. Iran is surrounded by Afghanistan and the Middle East on both sides, but it has a huge land area. If this hijacked F-22 immediately landed and then hid, where would you go to find it?

To make matters worse, if this F-22 flies north, crossing the Caspian Sea will be a bear territory. If you go east across Afghanistan or Pakistan, it is a rabbit territory. The consequences are terrible ... and it might as well let this fighter plane fall into the hands of the Iranians.

"Say everything down!" All the Mad Minister can do is find a way to send more fighters into Iranian airspace. They will look for the disappearing F-22 under the shielding and protection of electronic fighters. As for the consequences ... What consequences does a strong country bully a weak country care about?

Hundreds of fighter planes flew to Iran at one time, and Iran, which had been mobilized nationwide but was suppressed by all means, was desperate, really desperate!

Iran's armament has fallen behind the world for decades, and the most advanced fighter aircraft was the F-14 from the Americans. But after many years of sewing and repairing it, the Tomcats that lacked spare parts have become `` dead cats ''.

And Iran ’s air defense system was even blind. After being disturbed, it had no response to the US warplanes roaring in the sky. It's okay to be stung, it's really miserable to be ignored! Your own home becomes someone else's back garden. You want to come and you want to leave. How humiliating?

The fighters of the United States found nowhere to find their targets ~ www.readwn.com ~ They calculated the range of the hijacked F-22, and plotted the maximum possible flight distance. No one was born or dead.

At this time, the furry bears in Syria are the most nervous. It is no less than an unresponsive Iran. An A-50U early-warning aircraft was launched in an emergency, and several Su-35 fighters took off. The Kremlin's general boss thought that the Hawks would lift the table after the collapse of Syria.

Mao Xiong's diplomats solemnly stated in the international community that big nations must also respect the sovereignty of other nations and that no strong nation is allowed to bully weak nations. Mr. Pu even called Mr. Donald in person-what do you want? We absolutely do not allow you to change the status quo in Iran.

The Americans are now ruthless in their hearts, and before they die, they have to solve the problem of hijacked fighters first. They even let expensive reconnaissance satellites maneuver, just staring at Iran's sky for the sake of looking for the invisible F-22.

It's just that I can't find it, but Iran has already accused the United States of aggression in the international community and said that it has been attacked by US fighter planes.

The eagle sauce is so big-obviously you stole our fighter and return it to me, otherwise it will be war.

Iran is being forced to life and death-how can we steal your fighter? Obviously you are looking for an excuse to invade us. You have even blown up our two radar stations surrounding the capital.

Nonsense, we are still very restrained. As long as the fighter is returned, we will evacuate your airspace.

Obviously your invasion, we have found the wreckage of the 'Jadam' bomb, and you still want to quibble!

The drool war between the United States and Iran lasted for a long time. In the end, Eagle Sauce who could not find the hijacked fighter could only withdraw his air force from Iran. The thief eagle thought after a long time ... It seemed that he was overcast again!

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